If you were a judge responsible for allocating the dwindling water supply in the Colorado River among the various stakeholders , how would you assign water rights? What would be your criteria for...
A small urban watershed has four rainfall gages as located in Fig. Total rainfall recorded at each gage during a storm event is listed in the table below. Compute the mean areal rainfall for this...
An exploratory drill hole was made in a stiff saturated clay having a moisture content of 29% and Gs = 2.68 (Figure 9.27). The sand layer underlying the clay Was observed to be under artesian...
Determine a Horton equation to fit the following times and infiltration capacities. Time (hr) f (in./hr) 1 ....................... 6.34 2.........................5.20 6.5 .....................2.50 ...
Some people-especially automakers-claim that Americans will never give up their cars. Do you agree? What might persuade you to change to a car-free lifestyle?
A retaining wall is shown in Figure 13.37. For each problem, determine the Rankine active force, Pa, per unit length of the wall and the location of the resultant Problem H H (deg) Y2 19.9 k (deg)...
A soil element is shown in Figure 10.33. Determine the following: a. Maximum and minimum principal stresses b. Normal and shear stresses on plane AB Use Eqs. (10.3), (10.4), (10.6), and (10.7). 128...
Repeat Problem 10.1 for the element shown in Figure 10.34. A soil element is shown in Figure 10.33. Determine the following: a. Maximum and minimum principal stresses b. Normal and shear stresses on...
Do you think that water pollution is worse now than it was in the past? What considerations go into a judgment such as this? How do your personal experiences influence your opinion?
Many rare and endangered species are specialists. Explain what this term means. As environments change, should we worry about losing specialists? Why or why not?
A rigid foundation is subjected to a vertical column load, P = 355 kN, as shown in Figure 11.43. Estimate the elastic settlement due to the net applied pressure, ÎÏ, on the foundation....
If you had to design a research project to evaluate the relative biomass of producers and consumers in an ecosystem, what would you measure? (Note: This could be a natural system or a humanmade one.)
Section 7.2 described the importance of total head and hydraulic gradient on the seepage of water through permeable soil media. In this problem we will study the variations of head along the axis of...
Why do you suppose dry tropical forest and tundra are well represented in protected areas, while grasslands and wetlands are protected relatively rarely? Consider social, cultural, geographic, and...
For the weir shown in Figure 8.21, Calculate the seepage in the permeable layer in m3/day/m for (a) x' = 1 m and (b) x' = 2 m. Use Figure 8.11? 8 m Ti 4 m Sheet pile k = 10-3 cm/sec permeable layer...
Draw a flow net for the weir shown in Figure 8.20. Calculate the rate of seepage under the weir? 37 m 10 m 15 m 9 m Sheet pile 24 m k 10-3cm/sec Impermeable layer
Foundation engineers are often challenged by the existence of soft compressible soils at the construction site. Figure 11.46 shows a soil profile with a silty sand ( = 15 kN/m3; sat = 17 kN/m3)...
A reservoir has a linear S-Q relationship of S = KQ, Where K = 1.21 hr. the inflow hydrograph for a storm event is given in the table. (a) Develop a simple recursive relation using the continuity...
Assume that the Cypress Creek data for the period 1951 - 2010 are normally distributed. Find the following. a) Peak flow of the 25-yr flood b) Peak flow of the 5-yr flood c) Probability that a flood...
Figure 7.35 shows the cross section of a levee that is 500 m long and is underlain by a 2-m-thick permeable sand layer. It was observed that the quantity of water flowing through the sand layer into...
Refer to Figure 11.45. A square footing, 2 x 2 m in size, supports a column load of 300 kN. The soil characteristics are given in the figure. Field monitoring indicated that the foundation settlement...
A watershed has the following characteristics: A = 2600 ac L = 4mi. . S = 53 ft/mi. y = 1% The channel is lined with concrete. The watershed is a residential area with 1/4-ac lots. The soil is...
When the moisture content of a soil is 26%, the degree of saturation is 72%, and the moist unit weight is 16.98 kN/m3. Determine: a. Specific gravity of soil solids b. Void ratio c. Saturated unit...
Review some of the major reasons for global hunger. Which ones are easiest to resolve? How might we approach them?
Refer to Figure 11.43. A square rigid foundation measuring 1.8 m = 1.8 m in plan is supported by 8 m (H) of layered soil with the following characteristics: Given that P = 450 kN; Df = 1 m; and...
An inflow hydrograph is given for a reservoir that has a weir-spillway outflow structure. The flow through the spillway is governed by the equation Q = 3.75Ly3/2(cfs), Where L is the length of the...
