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Income statement - Owners Equity - Balance Sheet from the data given below and we'll work on our analysis in the class next week. But everyone should have uploaded this financial statement in this file upload section. You can work together but submission will be individually. I will ask questions in the class. Please check the financial templates in Week 10 under the head - "Required Readings" CRITICAL THINKING MINI CASE The ownet of Delton Property Rentals, Teal Delton, has requested an emerzency meeting with you, a repesentative from the bank: "Our accountant has been on keve for the past sreenl months and ber replicement has resigned suddenly. I'm told we can't pay our employees this month and your bunk wont lend us any money, I don't understand. We have lots of assets that can be used 10 pay eppensex, as you can lee from out balance sheet." CHAPTER 4 Corpating the Accounong Cock ano Cirsafing Accourts You explain to Mr, Deition that you wall nend to oboin wacne additional information. He fursyed the follovice Income statement - Owners Equity - Balance Sheet from the data given below and we'll work on our analysis in the class next week. But everyone should have uploaded this financial statement in this file upload section. You can work together but submission will be individually. I will ask questions in the class. Please check the financial templates in Week 10 under the head - "Required Readings" CRITICAL THINKING MINI CASE The ownet of Delton Property Rentals, Teal Delton, has requested an emerzency meeting with you, a repesentative from the bank: "Our accountant has been on keve for the past sreenl months and ber replicement has resigned suddenly. I'm told we can't pay our employees this month and your bunk wont lend us any money, I don't understand. We have lots of assets that can be used 10 pay eppensex, as you can lee from out balance sheet." CHAPTER 4 Corpating the Accounong Cock ano Cirsafing Accourts You explain to Mr, Deition that you wall nend to oboin wacne additional information. He fursyed the follovice