A lifear programming coemputer sackage is needed. to complete al the cherry cabinets, the namber of haurs avalable for the fend frishing oceration, and the cost per hour to serform the work are shown here. 40,60=0.67, of 67%, of the cherry cabinets if a worked only on cherry cabinets: Min cabinetmaker 2 , and C3 = percentage of cherrv cabinets assigned to cabinetmaker 3 ? Min s.t. haurs avallabie 1 Rours avadable 2 nours maibble 3 oak cherry. O1,O2,O3,Cl1Cl2,C2O cerpleting both prejects? (Reund your percentage values to one decimal place.) os or: 03 ct ca total cest (c) If Cabinetmaker it has additional hours avalable, would the optimal solution change? Eaptain. Yes, ebch addeicoal hout of time for cobinetmaker 1 will reduce the telal cost by \$-1.75 per hour. Yes, each additional hour of time for cabinetraker 1 wil ressoe the total cont br 35 per hour. (b) Solve the model formulated in sart (a). What percentage of the ouk cabinets and what perceorage of the cherry cabinets shoule be assigned to each cabinemaker? what is the totat cost in $ ) of completing both projects? (fipund your percentage values to one decimal place) o1 o2 03 a c totaicest \& (c) If Cabicetmeine it has adeitional heurs avaliatle, would the optimal solution change? Explain. Yes, each additional hour ef time for capinetmaker 1 wa resuce the total cost by 51.75 per hour. Ves, each addiconal hour of tirme for cabinetmaker 1 will redvce the total cost by 35 per bour. No, cabicetmeker i has a stack of 37.5 nours, se increasivg cabinetmaner is bme wir not reduce costs. No, cabinemmakar 1 has a siack of 26.458 hours, so increasing cabinotmaker 1 's vime wil not refuce conts (d) If Cabnetmaker 2 nas adationar hours avalable, would the optimat solytion change? Explain. hes, enoh addsional hour of time for casinemaker 2 wil neduce the fotal cout by 15 per hour The rew obigative function coefficiens for 02 and C2 are ind , respectivesy. The optimal salution bed tras a vilut of 5 A lifear programming coemputer sackage is needed. to complete al the cherry cabinets, the namber of haurs avalable for the fend frishing oceration, and the cost per hour to serform the work are shown here. 40,60=0.67, of 67%, of the cherry cabinets if a worked only on cherry cabinets: Min cabinetmaker 2 , and C3 = percentage of cherrv cabinets assigned to cabinetmaker 3 ? Min s.t. haurs avallabie 1 Rours avadable 2 nours maibble 3 oak cherry. O1,O2,O3,Cl1Cl2,C2O cerpleting both prejects? (Reund your percentage values to one decimal place.) os or: 03 ct ca total cest (c) If Cabinetmaker it has additional hours avalable, would the optimal solution change? Eaptain. Yes, ebch addeicoal hout of time for cobinetmaker 1 will reduce the telal cost by \$-1.75 per hour. Yes, each additional hour of time for cabinetraker 1 wil ressoe the total cont br 35 per hour. (b) Solve the model formulated in sart (a). What percentage of the ouk cabinets and what perceorage of the cherry cabinets shoule be assigned to each cabinemaker? what is the totat cost in $ ) of completing both projects? (fipund your percentage values to one decimal place) o1 o2 03 a c totaicest \& (c) If Cabicetmeine it has adeitional heurs avaliatle, would the optimal solution change? Explain. Yes, each additional hour ef time for capinetmaker 1 wa resuce the total cost by 51.75 per hour. Ves, each addiconal hour of tirme for cabinetmaker 1 will redvce the total cost by 35 per bour. No, cabicetmeker i has a stack of 37.5 nours, se increasivg cabinetmaner is bme wir not reduce costs. No, cabinemmakar 1 has a siack of 26.458 hours, so increasing cabinotmaker 1 's vime wil not refuce conts (d) If Cabnetmaker 2 nas adationar hours avalable, would the optimat solytion change? Explain. hes, enoh addsional hour of time for casinemaker 2 wil neduce the fotal cout by 15 per hour The rew obigative function coefficiens for 02 and C2 are ind , respectivesy. The optimal salution bed tras a vilut of 5