Consider the soil profile shown in Figure 11.44 subjected to the uniformly distributed load, Îs, on the ground surface. Given: ÎÏ = 26 kN/m2; H1 = 1.83 m; H2 = 3.66 m; and H3 = 5.5...
For the embankment loading shown in Figure 10.44, determine the vertical stress increases at points A, B, and C. 3.5 m 3.5 m Unit weight 19 kN/m3
A probability plot of 66 yr of peak discharges for the Kentucky River near Salvisa, Kentucky, is shown in Fig. P3-19 (a) What probability distribution is being used? (b) What are the mean and...
Refer to Figure 10.45. A flexible circular area of radius 6 m is uniformly loaded by q = 450 kN/m2. Using Newmark's chart, determine the increase in vertical stress, z, at point A. Plan 4 450 kN/m2 6...
Figure 9.31 shows a concrete dam. Consider Case 1 without the sheet pile, and Case 2 with the sheet pile along the upstream side. a. Draw flow nets for both cases. b. Determine the value of q/k for...
The time for 65% consolidation of a 19-mm clay specimen (drained at top and bottom) in the laboratory is 10 minutes. How long will it take for a 4-m-thick clay layer in the field to undergo 40%...
Organic soils are typically characterized by high void ratio, low specific gravity, and high compressibility. Following are the results of a consolidation test on a sample of organic soil obtained...
Data for Cypress Creek for the period 1951 - 2010 are listed on the USGS website. Following the link below, create a table of yearly peak stream flows, and then rank the data, develop a relative...
The incremental rainfall data in the table were recorded at a rainfall gage on a small urban parking lot of 1 acre. Be careful to use a 0.5-hr time step and record intensity in cm/hr. (a) Plot the...
A storm event occurred on Falls Creek Watershed that produced a rainfall pattern of 5 cm/hr for the first 10 min, 10 cm/hr in the second 10 min, and 5 cm/hr in the next 10 min. The watershed is...
Repeat Problem 10.5 for the element shown in Figure 10.38. In problem 10.5 A soil element is shown in Figure 10.37. Using the pole method, determine: a. Maximum and minimum principal stresses b....
Find the rate of flow in m3/sec/m (at right angles to the cross section shown in Figure 7.33) through the permeable soil layer. Given: H = 4 m, H1 = 2 m, h = 2.75 m, S = 30 m, a = 14°, and k =...
Classify the following soils by the AASHTO classification system. Give the group index for each soil. Sleve analysls- Percent flner Liquid Plasticity Soll No. 10 No. 40 No. 200 limlt Index 80 72 58...
Develop a new flood routing method for rectangular cross sections based on the Muskingum and storage indication techniques. Instead of using the Muskingum storage equation S = f(K, x, I, Q), use...
A detention pond needs to be designed with a total capacity of 30 ac-in. of storage. The inflow hydrograph for the pond is given in Figure P4-10. Assume that that pond is initially 50% full and...
Redo Problem 11.6 using the weighted average method [Eq. (11.68)] to calculate the stress increase in the clay layer. In problem 11.6 Refer to Figure 11.43. Considering the soil to be a uniform clay...
(a) Plot the cumulative mass curve for rainfall and the hydrograph (flow rate vs. time) on the same graph using two scales. (b) Compute the volume of infiltration loss for the storm, neglecting ET by...
Assume that the Siletz River data are lognormally distributed. Find the following. (a) Peak flow of the 100-yr flood (b) Peak flow of the 50-yr flood (c) Probability that a flood will be less than or...
Following are the results of consolidated-undrained triaxial tests on undisturbed soils retrieved from a 4-m-thick saturated clay layer in the field (γsat = 19 kN/m3). a. Estimate...
A recreational park is built near Buffalo Creek. The stream channel can carry 200m3/s which is the peak flow of the 5-yr storm of the watershed find the following. (a) The probability that the park...
Given the reservoir with a storage-discharge relationship governed by the equation S = KQ3/2, route the inflow hydro graph for problem 4.5 using storage routing techniques and a value of K = 1.21 for...
Table lists rainfall data recorded at a USGS gage for the storm of September 1, 1999. The basin area is 2050 acres. Using these data, develop a rainfall hyetograph (in. / hr vs. f) in 15-min....
For the partially submerged backfill in Problem 13.13 (Figure 13.37), determine the Rankine's passive force per unit length of the wall and the location of the resultant In problem 13 Problem HH Y1 ...
Bull Creek flows through and completely penetrates a confined aquifer 10 ft thick, as shown in Fig. P8.9. The flow is-reduced in the stream by 16 cfs between two gaging stations located 4 miles apart...
