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business communication essentials
Questions and Answers of
Business Communication Essentials
What do you understand by the phrase “analytical ability”?
Refl ect on the central importance of hypotheses in a case.
How would one distinguish a problem from its symptoms when analysing a case?
If there are no right or wrong answers to the questions raised by a case, then how do we evaluate the quality of a case analysis?
What is the essential diff erence you have found between your approach to real-life business problems and the approach of a working manager actually confronting these problems?
In the conclusions section of an industry-based case study, the recommended action plan is fully analysed in terms of its:(a) viability(b) feasibility(c) benefi t to the company(d) all of the above
Th e ability to think critically refl ects a:(a) questioning mind(b) thoughtfulness(c) sharp business sense(d) holistic personality
Th e fi rst requirement for being able to write an analysis of a theoretical case is thorough knowledge of the concerned:(a) case(b) subject(c) objective(d) methodology
In a case study, the executive summary is placed:(a) at the end(b) at the beginning(c) with the recommendations(d) as part of the introduction
Th e executive summary helps the decision-maker:(a) avoid reading the case fully(b) learn about the problem(c) learn about various solutions to the problem(d) Both (b) and (c)
In the scientifi c study of a problem, opinions are not allowed because they are not:(a) facts(b) widely known(c) written(d) subjective
Logical links between two events/facts are established by discovering:(a) casual links(b) causal links(c) hypothetical links(d) traditional links
All case studies involve documentation of the process of:(a) strategic decision-making(b) exploring alternative choices(c) storytelling(d) evaluating a problem
Cases dealing with an organization’s experiences and eff orts to solve problems are described as:(a) organizational cases(b) theoretical cases(c) functional cases(d) factual cases
A case, in management studies, gives an account of:(a) a manager’s personal problems(b) a manager’s interpersonal problems(c) management problems(d) social events in the company
Consider the value of an abstract or executive summary as a part of a summer project report.
Why should there be two guides, one from industry and the other from academia, to supervise summer training? Could it lead to communication misunderstandings?
To what extent would your classroom learning help in completing the summer project report?
Refl ect on the communication opportunities you would create for yourself by working in an organization.
Consider what you would learn about business communication from doing an industry-based summer project.
Th e table of contents in a summer project report:(a) indicates page numbers(b) lists the sequence of chapters(c) provides the location of various topics(d) presents an overview of the organization
Th e introduction to the summer project report begins with:(a) a description of the problem(b) the methodology to be followed(c) a description of the company’s business and major environmental
Written feedback on the draft of the summer project report is given by:(a) other students (b) the two guides(c) the company CEO (d) the placement head
Th e summer project is carried out in the:(a) sponsoring organization(b) classroom(c) institute’s library(d) institute’s computer lab
Th e fi ndings of the summer project report are oft en valuable to the host company as they are based on:(a) actual work done on a live project(b) theory(c) work done in the summer term(d) the
Th e summer project proposal is submitted by:(a) the faculty guide(b) the industry guide(c) the institute’s director(d) the student
Th e topic/subject of the summer project report is assigned by:(a) the institute(b) the company(c) other students(d) outside experts
Th e summer project report is submitted for:(a) the record of the institute(b) evaluation by both the supervisors(c) purchase by industry(d) the use of other students
Th e summer project report is written:(a) upon completion of the project done during the summer term(b) at the beginning of the project(c) during the project(d) at any time
Th e submission of the summer project report is:(a) optional(b) compulsory(c) on the request of the sponsoring organization(d) the faculty guide’s choice
Th e process of job hunting requires three steps: writing and sending a résumé to the target company, participating in the group discussion, and attending a personal interview. How would you
What is the advantage of including a summary in your résumé?
If you are preparing for an interview, what should you consider necessary with regards to grooming?
At an interview, the chairman of the selection committee tells you that they will get back to you. What does this communicate to you?
List your strengths and identify one main strength that can be used as your “selling strength”.
Th e fi rst objective in a group discussion is to:(a) catch the group’s attention(b) prove your superiority(c) create sub-groups(d) act as a self-appointed leader of the group
Th e group discussion evaluates the candidate’s ability to:(a) control others(b) argue with others(c) lead others(d) confer with others on a given subject
Th e left part of our brain controls:(a) imagination(b) emotions(c) creativity(d) logic and reasoning
In an interview when you do not know an answer, you should:(a) bluff(b) remain quiet(c) admit you do not know the answer(d) keep guessing
Tease or stress questions are intended to judge:(a) the candidate’s stress level(b) the candidate’s intelligence quotient(c) how the candidate handles them(d) the candidate’s technical skill
A summary placed at the beginning of the CV acts as a:(a) synopsis(b) preface(c) letter of recommendation(d) statement of objectives
Th e application letter is:(a) a summary of your qualifi cations and experiences(b) a statement of your job objective(c) a foreword(d) a description of your core strengths and suitability for the job
Th e résumé of a fresh graduate is generally:(a) one page long(b) three pages long(c) two pages long(d) half a page
Th e application letter and the résumé perform:(a) the same task(b) two diff erent tasks(c) two opposite tasks(d) overlapping tasks
Th e best way to apply for a job is to submit a résumé that is:(a) suitable for any job(b) specifi cally written for that particular job(c) full of personal information(d) self-recommending
It is acceptable in the United States to address a casual acquaintance by the fi rst name. It communicates a sense of familiarity. How might those of other nationalities, such as Germans, respond to
In India, the gift is usually presented to the lady of the house. What is the normal etiquette of presenting gift s in the Middle East?
As a token of goodwill, you want to present your Chinese host an expensive Titan watch from India. When should you present it: on meeting, on parting, or never?
