Use the dataset in the covid1 worksheet. Rename the worksheet qi and position it sequentially in your workbook. In the space above the dataset, write formulas using the MATCH and OFFSET functions that determines the value of a given metric of a given country. Set data validation restricting the selection of the metric and country to those listed in the dataset. For example, if the user chooses the metric Total Cases and the country Canada, the formula result should display 693,809. If no country or metric is selected, the result should not display #N/A. Include descriptive statistics (using Excel's analysis tool) analyzing the Total Cases values. Set the location of these statistics to begin in N1. There may be multiple modes in the Total Deaths dataset values. Starting in 20. use the appropriate function to display these modes. Ol Tests PIM pop Total Deaths 118.948 152,085 207.183 64.495 7.295 w Active Cases 941, 213,79 781175 546356 1,821,757 22575,555 10404 558,050 N/A ME TOCHOWE BOBO DOO Total Case Deaths Per IM Per Il pop pop 71.929 1201 7.500 110 9090 971 24118 62 4709 436 1,061 27.80 279 1146 470 11 2953 541 6133 21 14 OS Sw 11 om OM 3190 2730210 257.100 w Country USA India Urazil Russia UK France Turkey Italy Spain Germany Colombia Argentina Mexico Doland tran South Africa Ukraine Peru Netherlands Indonesia Crechia Canada Romania SEX DO 29.224 11544 18 2.300 362 2.726 2,511 2.522 7,500 3230 242 164 5:20 . 4415 S40 172 1.550 ro Total Cases 23,000 0.19 10,541,750 8,308,061 3.520.531 3,116019 2,151,670 2.373,115 2352,423 2,211,967 2,010,256 1,819,101 3,770 715 1.53836 1,422,320 1311295 1,29604 1,146,983 1.045,662 901.696 382418 874 805 693,800 658,270 622.886 1511 cavida sale Total Recovered 14 11025 10.175,895 7,399.703 2,090 1,406,7 2002 2.6.07 1710 N/A 11,200 1,603.10 1.549,400 1,105.821 1,164 650 1107011 1.049,140 347.521 926 202 NA 219.695 717,569 599,973 258.875 4517 AL 119 23,666 81,325 51079 457 47.491 45,125 137,916 32.84 56,621 35.52 20543 33554 12,868 25.454 14029 17,693 1709 2011 1729 1054 117.73 176.00 264,82 2013 1546 211214 279.039 SL 13.14 1211 3700 191 141 5.40 2-945.153 24 7471 573535 1250 37604 15 2171 20.312 670 600 SE 3150 DOS 52.568 9,201 N/A 138238 143.000 36,138 52,42 6.73 26 750 90 LO 67 1.100 HET SIT 20 T 11:01 200 11416 1507 3571 1091 346 37.931 7,4435 TA SEDER Chile Honour 41