Given the inlet in Figure 9 - 9 with h = 0.5 ft and W = 1.5ft, determine what minimum length, L, of inlet (in whole-foot increments) is required for Q = 6 cfs, such that the depth of flow at the curb...
Assume that the Siletz River data may be fit by a log-Pearson 3 distribution. Find the following. (a) Peak flow of the 100-yr flood (b) Peak flow of the 50-yr flood
A reservoir has the storage-discharge relationship below. Route the inflow hydrograph in problem 4.16 through the reservoir, assuming an initial storage of 52 106 m3 of water. In problem 4.16 Time...
Repeat Problem 6.3 with the following data (use Gs = 2.7): a. Determine the maximum dry unit weight of compaction and the optimum moisture content. Given: mold volume = 943.3 cm3. b. Determine the...
a. Use the data found in problem 14 to calculate the mean, standard deviation, and skew coefficient (Eqs. 3.37, 2.38 and 3.40) of the Cypress cheek data (1951-2010). b. Repeat part (a) using the log...
The random variable x represents the depth of rainfall in June, July, and August in Houston. The whole PDF is symmetric and is shaped as an isosceles triangle, with base 060 in. Between values of and...
A flexible circular area on the ground surface is subjected to a uniformly distributed load, q = 105 kN/m2. If the circular area has a radius, R = 3.6 m, determine the vertical stress increase, z, at...
A detonation pond has the shape of an inverted truncated pyramid, it has a rectangular bottom of dimension 120 ( 80 ft, a maximum depth of 5 ft, and uniform side slopes of 3 : 1 (horizontal :...
Why do you suppose that the United Nations gives high, medium, and low projections for future population growth? Why not give a single estimate? What factors would you consider in making these...
Run the HEC-HMS model with t = 15 min to reflect the existing conditions, the effect of the pond with existing conditions, fully developed conditions, and the effect of the pond with fully developed...
A subdivision in Corvallis, Oregon, is shown in Figure P6.21. Rational method design is performed using the 10 - yr return period IDF curve of the Oregon Department of Transportation (1990) for Zone...
A clay sample was consolidated in a triaxial test chamber under an all-around confining pressure of 152 k N/m2. The sample was then loaded to failure in undrained condition by applying an additional...
How would you choose between government regulations and market-based trading programs for air pollution control? Are there situations where one approach would work better than the other?
The concepts of natural selection and evolution are central to how most biologists understand and interpret the world. Why is Darwin's explanation so useful in biology? Does this explanation...
Refer to Figure 11.43. Considering the soil to be a uniform clay layer, estimate the primary consolidation settlement due to the foundation load. Given: P = 150 kN; B = 3 m; L = 3 m; Df = 1.5 m; H =...
Repeat Example 9 - 2 using 3-ft-diarneter round corrugated metal pipe culverts with an n= 0.024. Determine the minimum number of culvert barrels needed to convey the flow without overtopping the...
Please refer to the Green and Ampt Infiltration and Runoff Example posted on the textbook website along with the associated Excel Spreadsheet. Complete the problem in the example, and then repeat the...
Repeat Problem 16.7 with the following: density of soil above the groundwater table, ( = 1750 kg/m3; saturated soil density below the groundwater table, (sat = 1950 kg/m3; c' = 28 kN/m3,( = 22°,...
The results of a standard Proctor test are given in the following table. a. Determine the maximum dry density (kg/m3) of compaction and the optimum moisture content. Given mold volume = 943.3 cm3. b....
What is the hydrologic cycle? What are the pathways that precipitation falling onto the land surface of the Earth is dispersed to the hydrologic cycle?
A major storm event was recorded for Little Bear Creek. The incremental rainfall and measured hydrograph data for this storm are provided in Table P2-12 in 1-hr increments. The drainage area for the...
For the same line loads given in Problem 10.8, determine the vertical stress increase, ÎÏz, at a point located 3 m below the line load, q2. 42 1 292 kN/m 45 4.5 m
Draw a flow net for the single row of sheet piles driven into a permeable layer as shown in Figure 8.18. Given: ¢ H1 = 3 m ¢ D = 1.5 m ¢ H2 = 0.5 m ¢ D1 = 3.75 m Calculate the...
For a given soil, the following are known: Gs = 2.74, moist unit weight, = 20.6 kN/m3, and moisture content, w = 16.6%. Determine: a. Dry unit weight b. Void ratio c. Porosity d. Degree of saturation
The properties of seven different clayey soils are shown below (Skempton and Northey, 1952). Investigate the relationship between the strength and plasticity characteristics by performing the...
Classify the following soils by using the Unified soil classification system. Give the group symbols and the group names. Sleve analysls- Percent finer Liquid Plasticity Soll No. 4 No. 200 llnit...
