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Myers' Psychology For The Ap(r) Course 3rd Edition David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall - Solutions
=+65-6 Describe how many people have, or have had, a psychological disorder, and explore whether poverty is a potential risk factor.
=+65-5 Examine whether psychological disorders predict violent behavior.
=+65-4 Discuss the controversy over attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
=+65-3 Describe how and why clinicians classify psychological disorders, and explain why some psychologists criticize the use of diagnostic labels.
=+65-2 Contrast how the medical model and the biopsychosocial approach influence our understanding of psychological disorders.
=+65-1 Explain how we draw the line between normality and disorder.
=+a. the average scores for various racial and ethnic groups do not differ by much.b. the tests do a pretty good job of predicting what they are supposed to predictc. cultural background has little
=+3. According to most experts, intelligence tests are not biased because
=+a. People of varying ancestry may categorize themselves as having the same race.b. Scores on tests of mental abilities vary by race.c. Behavior traits are associated with race.d. Skin cancer rates
=+2. Which of the following provides the best evidence that race is more of a social construct than a biological category?
=+a. Boys have a higher average intelligence score.b. Boys are better spellers than girls.c. Boys are better at detecting emotions.d. Boys are more verbally fluent.e. Boys are more likely to be
=+1. Which of the following is true of boys compared with girls?
=+ 64-3 Discuss whether intelligence tests are inappropriately biased, and explain the influence of stereotype threat on test- takers' performance.
=+O 64-2 Examine how and why racial and ethnic groups differ in mental ability scores.
=+64-1 Examine how and why the genders differ in mental ability scores.
=+-2 Analyze the evidence for environmental influences on intelligence.
=+63-1 Analyze the evidence for a genetic influence on intelligence, and explain what is meant by heritability.
=+2. Which of the following best represents crystallized intelligence?a. Jake can solve math word problems quickly.b. Grandpa Milt is good at crossword puzzles.c. Aliyah has a knack for training
=+4. Intellectual disability is defined by both IQ and which of They are retested every other year for 30 years.a. Chronological ageb. Mental agec. Adaptive abilityd. Physical conditione. Heritability
=+ 3. Hal scored an 89 on an intelligence test when he was 16. Now, at age 56, he is interested in what his score would be as an adult. The score he is most likely to earn on the new test would bea.
=+1. Which of the following is a longitudinal study?a. Researchers test the intelligence of all the students in a high school.b. Intelligence tests are given to the residents of a nursing home.c.
=+ 62-4 Discuss the traits of those at the low and high intelligence extremes.
=+62-3 Describe the stability of intelligence test scores over the life span.
=+62-2 Define cross- sectional studies and longitudinal studies, and explain why it is important to know which method was used.
=+62-1 Analyze how aging affects crystallized and fluid intelligence.
=+4. Which of the following can be used to demonstrate that only about 2 percent of the population scores at least two standard deviations above the mean on an intelligence test?a. Reliability testb.
=+3. If a test yields consistent results upon retesting, it can be said to have a high degree ofa. reliability.b. validity.c. content validity.d. predictive validity.e. normal curve.
=+a. Atul answers questions about the rules of the road.b. Mr. Anderson's AP psychology test covers the material from the current unit.c. Sherjeel takes the ACT for college admission.d. Jeffrey is
=+2. Which of the following is the best example of an aptitude test?
=+1. A test developer defines uniform testing procedures and meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a pretested group. Which of the following best de- scribes this process?a.
=+ 61-3 Describe the normal curve, and explain standardization, reliability, and validity.
=+ 61-2 Discuss when and why intelligence tests were created, and explain how today's tests differ from early intelligence tests.
=+61-1 Describe the characteristics of an intelligence test, and distinguish between achievement and aptitude tests. O
=+a. Understanding emotionsb. Perceiving emotionsc. Using emotionsd. Managing emotionse. Inventing emotions
=+4. Which of the following is not a component of emotional intelligence?
=+3. Victor is blind, unable to speak, and understands very few words. He is, however, able to hear a piece of music once and play it back flawlessly on the piano. Victor's abilities best represent
=+2. According to Charles Spearman and others, underlies specific mental abilities and is measured by every task on an intelligence test.a. savant syndromeb. general intelligence (g)c. factor
=+1. An intelligence test that asks a person how many uses they can think of for a golf ball is most likely testing a person'sa. linguisticb. practicalc. creative intelligence.d. spatiale. analytical
=+60-3 Describe the four components of emotional intelligence.
=+60-2 Compare Gardner's and Sternberg's theories of multiple intelligences, and discuss the criticisms they have faced.
=+60-1 Discuss how psychologists define intelligence, and present the arguments for g.
=+d. "I am usually right in predicting how long it takes me to get places, but today there was more traffic than I anticipated."e. "Sometimes I procrastinate and do not leave enough time to get
=+3. Karl was late to his interview because he left the house late and did not use his GPS for directions. If Karl is making use of the self-serving bias, which of the follow- ing statements will he
=+a. His behavior would be a reflection of his personality and attitudes.b. He would choose a career based on the needs of his community.c. He would view his life task as fitting in and maintaining
=+2. Which of the following is most likely to be true of a per- son from an individualist culture?
=+1. Which of the following is an example of self-efficacy?a. Manuela believes others are always watching her.b. Abraham believes he is a good person.c. Rasheed has placed in skating competitions,
=+59-3 Discuss how individualist and collectivist cultures differ in their values and goals.
=+59-2 Describe how excessive optimism, blindness to one's own incompetence, and self- serving bias reveal the costs of self-esteem, and explain how defensive and secure self-esteem differ.
=+59-1 Explain why psychology has generated so much research on the self, and discuss the importance of self-esteem to our well-being.
