SECTtoN III (10 marks) case-srubV Gut rowered in a heoth and fsecest ckin. wath worious progorti. the club has peformed wel oves the last two aspirations. years but now loces competifion trom two clubs. Wellness and Gmaes. Whim hand jut opened. Welness has been porticulaly The manogement of Gint Powered conducted some extersive maket resecorch to find oul more intormation obout their customen. Qualiative and quontith dite dota wot cotected successtul and hos ottrocted a number of customen from Girl Fowered. pes. As wel as interviews and obrervations. they used a series of focus groups to beterme tocus customers views on diel and exercise. Some of the inlomotion dseusied int inese toche and groups was very emotional oround the exercise and dietay nobits of the. they used a series of focus groups to find customes' views on Gint powered and o club. provide them with moro precive data dbout inow customes uwed their civb: the tolowing - Introducing a friendship group membership scheme (a group of triends can signup at a discounted rate and have classes speciricaly designed for them) strategies: - 'Summerfun' classes, outside in a nearby park (weather permitting. of course] - Mother-daughter memberships The management of Girl Powered believes that this new customer-orientated opproach. - Opening a colfee shop which targets health and fitness for the whole fomily, will give the club a unique seling point and enable it to stand out from the competition. QUESTIONS: [1] Discuss the 7P's elements of Girt Powered markcting mix. [2] Discuss both important attributes and determinant attributes Git Powered has to attract [4 marks) clients and members, and suggest additional attributes. [3] Explain the opportunities and risks associated if Hot Tomoles adopts a unfocused strateg