Question 1 A major software company wants to open an office in Canada. Given the demand for skilled computer professionals, this company must provide a competitive living environment. The last criterion to consider is air quality. Air quality index values are presented in Table 1 below. Table 1. Air quality indexes for Montreal, Ottawa, and Vancouver Vancouver Ottawa Montreal 22 33 35 11 14 37 6 23 40 21 13 37 15 34 25 Please answer the following questions. a) A justification of the statistical test you selected. A reference to a one-tailed or a two-tailed test is not accepted (0.8 points) b) The statistical hypotheses. The mathematical notation is not accepted (0.5 points) c) The results associated with the statistical test, i.e. (1.4 points) . The treatment sum of squares . The error sum of squares The treatment mean squares . The error mean square The value of the test statistic . The critical value . If applicable, the least significant difference (write zero if this is not applicable). d) Your interpretation of the results of the statistical test. If applicable, specify the differences between the cities and give the practical implications. (0.8 points) Tables 2 and 3 provide calculations that can be used to answer these questions. Table 2. First set of calculations Cities Mean of cities Overall mean Xi - X ( X; - x) = Vancouver 15 24.4 -9.40 88.36 Ottawa 23.4 24.4 -1.00 1.00 Montreal 34.8 24.4 10.40 108.16 Sums 73.20 73.20 0.00 197.52 Table 3. Second set of calculations Cities Air quality index Overall mean Xij - X ( X j - X ) 2 Vancouver 22 24.4 -2.40 5.76 Vancouver 11 24.4 -13.40 179.56 Vancouver 6 24.4 -18.40 338.56 Vancouver 21 24.4 -3.40 11.56 Vancouver 15 24.4 -9.40 88.36 Ottawa 33 24.4 8.60 73.96 Ottawa 14 24.4 -10.40 108.16 Ottawa 23 24.4 -1.40 1.96 Ottawa 13 24.4 -11.40 129.96 Ottawa 34 24.4 9.60 92.16 Montreal 35 24.4 10.60 112.36 Montreal 37 24.4 12.60 158.76 Montreal 40 24.4 15.60 243.36 Montreal 37 24.4 12.60 158.76 Montreal 25 24.4 0.60 0.36 Sums 366 366 0.00 1,703.60