Serial Problem Business Solutions (Static) LO P1 Reauires: Nate: Enaer decrestes is acceunt balances with a minve slgn: Enter an per the trantaction ender prsvieed in ihe aiestlos itata. Serial Problem Business Solutions (Static) LO P1 On October 1, 2020, Santana Rey launched a computer services company, Business Solutions, that is organized as a corporation and provides consulting services, computer system installations, and custom program development. Detober 1 5. Ray invested $45,000 cash, a $20,000 conputer oysten, and $8,000 of office equipmont in the company in exchange for its common atoek. October 3 tho company purchased $1,420 of conputer supplies on eredit. October 6 she company billed Fasy leasing $4,800 for services performed in instalifing a new web server. october 8 the conpany paid $1,420 cash for the computer supplies purehased on eredit on october 3. October 10 The company hired a part-time allsistant. october 12 - The company billed Easy Loasing another $1,400 for services portormod. October 15 The company received $4,800 eash from Easy Leasing as partial payment toward its account. october 27 the conpany paid $805 cash to repair ita computer equipbent. Cetober 20 the coompany paid $1,728 cash tor advertigenents published on racebook, October 22 The company received $1,400 cosh from Basy Leasing tovard ita account. october 28 The company billed IFM Company $5,208 for services performed. october 31 The company paid $875 cash for the aseistant's wagou for this month. october 31 The eompany paid $3,600 cash in dividends to the ouner (sole shareholder). Required: Enter the amount of each transaction on individual items of the accounting equation. Show new balances atter each transaction. Note: Enter decreases to account balances with a minus sign. Enter as per the transaction order provided in the question data