Please Im trying to find a program for this question, but using simple c++ code and not using very advanced libraries or functions.
C++ program Prior to 2009 the bar code on an envelope used by the U.S. Postal Service more) digit zip code using a format called POSTNET The bar code consists of long and short bars as shown here: a five (or lIuhlmhllll For this program, we will repeesent the bar code as a string of digits. The digit 1 represents a long har, and the digit O represents a shont bar. Thenefone, the bar code shown would be mprescniend in our program as follows 110100100001010 10000BOO11 The first and last digits of the har code are always 1I.Removing these leave 25 digits. If these 25 digits are split into groups of five digits each then we have the following 10100 10100 01010 11000 01001 Next, consider cach group of five digits There always will he esactly two I's in each group of digits. Each digit stands for a mumber. From left to right, the digits encode the valrs 7, 4,2. I. and 0. Multiply the comesponding valae with the digit and compute the m to gat the fimal encoded digt for the rip code. The following table shows the encoding for 10100 Bar Code Digits Product of Digit Valu Repeat this for cach group off five diglts and concalcate to get the complese aip oode Then is one special value. If the sum of a group of five digits is 11, thee this eprents the dig (h is sample bar code decodes to99504. While the POSTNET scheme may som ceanily comglex ts design allows machines to detect if emoes have been make in scanning the rip code. Wme a ip code clas that encodes and decodes five diglt bar codes uned by the U.S. Postal Service a an integer, and the second contctor should input the nip code as a bar code atring commiting of nd I's as described ahove. Although you have two ways to ingus the aip ood, intemally.te should only store the zip code using one format (You may choose to store it as a bur code string or as a zip code number.) The class also should have at least two public return the zip code as an integer and the other to return the zip code in hir code format s a string All helper functions should be declared private. Embed your class definition in a suitable lest program. functions one to