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JAVA HELP -- concurrency: building an elevator system, need to create Elevator, Button, ElevatorController classes and implement methods: elevator : getFloor -- public final int

JAVA HELP -- concurrency: building an elevator system, need to create Elevator, Button, ElevatorController classes and implement methods:


getFloor -- public final int getFloor()

isMoving --public final boolean isMoving()

run --public final void run()

This run() method will: 1. move the elevator up or down towards the targetFloor. 2. check if shouldPickUp() if yes, it will call pickUp() 3. check if shouldOffload() if yes, it will call offload() 4. repeat

Specified by:run in interface java.lang.Runnable

validateFloor --private final void validateFloor(int oldFloor)

delay --private final void delay()

toString --public final java.lang.String toString()

Overrides: toString in class java.lang.Object

hail --public abstract void hail(int floor, Provided.Person p) throws Provided.OccupiedException

Should start the elevator moving in the direction of 'floor'. The Person that pressed the button and hailed the elevator is passed in as Person 'p' and should be saved in the passenger field.


floor - where the elevator should go

p - the person that hailed the elevator


Provided.OccupiedException - if hailed but not available


public abstract void start()--Construct and start the thread running this elevator. 

You must the provided 'thread' field.

isAvailable -- public abstract boolean isAvailable()

Returns: true if the elevator is available to be hailed

pickUp -- protected abstract void pickUp()

Make sure to call 'p's board method. Elevator should start moving towards passenger's destination.

shouldPickUp -- protected abstract boolean shouldPickUp()


true if the elevator should open its doors and pick up 'passenger'

offload -- protected abstract void offload()

Make sure to call the passenger's exit method

shouldOffload -- protected abstract boolean shouldOffload()

Returns:true if the elevator can offload its passenger


Method Detail


public final void setElevators(java.util.Set elevators)


public final void start()


public void request(int floor, Provided.Person p)

Should be called by the Buttons. It is up for the controller's run() method to dequeue the floor and person queues. This method is non-final, so you may override it if you like.


floor - the floor that requested the elevator

p - the person that requested the elevator


public final void printState()

Prints the state of the elevator system for debugging. You do not need to worry about this code


public abstract void run()

Wait for pressed buttons and available elevators by calling 'await' on the two corresponding Condition objects. When possible, assign an Elevator to a waiting person by calling Elevator's 'hail' method. You should not just periodically check for pushed buttons and available elevators; you must use the conditions' await methods.

Specified by:

run in interface java.lang.Runnable


Method Detail


public final void start()


public final void run()

Specified by:

run in interface java.lang.Runnable


public final java.lang.String toString()


toString in class java.lang.Object


protected abstract void press(Provided.Person p)

Called when the button is pressed. Make sure to notify the controller by calling request() The Person parameter is constructed and passed in by the provided code and is used to verify that your system works, so you must make sure not to loose the reference to it. It should be passed to the controller through the request method, and it should then be passed to the Elevator through the hail method. This way, the Elevators can call 'board' and 'exit' on the provided Person objects, thereby passing the tests.


p, - the person that pressed the button.

import java.util.HashSet;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.Queue;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Set;

import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;

import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

* Defined below are several abstract classes that define the backbone of an

* elevator system. You are to extend these abstract classes, implementing

* the abstract methods such that all the Persons are delivered safely to their

* destination floors.


* Start by making classes that will extend the abstract classes here. Your classes

* should be called:

* - Elevator

* - Button

* - ElevatorController

* Add method stubs in your concrete classes for each of the abstract methods, and

* go from there. Note that you should not need to import 'Provided'. Eclipse

* sometimes automatically imports it. Instead, when you refer to classes in Provided,

* reference them as "Provided._____".


* Read the comments in this file for instructions, advice, and hints on specific

* classes and methods.


* We strongly recommend that you implement the Elevator 'start()' method first!

* Try running the main method in this file after you do. You should see helpful

* debug information in your output console. We recommend that you then proceed to

* complete the Button class, then the Elevator class, and finally the ElevatorController

* class last.


* The abstract classes below include several public and protected fields. You may

* introduce more fields in your concrete implementations if you like, but you should

* not need to; the provided fields are sufficient. Neglecting the provided fields

* may cause tests to fail and/or debug information to be incorrect.


* We also recommend that you test your

* implementation with various experimental parameters. Make sure your implementation

* is thread-safe by trying high-speed, stressful parameters, like 'DELAY' = 5 and

* 'TEST_DURATION' = 1. Make sure your implementation works with any number of elevators

* and floors. You must utilize every elevator.