A handshake is a globally recognized form of greeting. How does one communicate feelings through a handshake?
Like individuals, companies too have business etiquette rules.Give examples of some of these.
“Each individual contributes to the company’s image”. Refl ect on the signifi cance of this statement for a company’s customer care management.
How far is it correct to view the manners and attitudes of people from other cultures in terms of our own culture? Why do we do so?
What does the term “business etiquette” mean to you?
People from other countries can be easily put at ease by speaking to them in:(a) English (b) your own language(c) their language (d) sign language
In business, keep telephone calls very short because the other person may not be:(a) interested in talking to you(b) free to talk to you(c) paying attention to you(d) noting down what you say
In diff erent cultures, colors represent:(a) diff erent things(b) the same thing(c) insignifi cant things(d) arbitrary things
In many parts of the world, such as Latin America and India, keeping the eyes lowered is a sign of:(a) respect (b) dishonesty(c) evasiveness (d) timidity
At an Arab business party, alcohol is:(a) served fi rst(b) served last(c) served continuously(d) not served at all
As a host, you would invite visiting foreign guests to a business dinner:(a) by writing an invitation letter(b) personally, face-to face(c) through a messenger(d) by announcing the dinner at a meeting
In business telephone calls, when making a request always use:(a) the interrogative form(b) direct categorical statements(c) the passive form(d) the imperative form
In business, when you fail to recall the name of a person met earlier, you can ask him or her:(a) for his or her surname(b) for his or her initials(c) for his or her business card(d) to excuse you
When introducing ourselves, we should use:(a) only our fi rst name(b) only the surname(c) only our designation(d) both the fi rst name and the surname
The set of norms of behaviour and attitude in every workplace is:(a) internationally prescribed(b) nationally laid down(c) self-evolved(d) dictated by the board
To what extent should our negotiations be planned beforehand?What examples come to mind?
“Never be judgmental about the intentions and behaviours of your opponents in a negotiation.” Why?
Analyse the power of legitimacy (authority) in garnering compliance with a request. Th ink of some examples from your personal experience.
Do you believe that you can negotiate anything? Point out any exceptions to this claim.
Consider the role of psychology in achieving success in negotiations.
In negotiations, the interpretation of a cue requires skill because it may be:(a) ambiguous(b) verbal(c) intentional(d) behavioural
In order to persuade others, facts should be discussed from the point of view of a:(a) third party(b) fi rst party(c) second party(d) fourth party
One’s negotiation objective should be:(a) ideal(b) realistic(c) personal(d) social
Negotiation implies that both parties accept that the agreement between them is:(a) conditional(b) fi nal and binding(c) subject to further dispute(d) necessary
Negotiation strategy is partly concerned with:(a) ending the discussion(b) avoiding failure(c) prolonging the length of the negotiation(d) searching for a common goal
A negotiation is discussed in a tone that focuses attention on the need to reach a satisfactory solution by:(a) force(b) joint problem-solving(c) setting conditions(d) making proposals
Th e fi nal aim of negotiation is to:(a) reach an agreement(b) implement an agreement between two parties(c) win at all cost(d) end a dispute
Persuasion is an essential element of eff ective negotiation because it helps in:(a) resolving disputes among people(b) settling issues between two parties(c) eff ecting agreements and solutions in
Informal negotiation involves:(a) three people(b) four people(c) two people(d) any number of people
As compared to unannounced negotiation, formal negotiation:(a) is simpler(b) is more diffi cult(c) requires less preparation(d) is more time consuming
Discuss the diff erent kinds of questions one can face from an audience and how you would handle them.
“The question–answer session is an integral part of a presentation.”Do you agree? How much time should be kept for the audience’s questions in a presentation of about 30 minutes?
A presentation is oft en the result of team work. How is the work of diff erent team members coordinated and presented as a single, well organized presentation?
Should a presentation be allowed to change into a group discussion at any stage?
How does a young business executive benefi t from success in his or her fi rst presentation before peers and seniors?
Initially, a presentation is a form of:(a) one-way communication(b) two-way communication(c) group communication(d) intrapersonal communication
In presentation design, maximum time is given to the:(a) conclusion (b) introduction(c) main body (d) question–answer session
To select the content of your presentation, you should know:(a) your purpose (b) the audience’s needs(c) the available material (d) the time limit
To make a presentation eff ective and impressive, you should use:(a) complex sentences(b) jargon(c) passive sentences(d) a simple and active form of sentences
Reading out a presentation is:(a) allowed (b) not allowed(c) helpful (d) dull
To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is:(a) necessary (b) optional(c) useless (d) audience based
Th e audience for a presentation consists of people who:(a) are uniform in their level of information and purpose(b) vary in their level of information and purpose(c) are uninformed and lack a
Th e three major elements of presentation do not include:(a) visual aids (b) specifi c content(c) an audience (d) a presenter
Th e presenter acts as the:(a) medium of the information(b) advocate of the information(c) supporter of the information(d) deliverer of the information
A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with an audience that is:(a) large (b) small(c) specifi c (d) mixed
Write a formal report as a marketing manager to your company’s vice-president of marketing on the reasons you have investigated for the sudden fall in demand for your product.You can create the
Prepare a title page of a report to be written by you as a management graduate at BITS Pilani on “Communication Needs of Business Management Executives”. The assignment is to be submitted to the
If the basis of a report is a problem, what should be the fi rst step necessary before moving further into the writing process?
Bring out the diff erence between “conclusions” and “recommendations”in a report.
Describe the diff erence between direct and indirect organization of a report.
Discuss the chief characteristics of a good business report.
What is the diff erence between formal and informal reports?
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