Reinforced concrete Design
(e) Sectional vien calone XXr of the leams shewine the 156mm thick alah Herure 1. Analssis and decien of reinforced concrete heams Deweret The general fay-out of the building and ihe beam is shown in figure la. In torn awignenent, yoa nocd bo design the three span coetinaods beams supported by to0 mm*400 mim solumns a Whown in figure 1h, depending we your las digital of your reg number for parameter A, design the continuous beam for strength and serviccability (refier to figure le shasled artal A eoncrete compressive secength, f " secified in parameter B and where standard formuerk and compaction are to be taed. In adition to its self- reight, the beam will carry saperimposed dead and live loads on the slab strip given in parameter C. the destary of the reiafored concrete tan the aken as 2400kgm. The end and interior spans of the beam (parameter D) have lengtho of ff and f2. mondithically with saff beams wheh arespuced & firom Centre-to-Centre (farameter F ) as shonam in figure lc (i) Determune the minimum requites eoncrete cover 40 satrsfy the durability requirement and fire resistance period of 90 minutes A/so, determine the minimum beam damensions (b atd din neatest 29 enum) than can safely cumy its seld-werghe, and the superimpered dead and live loods as well as can comply with the serviccublity requirements. culculate the design Lackls and bee imitial bending alowent and shear forces to desgen the boww in (wi). This may not be yowr finsid dumersa (i) Develop the bending moment and shear force diagrams using the simplified method in AS3600 (verify and showa that the simplified method can be applied for this beam) (iai) Design the necessary flexural neinfoecement required for foxitive and negative bending along the length of the beam. (w) Design the necessary shcar reinforcement along the length of beam (v) Bras the reinfoecrters detailng of the beam dincluding both flexure and sheari, with appropriate sections. (vi) Detcrmune the iotal long-term deflection and the incrementul deflectoon of the beam in the end and inlerior sguns. You may asame wi =0,7 and r=0.4. Check whether these deflections are widn the fimits specified in AS3AW0. (e) Sectional vien calone XXr of the leams shewine the 156mm thick alah Herure 1. Analssis and decien of reinforced concrete heams Deweret The general fay-out of the building and ihe beam is shown in figure la. In torn awignenent, yoa nocd bo design the three span coetinaods beams supported by to0 mm*400 mim solumns a Whown in figure 1h, depending we your las digital of your reg number for parameter A, design the continuous beam for strength and serviccability (refier to figure le shasled artal A eoncrete compressive secength, f " secified in parameter B and where standard formuerk and compaction are to be taed. In adition to its self- reight, the beam will carry saperimposed dead and live loads on the slab strip given in parameter C. the destary of the reiafored concrete tan the aken as 2400kgm. The end and interior spans of the beam (parameter D) have lengtho of ff and f2. mondithically with saff beams wheh arespuced & firom Centre-to-Centre (farameter F ) as shonam in figure lc (i) Determune the minimum requites eoncrete cover 40 satrsfy the durability requirement and fire resistance period of 90 minutes A/so, determine the minimum beam damensions (b atd din neatest 29 enum) than can safely cumy its seld-werghe, and the superimpered dead and live loods as well as can comply with the serviccublity requirements. culculate the design Lackls and bee imitial bending alowent and shear forces to desgen the boww in (wi). This may not be yowr finsid dumersa (i) Develop the bending moment and shear force diagrams using the simplified method in AS3600 (verify and showa that the simplified method can be applied for this beam) (iai) Design the necessary flexural neinfoecement required for foxitive and negative bending along the length of the beam. (w) Design the necessary shcar reinforcement along the length of beam (v) Bras the reinfoecrters detailng of the beam dincluding both flexure and sheari, with appropriate sections. (vi) Detcrmune the iotal long-term deflection and the incrementul deflectoon of the beam in the end and inlerior sguns. You may asame wi =0,7 and r=0.4. Check whether these deflections are widn the fimits specified in AS3AW0