* You should not make any changes to this file except for testing purposes. We

* will test your submission by running your classes with our version of this

* file, so any changes you make will not be preserved during grading. Your

* implementation must work with the provided code.


* This assignment assumes a simplified elevator system in which each floor only

* has a single button (not 'going-up' and 'going-down' buttons), and for testing

* purposes, each floor starts with only has a single person on it. Elevators

* can only carry one person at a time. We do not expect you to implement the most

* efficient solution, but your system should respond immediately to requests, and

* every request must be fulfilled.


* @author Maxwell Patek

* @version 1.2



public final class Provided {

private static final Random random = new Random();

private static boolean passed = true;


* Signal that is set to 'true' if the simulation should halt. All threads'

* run() methods should respect this signal by returning if set to 'true'.


protected static boolean TERMINATE = false;

// ----- Experimental Parameters ----- \\


* Change these fields to adjust the parameters of the experiment. You might

* want to stress test your implementation by setting TEST_LENGTH to 1.



* Number of floors in the building. Floors are 0-indexed.


public static final int FLOORS = 25;


* Number of Elevators. Elevator 'id's go 'A', 'B', etc.


public static final int ELEVATORS = 5;


* The number of seconds during which buttons are randomly pressed.

* After this time, no buttons will be pressed, and the elevators only

* have to clear the queue.


public static final int TEST_LENGTH = 30; // seconds


* Essentially the inverse of the simulation speed. A delay of 1000 ms

* means that elevator floors will update once a second (1000 ms).


public static final int DELAY = 500; // milliseconds

// ----- Exception Classes ----- \\


* This Exception should be thrown if a busy elevator is hailed.


* Note that it extends Exception, which means it is checked.


public static class OccupiedException extends Exception {

private static final long serialVersionUID = -3388816891645794348L;

public OccupiedException(String id) {





* A TestFailure will be thrown if an elevator or the elevator control

* attempts an illegal operation or fails to meet requirements.


* Note that TestFailure extends RuntimeException, so it is unchecked.


public static final class TestFailure extends RuntimeException {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 7177872724706310332L;

public TestFailure(String id) {



passed = false;



// ----- Abstract Classes ----- \\


* An abstract class defining the backbone of any Elevator.

* You should extend this class. Make sure to use the provided fields.


* run() is implemented for you, and it will call the methods that you

* will implement.

* Lock provided



public static abstract class AbstractElevator implements Runnable {

private static char ID = 'A';

protected ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();

protected Thread thread;

protected AbstractElevatorController control;

private int floor;


* The elevator will move towards this floor, so make sure to set it appropriately

* in your concrete methods.


protected int targetFloor;

public final char id;


* The passenger field should be set upon being hailed. Make the passenger

* board the elevator when appropriate by calling 'board' on the field.

* Make the passenger get off the elevator by calling 'exit', then forget about

* the passenger by setting the field to null.


protected Person passenger;


* Field to allow the elevator to know whether it has picked up its passenger yet.

* The field is used in the provided toString method, which is in turn used in

* the printState method, so we recommend that you set this field appropriately.


protected boolean carrying;


* Note that when extending this class, you will have to wrap this constructor.

* Something like this:


* public Elevator(Provided.AbstractElevatorController c) {

* super(c);

* }


* Same goes for the other classes you are extending.


* @param control the controller for this elevator



public AbstractElevator(AbstractElevatorController control) {

this.control = control;

this.targetFloor = this.floor = 0;

carrying = false;

passenger = null;

id = ID;



public final int getFloor() {

return floor;


public final boolean isMoving() {

return floor != targetFloor;



* This run() method will:

* 1. move the elevator up or down towards the targetFloor.

* 2. check if shouldPickUp()

* if yes, it will call pickUp()

* 3. check if shouldOffload()

* if yes, it will call offload()

* 4. repeat



public final void run() {

int oldFloor = floor;

while (!TERMINATE) {

try {



if (id == 'A')


if (floor != targetFloor) { // move the elevator 1 floor

floor += (floor < targetFloor) ? 1 : -1;


if (shouldPickUp())


else if (shouldOffload())


oldFloor = floor;

} finally {






private final void validateFloor(int oldFloor) {

if (floor != oldFloor) {

throw new TestFailure("Elevators should "

+ "only be moved by the provided code. "

+ "Do not change 'floor'.");



private final void delay() {

try {


} catch (InterruptedException e) {





public final String toString() {

return id + "(" + (carrying ? passenger : "") + ")->"+targetFloor;



* Should start the elevator moving in the direction of 'floor'.

