C The chapter casts some light on our innate weaknesses as human beings in reaching conclusions and


C The chapter casts some light on our innate weaknesses as human beings in reaching conclusions and making rational decisions (i.e. decision-making biases).

Give examples from your own experience to each of the below examples of biases (fallacies). Considering each one individually, explore what one could do to overcome them.

Confrmation bias: you tend to listen to information that supports your thoughts.

Illusion of control: you tend to believe that you can control or at least infuence the outcome when, in fact, you cannot (≈ hubris).

Anecdotical evidence bias: you rely on few observations or idle talk, but draw general conclusions from them (≈ law of small numbers).

Availability bias: you overestimate information you already have access to.

Zero-risk bias: you avoid risk/uncertainty to the extent that you neglect solutions with good risk–reward balance.

Halo efect: when evaluating a person, your frst positive impression of them will infuence your other judgements.

Stereotyping: you judge a person from her group membership, not her personal qualities.

Negativity bias: you pay more attention to negative information than is reasonable.

Bandwagon efect: if a number of people hold a belief, you tend to follow the crowd (≈ groupthink, fock behavior).

Blind-spot bias: you don’t see your own biases, but recognize them in others.

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