Using the Checklist for Style, revise the following selections. (l li11t: use the brief example on page
Using the Checklist for Style, revise the following selections.
(l li11t: use the brief example on page 210 as a model for revision.) The new phone system has proven to be particularly interruptive to the administration office assistants.
It is highly imperative that you take particular note to ensure beyond the shadow of a doubt that all calls are of a business nature as far as possible.
We are on a message unit cost system which is probationary at best, and the number of phones in our offices is considerably greater than any of our immediate office neighbors have. N.B.: The internal problem has been particularly vexing with phones not being properly replaced in cradles, constiruting an additional dimension to an already perplexing internal telephone S)•Stem dilemma of the greatest magnitude.
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