* The Person that pressed the button and hailed the elevator is passed

* in as Person 'p' and should be saved in the passenger field.


* @param floor where the elevator should go

* @param p the person that hailed the elevator

* @throws OccupiedException if hailed but not available



public abstract void hail(int floor, Person p) throws OccupiedException;


* Construct and start the thread running this elevator.

* You must the provided 'thread' field.


* Note:

* We recommend you write this method first, since it will make

* the other methods easier to visualize.


public abstract void start();


* @return true if the elevator is available to be hailed


public abstract boolean isAvailable();


* Make sure to call 'p's board method.

* Elevator should start moving towards passenger's destination.


protected abstract void pickUp();


* @return true if the elevator should open its doors and pick up 'passenger'


protected abstract boolean shouldPickUp();


* Make sure to call the passenger's exit method


protected abstract void offload();


* @return true if the elevator can offload its passenger


protected abstract boolean shouldOffload();



* An abstract class that defines the backbone of an Elevator Controller.

* You should extend this class.


* The run() method, which you will implement, should wait for button presses

* and available elevators, dispatching elevators (by calling AbstractElevator's

* 'hail' method) when possible.


* Lock and Conditions are provided.




public static abstract class AbstractElevatorController implements Runnable {


* The elevators in the building.


protected Set elevators;


* Holds the floors whose buttons have been pressed.


protected Queue floorQueue;


* Holds the people who have pressed the buttons.


protected Queue personQueue;

protected Thread thread;


* Used to wait for button presses.


protected Condition buttonPressed;


* Used to wait for available elevators


protected Condition elevatorFinished;

protected ReentrantLock lock;


* This is private because the ElevatorController implementation shouldn't

* need to store all the buttons, the buttons should notify the controller

* independently. This field is only included for the printState method, which

* you do not need to worry about.


private AbstractButton[] buttons = new AbstractButton[FLOORS];


* Because this constructor does not take in any parameters, it is considered

* the default constructor, so your implementation does not need to wrap it.


public AbstractElevatorController() {

floorQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue ();

personQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue ();

lock = new ReentrantLock();

buttonPressed = lock.newCondition();

elevatorFinished = lock.newCondition();


public final void setElevators(Set elevators) {

this.elevators = elevators;


public final void start() {

thread = new Thread(this);

for (AbstractElevator e : elevators)





* Should be called by the Buttons. It is up for the controller's

* run() method to dequeue the floor and person queues.


* This method is non-final, so you may override it if you like.


* @param floor the floor that requested the elevator

* @param p the person that requested the elevator


public void request(int floor, Person p) {





* Used to number the printState outputs.


private int count = 0;


* Prints the state of the elevator system for debugging. You do not

* need to worry about this code


public final void printState() {


LinkedList[] array = new LinkedList [FLOORS];

for (int i = 0; i < FLOORS; i++)

array[i] = new LinkedList();

int longest = 0;

for (AbstractElevator e : elevators) {


if (array[e.getFloor()].size() > array[longest].size())

longest = e.getFloor();


int size = array[longest].toString().length();

size = size < 25 ? 25 : size;

int width = String.format("| floor %2s: %7s\t%"+size+"s | ",





String bottom = "+";

for (int i = 0; i < width +1; i++)

bottom += "-";

bottom += "+";

String top = "+"+count;

for (int i = 0; i < width +1 - (""+count).length(); i++)

top += "-";

top += "+";



for (int i = FLOORS-1; i >= 0; i--)

System.out.printf("| floor %2s: %7s\t%"+size+"s | ",





System.out.println(bottom + " ");




* Wait for pressed buttons and available elevators by calling 'await'

* on the two corresponding Condition objects. When possible, assign an

* Elevator to a waiting person by calling Elevator's 'hail' method.


* You should not just periodically check for pushed buttons and available

* elevators; you must use the conditions' await methods.



public abstract void run();



* This abstract class mostly defines the button that is on each floor.

* There is only a single abstract method, 'press()' which is called when

* the person on the floor with this button presses the button.


* You should call AbstractElevator's 'request' method.



public static abstract class AbstractButton implements Runnable {

public final int floor;

private Thread thread;

protected AbstractElevatorController control;

private Person p;

private boolean pressed = false;


* Note that when extending this class, you will have to wrap this constructor.


