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e marketing
Questions and Answers of
E Marketing
Expfaio how situational influences may affect the consumer buying decision process.
Describe the types of consumer decision making and the level of involvement
Recognize the stages of the •consumer buying decision process.
Do you think Home Dcpol i.s segmenting the. contrnctor market using only business V'J..fiables or a combination of business and conswner variables? Explain your a.nswer.
Which segmentation variables doe! Home Depot .appear to be using 10 reach consumer markets'? Why these appropriate?
Is Home Depot using diffcrenti.aled tarse1ing.. undiffert'-nli:tted targeting, or conc.cntrated tar!,>etlng? How do you),
What hypothesis do you 1hink 1he product designer formulated bef orc he beg:m researching how consumers use buckets'? Do you ngrcc with his decision lo use obsi:r-\•:ttion rother than another
What factors do you think were partku.larly inOuentiaJ in Maud'~ docitioo LO select Hispanic Am('r-ican motherS ai.a target market?
ldentir)' the categories of ,•ariab1es used by Mauel to scsment the for Max Steel oction figures. Can you sug1oe.•lt acldjtionaJ \'ttriables that Mauel might use in this market?
Is Maud using an undifferentiated. ronccntruted, or dif.forentiated targeting, .strategy? How do you know?
What role do t:,'COgr".tphic varinb1es play in Sk.i Buuemut's segmen1at.ion and taTJ;,>
How is Sk.i Butternut applying. behavioristic ,,ariablcs in iL'i segmc-ntation Explain your answer.
Of the. four c.ategories of ,·adabJes, which one seems to be the most central lo Ski Butternut's segmentation stmtegy.and why?
Under what conditions might a firm multiple forecasting methods?
Under what conditions are markel lt:Sts u.scfol for sales forecasting? What are the advantages and disad,'3Jlt.ages of market tests?
What arc the two primar)' types of sun-c.ys a company might use to fon:
What is a sales flln'cast? Why is it important?
Why i..:. sclectjng appropriate targ.el market,,; important for an ~anizru.ion that wants to ndop1 the marketing concept philosophy?
Why is a markeler concerned about sales po1ential when trying to select a target market?
Desc.ribe the important factors that mart.cters should anal)""Le to e,•aJuate markel sc-g.ments.
What is a market segment profile? Why is it an important step in the 1.arge1 m:trkel selection process?
Define geodemograpldc segmen1a1;0,1. Identify SC\'eral types of firms that might employ this type of market segmentation. and explain why.
\ dimen.,Wns are used to segment busines.,o; market1o?
Identify and describe four m:i.jor cates,orie.s of vari31>b that can be used lo .Se
List the differences bet~'C'en ron
Wh:it is market segmenlation? Desc-ribe the basic conditions required for effcctj.,.c sc-gmentation. Identify se,,era) firms that use markel segmentation.
What is an undifferentiated stmtegy? Under what conditions is it most useful? Describe a present situru.ioo in \\1 hich a company is using fin um:Hffercntiale
Outline the five major steps in the targ.e.t markel selection process.
In your local area. identify a group of people with unsatisfied product needs who rcprei.ent a market. Could this market be reached. by a business organization'? W&y or why nOl?
What is a market? What are the requirements for a murke1?
DiK'USS how your product MlOU.Jd be positioned in the minds of customers in the 1arge1 m:u-ket rclru.i,-c to the product positions of competiton..
Selcct and justify the segmentation variables that are mo~l appropriate for segmenting the market for your product. Jf your product is- a consumer producL use Figure 6.3 for idea.-. regarding the.
What type o( is being used for your produd? Should a different targeting strategy be employed'?
Discuss sales forecasting methoqs.
Identify the factors that in!1uence the selection of specific market segments for use as target markets.
Explain how to evaluate market segments.
Explain wflat market segment profiles are·and how they are used.
Identify the major segmentation variables.
Describe the differences among three targeting strategies.
Identify the five steps of the target market selection process.
Explain what markets are and how they are generally classified.
How has Threadlessdimin:Lted the ~'t of test marketing'?
How docs Thread.less t.Ttate the equivalenl of an online focus sroup to prO\•ide feedback on designs?
How bas Thrcadless used crowdsoun:ing as I.he foundation of its marketing research?
How have stores used marketing research findings to tailor their .stores ond produc ts to appeal to Baby Boomers'?
How has the marketing n:search process been used to understand bow Baby Roomers shop and interact in stores?
