Q1. What is the name of the swing class that is used for creating frames in lava? lavaframe Frame: iframe Swingframe Q2. The Actiontatener interface is not used for handling action events. True False Q4. Which code checks if a checkbox1 has been checked? if ( checkbox1. isselected 0) {... } if (checkbox1. ischecked ()) () if (checkbox 1.Selected 0){} if (checkbox1.Checked ()) {} ContentPane(), setBackground(Color.RED); getContentPane().setBackground(Color.RED); getContentPane(). setBackColor(Color.RED); ContentPane().setBackColor(Color.RED); Q6. What is the type of the Layout used in the following GUI? \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline North & GridLayout \\ \hline Line Start & Center & Line End \\ \hline \end{tabular} pubtic Myforma if Betioyturinew flewtavbstill 1f +new dabeif Choose Youe Groperi" adc(1). addifb1), ado;nat. setVinaloptruel 1 public void action) ) Q9. What should be typed to the missing code area in order to implement the following frame? public class Myform extends Jframe implements Actiontistener 1 private JComboBox CBnew JComboBoxil; public MyForm(1) f setsize(300,100): settayout(new flowlayout[): MISSING PART CB.addActiontistenerithis); setvisibleftruel: 1 public void actionferformed(Action Event e) ( l Qe. Why Mesa? ate Civen the foliowing codes, what thould be fvpes to the miwing code area in order to correcthy. show the meisage on form?? puske das Myrorm catenta Iframe implimenta Actionthener? grivete ratel tienew Mabelf'tater Your Nome "2: private itewt/ield rionew sfeutfielditis). putice Myrfarmad of setrivel'Yerin17). retaroutinew Howtayouthi: B1 adaActienbatenerthis). addr.1). addit1 addies. setVisible(true). 1 poblic vold actionPerforined(Actionfivent e) f. MISSINGPART 4 public dass Form2 extends Jframel private Jlabel (I ne new dtabeli)= public Form20 f. setTitle("form2") setLayout(new flowlayoutl]). add(t1): setVis ble(true). 1 public vold setName(String n) 1 L1 setfext('Hello" +C)