Please complete the every block of table of advanced C program upto iliteration 5 with exact number with decimal points
Due: Before the beginning of the next lab. No late labs will be accepted. Please note that the assignment submission folder will be unavailable after this time. 1. Run and test the following program. /* Thia program will find the gmallest and the largest number of the numbers the user entered. "/ "include stdio. h void getValues(void); float mymin(float numone, float numiwo); float myMax(float numone, float numTwo); int main( void) f getvalues(); return(e): void getvalues (void) f int numcount; int iteration; float number: float ninimun; float maximum; I printf(" 'in'nititithou many numbers you will enter? "); scanf(" d, \&nuncount): print f( " i in inlt lt lt please enter number 1:"); scanf( f, snumber): -inleum - maxinuin - number; for (iteration - 2; iteration \& numcount; iterationt ) 1 printf("initititplease enter nuaber Xd: ", iteration): scanf(")f", Snumber); minisum - mymin (minimus, nusber); minximin - mymax(maximus, nueber); 3 printf(")ainitititthe largest nuaber is: x10.2f", naximun); printff "'invintelelterith the values in mh table inin"): systen(" pause"): rirturn: float mylifn(float numone of fout makino) else return(numTwo); float myMax(float numone, float numTwo) \{ if (numone > numTwo) else return(nunone); \} return(numTwo); 2. Add break points to your program and run the debugger to debug this program using the single-stepping technique. Open the Watches Window and add all program variables into the window (i.e. numcount, iterations, number, minimum and maximum). Watch the values in the Watches window while single-stepping through the code and record these values into the table below. When single-stepping through the program enter 5 for numCount and then enter the following numbers in this order: 13,7,5,21,8. 3. Enter the values in table 1 below for each complete iteration after debugging. Answers: Table 1. Values displayed in the Watches window