A class A pan is maintained near a small lake to determine daily evaporation (see table). The level in the pan is observed at the end of every day. Water is added if the level falls near 7 in. For...
Create the Basin Model of the watershed in HEC-HMS using the data provided. Set up input data for the watershed using Clark's UH method (TC & R). Use Muskingum routing methods and assume that K =...
Using Fig 2-14, find the daily evaporation from a shallow lake with the following characteristics Mean daily temperature = 25.6C, Daily solar radiation = 550 cal/cm2, Mean daily dew point = 4.4C,...
A plot of the infiltration curve obtained using Horton's equation is shown in Fig. P2-33. Prove that k = (f0 - fc)/F' if the area between the curve and the fc line. Find the area by integration over...
Following are the results of a field unit weight determination test performed by means of the sand cone method: Calibrated dry density of Ottawa sand = 1731 kg/m3 Mass of Ottawa sand to fill the...
For a sandy soil, the following are given: Maximum void ratio = 0.72 Minimum void ratio = 0.46 Hydraulic conductivity at a relative density of 80% 0.006 cm/sec. Determine the hydraulic...
A 10-m-thick layer of stiff saturated clay is underlain by a layer of sand (Figure 9.28). The sand is under artesian pressure. A 5.75-m-deep cut is made in the clay. Determine the factor of safety...
Refer to Figure 10.40. Given: q2 = 13.6 kN/m; x1 = 4.3 m; x2 = 1.5 m; z = 1.8 m. If the vertical stress increase at point A due to the loading is 2.3 kN / m2, determine Line load q Line load 92
In a fully penetrating well, the equilibrium drawdown is 30 ft measured at r = 100 ft from the well, which pumps at a rate of 20 gpm. The aquifer is unconfined with K = 20 ft/day., and the saturated...
Three groups of students from the Geotechnical Engineering class collected soil-aggregate samples for laboratory testing from a recycled aggregate processing plant in Palm Beach County, Florida....
The backfill material for a vibroflotation project has the following grain sizes: D10 = 0.18 mm D20 = 0.31 mm D50 = 1.98 mm Determine the suitability number, SN, and rate it as a backfill material.
Refer to Figure 9.4a in which upward seepage is taking place through a granular soil contained in a tank. Given: H1 = 1.5 m; Hs = 2.5 m; h = 1.5 m; area of the tank = 0.62 m2; void ratio of the soil,...
Consider the soil profile in Problem 9.2. What is the change in effective stress at point C if: a. The water table drops by 2 m? b. The water table rises to the surface up to point A? c. Water level...
Refer to Figure 10.42. A strip load of q = 43 kN/m2 is applied over a width, B = 11 m. Determine the increase in vertical stress at point A located z = 4.6 m below the surface. Given: x = 8.2 m. q...
Repeat Problem 10.3 for the element shown in Figure 10.36. In problem 10.3 Using the principles of Mohr's circles for the soil element shown in Figure 10.35, determine the following: a. Maximum and...
Point loads of magnitude 100, 200, and 400 kN act at B, C, and D, respectively (Figure 10.39). Determine the increase in vertical stress at a depth of 6 m below the point A. Use Boussinesq's...
For a dry sand specimen in a direct shear test box, the following are given: Size of specimen: 63.5 mm x 63.5 mm x 31.75 mm (height) Angle of friction: 33 Normal stress: 193 kN/m2 Determine the...
Watershed data is provided on Fig, 1-22 for a small forested watershed that contains seven subareas as shown. Compute an SCS UH (dimensionless) for subarea B, based on lengths and areas from the...
Given an initial rate of infiltration equal to 1.5 in./hr and a final capacity of 0.5 in./hr, use Horton's equation [Eq. (2-42)] to find the infiltration capacity at the following times t = 10 min ,...
The Green and Ampt infiltration equation is a loss function used to compute the cumulative infiltration, F (cm) for a given infiltration rate, f(cm/hr). Recall that, f = Ks - (l - (M-wf)/F). For the...
The degree of saturation of a soil is 55% and the moist unit weight is 16.66 kN/m3. When the moist unit weight increased to 17.92 kN/m3, the degree of saturation increased to 82.2%. Determine: a. Gs...
In a construction project, the field moist unit weight was 18.08 kN/m3 at a moisture content of 8%. If maximum and minimum dry unit weight determined in the laboratory were 16.93 kN/m3 and 14.46...
Calculate and plot the variation of dry density of a soil in kg/m3 (Gs = 2.65) at w = 5, 10, 15, and 20% for degree of saturation, S = 70, 80, 90, and 100%.
Calculate the zero-air-void unit weights (kN/m3) for a soil with Gs = 2.68 at moisture contents of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25%.