* Something like this:


* public Button(int floor, Provided.AbstractElevatorController control) {

* super(floor, control);

* }



* @param floor the floor the button is on

* @param control the controller for this button



public AbstractButton(int floor, AbstractElevatorController control) {

this.floor = floor;

this.control = control;

control.buttons[floor] = this;

p = new Provided.Person(floor);


public final void start() {

thread = new Thread(this);




public final void run() {

try {


} catch (InterruptedException e) {




pressed = true;



public final String toString() {

return pressed && p.elevator == null ? "waiting" : "";



* Called when the button is pressed. Make sure to notify the controller

* by calling request()


* The Person parameter is constructed and passed in by the provided code

* and is used to verify that your system works, so you must make sure not

* to loose the reference to it. It should be passed to the controller through

* the request method, and it should then be passed to the Elevator through the

* hail method. This way, the Elevators can call 'board' and 'exit' on the

* provided Person objects, thereby passing the tests.


* @param p, the person that pressed the button.


protected abstract void press(Person p);


// ----- The Person Class used for Testing ----- \\


* Class used for testing effectiveness of Elevators.

* You do not need to worry about this code. However, you do need to call

* 'board()', 'exit()', and 'getDestination()' in Elevator. You must

* also pass the Person objects from the Button 'press' method to the controller

* through the request method, and finally to the elevator through the 'hail'

* method. This is the only way to pass the tests.


public static final class Person {

private int startingFloor;

private int destination;

private AbstractElevator elevator;

private boolean done = false;

public Person(int startingFloor) {

this.startingFloor = startingFloor;

this.destination = Provided.random.nextInt(FLOORS);



* @return the floor that this person wants to go to.


public int getDestination() {

return destination;



* Call this method to make the person get on the elevator.


* @param e the Elevator that this Person is boarding.


public void board(AbstractElevator e) {

if (elevator != null)

throw new TestFailure("Passenger " + startingFloor + " is Already "

+ "on an Elevator");

if (e.getFloor() != startingFloor)

throw new TestFailure("Cannot Pick Up Passenger " + startingFloor

+" from Floor " + e.getFloor() +".");

elevator = e;



* Call this method to make the person get off the elevator


public void exit() {

//System.out.println(startingFloor +" dropped off at " + elevator.getFloor());

if (elevator == null)

throw new TestFailure("Passenger " + startingFloor + " has not Boarded "

+ "and Cannot Exit.");

if (elevator.getFloor() != destination)

throw new TestFailure("Passenger " + startingFloor + "'s Destination is "

+destination+". He/She Cannot be Dropped Off at "

+ elevator.getFloor() +".");

done = true;



public String toString() {

return "" + startingFloor;



// ----- Main Method Testing ----- \\


* Run this to test your code.

* However, we encourage you to write your own tests as well.


public static void main(String[] args) {

// ---- Initialize Test ---- //

ElevatorController c = new ElevatorController();

HashSet e = new HashSet();

for (int i = 0; i < ELEVATORS; i++)

e.add(new Elevator(c));

HashSet b = new HashSet();

for (int i = 0; i < FLOORS; i++)

b.add(new Button(i, c));


// ---- Start Test ---- //

c.start(); // controller starts the elevators

try {


} catch (InterruptedException e1) {



if (!c.thread.isAlive()) // Test that Controller started properly

throw new TestFailure("Controller Terminated Early.");

if (!c.thread.getState().equals(Thread.State.WAITING))

throw new TestFailure("Controller Needs to Call Await on the Conditions.");

for (AbstractButton i : b)


// ---- Sleep While Buttons are Pressing ---- //

try {


} catch (InterruptedException e1) {



// ---- Check if Test is Complete ---- //

while (!TERMINATE) {

try {

Thread.sleep(DELAY*4); // check every fourth cycle

} catch (InterruptedException e1) {



boolean stillGoing = false;

for (AbstractElevator i : e)

if (i.isMoving()) // if an elevator is moving, stop

stillGoing = true;

if (!stillGoing) {

for (AbstractButton i: b)

if (!i.p.done) // if stopping, everyone should be delivered

throw new TestFailure("Did Not Drop Everyone Off!");

if (!c.thread.getState().equals(Thread.State.WAITING))

throw new TestFailure("Test Ended with Controller in "

+ "Non-Awaiting State");

TERMINATE = true; // Tell all threads to stop




if (passed)

System.out.println("All tests passed!");


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