Wh)' Baby Boomers such a lucrath'C market?
How docs marketing resc-ar
What role do ethics play in markeling rc~arch'? Why is it important lhat marketing researchers be ethical'!
How can marketers use onHne services and 1he Internet to obLain information for decision making'?
What is big dat.a'? Why is it important to m.arkeling rcse:uch?
Define a database. What is its purpose. and what dues it include?
What is a marketing information system. and whal should it pm"ide.?
If a survey of :ill homes with listed telephone numbers is to be
Suggest some ways to en1."0Ura1;ioe respondents 10 cooperate in mail surveys.
Wh:d is the differcnc.e betwttn proOObility sampling and nunprooobility sampling'? In what si1uru.ion \\..'(>Uld random sampling be be.
Describe the different t~ of approaches to marketing research. ruid indicate when each should be used.S. Where aredat:t for m:ui..cting restarch obcained? Give.example:$ of inte rna l and external
What is the difference. between defining a research problem and de\'cfoping a hypothesi~1
Describe the fi,,.'C :.1eps in the marketing research process.
What it marke1ing research'? Why i! il important?
Using Table 5.3. dloose the approprillte survey method(s) you would use to c:olJct.1 primary data for o ne of your information need.,;. WhiU sampling mC'thod.... wld you use'?
Determine whether or- not 1his information can be oblained from scooodary iOO:rtts. Visit the websites provided in Table S.2 as possible rt'-SOUn'.:e.\ for the second:aty data.
Define the nature and scope of the que...s.ions you must with regard to your mnil:.eL Jdentif )' the l)'pc:$ of information you will need about the market to answer those questions. For
Identify ethical and intemational issues in marketing research.
Describe the tools. such as databases, big data, decision support systems,.. - and the Internet, useful to marketing decision making.
Name the five basic steps in conducting marketing research, including the two types of data and four survey metho
Distinguish between exploratory and conclusive research.
Define marketing research and its importance lo decision makers.
How do REJ"s values rdate to the development of an ethi·c.a) culture?
How docs REI implcmenl social n:s:ponsibility?
Describe stakeholder orientation lll REL
How do soltd C()mmunity rc.Jattotls help 811rrct14 Jack.soo.SUCl"eed'?
In what ways does Barrctt-fack.son protect the rights of its buyers and seUcrS?
Why is behavior so important for an auction comPllllY such as Barrett-Jackson'?
How docs TOMS' business model relate 10 the understanding of Slak.ehoklcrs and !.lnllC.l:,'lC phil:inth.ropy?
How does TOMS manage its supply chain in order 10 ensure ethic.a) and socially responsible tondu(.1?
Do you think TOMS is suc
What evidence exis1s that being socially responsible and ethical is worthwhile?
\ trade-offs might a company have to make to be socially responsible and rdponsi\'e to socie1y's demands?
How can people with different persona) values work together 10 make ethical dec.·isK>ns in Of'l~nizations?
How can the e.thical decisions imuh'Ctl in mrut.etjng be imprmred'?
Give :in example of how ethical issues can affeet each component of the marketing mix.
What ethical
How do the foclors that influence e thical or unc.thical decisions interact?
Why is ethics an impOrtant cons:iderntion in marketjng decisions'?
Wh:it is the difference between ethics a.nd social n:sponsibility?
Whjl are some m:i.jor social responsibility i..~sucs? Gi~an example of each.
What is strategic phiJanthropy? How does it differ from more traditional philanthropic efforts?
What are four dimtnsions of social reSpOnsibilil)''? What imp:tct do they h1we on marketing decisions'?
Wblt is socio! n:.sponsibildy? Why is il importo.nt?
Using Table 4.3. identify addi1jona) issues rclt11e-d to your product for each of the 4 Ps.
Referring 10 Table 4.2 as o. guide. d iscuss how the negative impact of your product's production and u...e coukl be m inimized.
Determine 1he, Je~l of importance that m;u-kcting dti7.enShip holds in your company. Jdenlif y the various stakeholders who would be affected by your strategic decisions.
Critique the role of social responsibility and ethics in improving marketing perlofmance.
Comment on the,require·ments'lor improving ethical decision making.
Describe the three factors of ethical decision making.
State the importance of marketing ethics.
Deline the four dimensions •of social responsibility.
How will changes in sociocultural fon.-cs pro,•ide opportunities for Whole Foods in the future?
Showing 100 - 200
of 436