One of the most recognitable motorcycle brands in the werid is Herley Davidson. When riding R, people carry pride whth them. With ts amazing methods of promoting and managing its products for clierts, 4 has been on the market for more than 110 years and continues to grow every yes. American motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson, Inc. was founded in Milwaukee. Wisconsin, in 1903. It was one of the two major American motorcycle manulacturers to survive the Great Depression, along with indian The business has dealt with subsidiary agreements, periods of weak ecconamic perlamance and subpar peoduct quality, delerent ownerphip structures. and ferce intemasonal rivaly. As a result, e rose to prominence as one of the biggest motorbike producters in the wortd and a household name. its devoled audience is wel known. Worlidwide distrbstion is ollered by Harley Davidson. It is well-wed for its detign and customizability. Under the Harley-Davidson brand, there ace actessories, toys, scale replicas of the company's motorcycles, home decor and omaments, accessories, and video garres cemtered on the molorbike line and the greal community. Davidson use both conventional and cutting-edge strategies, In addition, Harley Davidson uses aulo and motorcycle events in Mhavakee, there is a Harley Davidson Museum where the business displays its history and earler HD motorcycle models. Harley Davidson also holds races, including dray races. For fan engagement, the brand uses digtal platlorms the social media. On Faopbook and instagram, 2 has a sizable fan and folower base. its own websile is where customsers can leam detals about certain modeih, induding their features and costs. Harley Dovidson emphasizes and strives for a specific level of variety in ts goodn. focuning mostly on heary-buit chassis and huge displacement mokers. It has been producing highquality goods at high expenses, making it a product wh a premium pricing while atso targeting a specfic market or class of customen. Due so this, the business has even encourtered some challenges and experienced red periods in is profit curves, which weve overcame through rightniging and layolts. The conclusion is that when t comes to names of premum motorcycles, Harley Davidson has the best positioning. And a significant portion of this premium positioning is made possible by the motorcycle's pricing Premium heavyweight motorcycles from Harley-Davidson are peoduced and sold, they perform as wetl as they lock. These motorcycles are wellknown throughout the entire world for their massive construction and unique riding erperience. These bikes have remained a favorite of athietes and Holywood stars because of sheir chic look. The business creabes and markets custom, cruser, and touring motorcycles with cutting-edge aesthetcs, groundbresking design, distinctive sounds, and topenotch construction. Customers of Harley Davidson have the cesion of customizing their vehicles. in adstion, the business provistes its clents with francial services through Harley Davidson Financial Services. Along with nifing equipment and clothing the business also sells components and accessories. Authorized Harley-Dwidson dealens ate the main locations where the company's products are distibuted. If we consider how these dealers provide the vast maionity of the company's profes: Addificnaly, certain of its dealen are permitted to rent Harley-Danidson motorcycles. Customers can purchase garments, motorbike pants and accessories, and other goods trom the company's online store by placing online ceders. The locatians whese products fram Hariey Davidson can be found are as folow: HO Authorized Dealers, Onine Store foe Harley-Davidson, H-O Rent-A-Car Auenorized Dewiers 1.1 Critically discuss the four Ps of marketing in light of the case study provided above. and incorporate Harley Davidsons maketing max as a butiness in your discussion. Word count 400600 words 1.2 Discuss the role of digtal marketing in the 21 century in the automotive indestry-(10) Word count: 400600 worts