Wavam CETTE Prove by IS to analysts and management. Objective Teamwork in Excel Data Analysis of provided information to demonstrate your professional skills in finding some insights from the data sets, visualize these results in a clear and effective manner and make professional practical recommendations. Format of Deliverables Deliverable Format File Name Comments Deliverables MS Word xxx_Analytics Text Explanations, conclusion & recommendations MS Excel xxx Analytics Data Data spreadsheets, charts, etc MS Word xxx. Reflection Individually done and submitted to the Reflection dropbox Important: XXX - this is a code for your group number, assigned by professor. For example, XXX=001. Data Analytics You will be provided the data source with many attributes and variables. 1. You should provide THREE (3) insights based on your data sets. You will be looking for relationships between attributes in the data set that can help you understand the company's products, customers, sales and or any other aspects. 2. You are expected to demonstrate your ability to use the following functions appropriately: Sorting, Filtering, Subtotals, IF, CountIF, Averagelf, Pivot Tables and others. 3. Your analysis may not support using all the listed functions. However, your team will be marked on the sophistication of the analysis and the appropriateness of the tools being used. 4. You and your team are expected to create some professional chart(s) for each insight to communicate the results of your analysis. The charts should help to interpret our results and conclusions, 5. For each insight, the report of your data analysis will include: a. A statement about what you are trying to discover. b. Tables summarizing the results from your analysis. c. Charts/diagrams/plots you are using to visualise the data with appropriate headings and formatting d. Screen shots from the Excel will be acceptable if it is clearly labelled and concise. e. Albrief description of what you have discovered and how the decision making people can use this information to add value to their business. O amentation Three analyses are undertaken. /10 o for at least two of the questions, three variables are used o The techniques and functions are used correctly o Demonstrated the professional usage of Excel basic functions such as IF, CountIF, SumlFor Averagelf, Grouping with Subtotals and Pivot tables o The interpretation of the results is correct Data Visualization 75 Appropriate to the data being visualized o Labelled so that the visualization is understandable o Formatting reflects the course lessons on creating professional charts that tell a clear story about the data Conclusions Findings are relevant to the business o Findings show insight o Report shows how findings can be implemented to add value to the business /5 Reflection Elements of Style & General Professionalism Marks are All elements of spelling, grammar and punctuation are subtracted correctly applied. Headings are used appropriately to organize the flow of ideas 15 . Wavam CETTE Prove by IS to analysts and management. Objective Teamwork in Excel Data Analysis of provided information to demonstrate your professional skills in finding some insights from the data sets, visualize these results in a clear and effective manner and make professional practical recommendations. Format of Deliverables Deliverable Format File Name Comments Deliverables MS Word xxx_Analytics Text Explanations, conclusion & recommendations MS Excel xxx Analytics Data Data spreadsheets, charts, etc MS Word xxx. Reflection Individually done and submitted to the Reflection dropbox Important: XXX - this is a code for your group number, assigned by professor. For example, XXX=001. Data Analytics You will be provided the data source with many attributes and variables. 1. You should provide THREE (3) insights based on your data sets. You will be looking for relationships between attributes in the data set that can help you understand the company's products, customers, sales and or any other aspects. 2. You are expected to demonstrate your ability to use the following functions appropriately: Sorting, Filtering, Subtotals, IF, CountIF, Averagelf, Pivot Tables and others. 3. Your analysis may not support using all the listed functions. However, your team will be marked on the sophistication of the analysis and the appropriateness of the tools being used. 4. You and your team are expected to create some professional chart(s) for each insight to communicate the results of your analysis. The charts should help to interpret our results and conclusions, 5. For each insight, the report of your data analysis will include: a. A statement about what you are trying to discover. b. Tables summarizing the results from your analysis. c. Charts/diagrams/plots you are using to visualise the data with appropriate headings and formatting d. Screen shots from the Excel will be acceptable if it is clearly labelled and concise. e. Albrief description of what you have discovered and how the decision making people can use this information to add value to their business. O amentation Three analyses are undertaken. /10 o for at least two of the questions, three variables are used o The techniques and functions are used correctly o Demonstrated the professional usage of Excel basic functions such as IF, CountIF, SumlFor Averagelf, Grouping with Subtotals and Pivot tables o The interpretation of the results is correct Data Visualization 75 Appropriate to the data being visualized o Labelled so that the visualization is understandable o Formatting reflects the course lessons on creating professional charts that tell a clear story about the data Conclusions Findings are relevant to the business o Findings show insight o Report shows how findings can be implemented to add value to the business /5 Reflection Elements of Style & General Professionalism Marks are All elements of spelling, grammar and punctuation are subtracted correctly applied. Headings are used appropriately to organize the flow of ideas 15