=+a. A student teacher is formally observed and evaluated in the classroom.b. A person applying for a managerial position takes the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.c. A defendant in a criminal case is
=+3. Which of the following is an example of an assessment likely to be used by a social-cognitive psychologist?
=+2. The way we explain negative and positive events is calleda. personal control.d. attribution.b. reciprocal determinism.e. situational assessment.c. self-efficacy.
=+1. Who of the following is considered the leading advocate of personality's social-cognitive approach?a. Gordon Allportb. Carl Jungc. Karen Horneyd. Carl Rogerse. Albert Bandura
=+58-2 Discuss the criticisms social-cognitive theorists have faced.
=+58-1 Describe how social-cognitive theorists view personality development and how they explore behavior.
=+4. Which of the following is true based on "Big Five" per- sonality traits research?a. Highly conscientious people are likely to be evening people or "night owls."b. Highly conscientious people get
=+3. Which of the following is best described along a contin- uum ranging from ruthless and suspicious to helpful and trusting?a. Conscientiousnessb. Agreeablenessc. Opennessd. Extraversione.
=+ 2. Jayne refuses to cheat on an exam that many of her friends have shown her copies of. Jayne would rank high on the Big Five trait ofa. conscientiousness.b. agreeableness.c. openness.d.
=+1. Which of the following is the best term or phrase for a characteristic pattern of behavior or a disposition to feel and act?a. Myers-Briggs indicatorb. Factor analysisc. Introversiond.
=+57-5 Discuss whether research supports the consistency of personality traits over time and across situations.
=+57-4 Identify the traits that seem to provide the most useful information about personality variation.
=+57-3 Describe personality inventories, and discuss their strengths and weaknesses as trait- assessment tools.
=+57-2 Discuss some common misunderstandings about introversion.
=+57-1 Explain how psychologists use traits to describe personality.
=+56-3 Describe how humanistic theories have influenced psychology, and discuss the criticisms they have faced.
=+56-2 Explain how humanistic psychologists assessed a person's sense of self.
=+56-1 Describe how humanistic psychologists viewed personality, and explain their goal in studying personality.
=+describe how modern research has developed our understanding of the unconscious.
=+55-6 Discuss how contemporary psychologists view Freud's psychoanalysis, ?
=+55-5 Describe projective tests and how they are used, and discuss some criticisms of them.
=+55-4 Identify which of Freud's ideas his followers accepted and rejected.
=+55-3 Identify the developmental stages Freud proposed, and discuss how he thought people defended themselves against anxiety.
=+55-2 Explain how Sigmund Freud's treatment of psychological disorders led to his view of the unconscious mind, and describe his view of personality.
=+55-1 Explain what psychologists mean by personality, and identity the theories that inform our understanding of personality.
=+ 5. Kaylee contributes to the flood relief fund because others are doing so, and she doesn't want to look selfish. Kohlberg might explain that she is in thea. postconventional stage.b.
=+4. Which of the following statements about the impact of aging is true?a. During old age, many of the brain's neurons die.b. If we live to be 90 or older, most of us will eventually become
=+ 3. What is the correct term for a period of time when cer- tain events must take place in order to facilitate proper development?a. Conservation stageb. Preoperational stagec. Attachment periodd.
=+2. Jayden, age 15, is struggling with how his political views fit with those of his peers and his parents as he moves toward developing what Erikson would call his sense ofa. trust.b. worth.c.
=+1. What aspect of development did Jean Piaget's theory focus on?a. Socialb. Moralc. Cognitived. Physicale. Ego
=+ 54-6 Describe the range of reactions to the death of a loved one.
=+54-5 Describe changes in well-being across the life span.
=+54-4 Discuss the themes and influences that mark our social journey from early adulthood to death.
=+54-3 Discuss how neurocognitive disorders and Alzheimer's disease affect cognitive ability.
=+54-2 Assess how memory changes with age.
=+54-1 Identify the physical changes that occur during middle and late adulthood.
=+3. Which of the following has been shown to be an effecti- intervention to reduce teen pregnancies?a. Abstinence-only sex education in schoolsb. Participation in service learning programsc.
=+a. A growth spurt in height, especially for boysb. Development of breasts for girlsc. Full development of external genitalia in both sexesd. Facial hair and deepened voice for boyse. Appearance of
=+2. Which of the following is a primary sex characteristic that changes at puberty?
=+1. A child who is genetically femalea. has received an X chromosome from her mother and aY chromosome from her father.b. has received a Y chromosome only from her mother.c. has received a Y
=+53-4 Synthesize what research has taught us about sexual orientation.
=+53-3 Discuss the factors that influence teenagers' sexual behaviors and use of contraceptives. 0
=+53-2 Discuss the factors that reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
=+53-1 Describe how sex hormones influence prenatal and adolescent sexual development, and explain intersex conditions.
=+52-3 Discuss the characteristics of emerging adulthood.
=+52-2 Contrast parental and peer influences during adolescence.
=+52-1 Describe the social tasks and challenges of adolescence.
=+5. Piaget would argue that as an adolescent, Mildred is better able to understand calculus because she is in thea. sensorimotor stage.b. preoperational stage.c. concrete operational stage.d. formal
=+ 4. What development in adolescents allows for greater impulse control?a. The hormonal surge of early adolescenceb. Hindbrain changes associated with the onset of pubertyc. Frontal lobe maturation
=+3. Howard cheats in his calculus class, even though he knows it is wrong, because "everyone else is doing it." Kohlberg would argue that Howard's response reflects a view of morality.a.
=+a. Kohlberg; Eriksonb. Erikson; Kohlbergc. Piaget; Kohlbergd. Piaget; Eriksone. Haidt; Kohlberg
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