Write an AVR-C code for a Programmable Motion Detector Light given the following specifications using an ATtiny2313 or ATtiny4313
1. During operation the PMOL must display the time in 24-hour format with hour, minute and second appearing as HAMM:SS. for example 11.25.20 and 15:55:01. 2 The three pushbuttons should be used for the following functions: a. Push Button 1: Mode Push Button 2: Increase Push Button 3. Decrease You can also select additional operations for the pushbuttons. 2. The user should have the option to use the pushbutton to do the following 3. Set time of the real time clock b. Set the ON time of the PMOL Set the OFF time of the PME d. Turn the on the lights independent of the motion detector 4 When motion is detected the light should turn on. I there is no motion is detected after one minute, the light should turn off 5. The PMDL should store the ON/OFF time in EEPROM memory of the microcontroller, so that this information is retrievable on power-up. When the PMDL is powered on it should retrieve the timing information from memory and start functioning 6. The system should indicate when the motion detector is on. The designer has the option to choose an indication symbol 7. The PMDL must have two power sources a battery, and a 12V DC adapter that gets power from the mains supply. A suitable battery must be selected to power the solenoid 8. When both power sources are connected to the clock the 12V DC adapter must provide power to the clock and the battery should be disconnected from the circuit. That is.it should not be receiving power from the adapter or supplying power to the circuit 9. When the 12V DC adapter is not supplying power to the circuit the battery should do so. 10. If both battery and DC adapter are connected to the PMDL circuit, and one of them is removed the other source should power the circuit and the PMDL remain unaffected by the change 1. During operation the PMOL must display the time in 24-hour format with hour, minute and second appearing as HAMM:SS. for example 11.25.20 and 15:55:01. 2 The three pushbuttons should be used for the following functions: a. Push Button 1: Mode Push Button 2: Increase Push Button 3. Decrease You can also select additional operations for the pushbuttons. 2. The user should have the option to use the pushbutton to do the following 3. Set time of the real time clock b. Set the ON time of the PMOL Set the OFF time of the PME d. Turn the on the lights independent of the motion detector 4 When motion is detected the light should turn on. I there is no motion is detected after one minute, the light should turn off 5. The PMDL should store the ON/OFF time in EEPROM memory of the microcontroller, so that this information is retrievable on power-up. When the PMDL is powered on it should retrieve the timing information from memory and start functioning 6. The system should indicate when the motion detector is on. The designer has the option to choose an indication symbol 7. The PMDL must have two power sources a battery, and a 12V DC adapter that gets power from the mains supply. A suitable battery must be selected to power the solenoid 8. When both power sources are connected to the clock the 12V DC adapter must provide power to the clock and the battery should be disconnected from the circuit. That is.it should not be receiving power from the adapter or supplying power to the circuit 9. When the 12V DC adapter is not supplying power to the circuit the battery should do so. 10. If both battery and DC adapter are connected to the PMDL circuit, and one of them is removed the other source should power the circuit and the PMDL remain unaffected by the change