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e marketing
Questions and Answers of
E Marketing
How is Eaton using digital marketing to reach its customres?
Describe ways lhnt Ea1on is addressing global chaHen&oes.
Row doe$ Eaton target and consumer!?Arc there an)' diflCrcnc.c.,;?
What are some ways oq~ani:.cations con guard against intellec1ual property violations on their websites?
Why is it hard for firms to monitoc and protect against intellC"Clwt.l property viol:.alions O\'Cr the Internet?
How has lntemel piracy impac:1ed organizations?
How docs Zappos e ncourage v.'Ord--of.mouth m.arkeling through digital media.?
Dcsaibe some w.iys in whic h Zappos uses media tools.
Name 3:nd de$CJ'ibe the major ethical and legal issues that have dc .. -cloped in response to 1he Internet. How should policy makers oddress thc-~,;e issues?
How have digitttl mcdfa affected the pricing of products'! Give exomplcs of the opportunities and challenges presented lo marketers in light of lhesc:c.-hanges.
How do the char.«.1.cristics of digital marketing affect the promotion clement of the marketing mix?
How can marketers exploit the characteristics of lhc Internet to i.mpro,,e the product clement of lheir n:uut:cling mixes'?
Describe the different Tecbnogruphics se-gments.How can marktters use this segmentation in strategies'.>
How has digital media chailgcd consumer behavior?What arc the opponunitics o.nd dt.allc:nges that face marketers with this in mind?
Why ore social nelwork~ becoming an increasingly important marketing tool? Find on example online in whkh a company has imprU\ecd the cffecli\'encss of its m:irl..eting strategy by using social
How docs digital marketing differ from lmdition:tl marketing?2 . Define imeractfrity and explain its significance .. How can markeltt'S exploit this charnc1eris1ic 10 improve relations wilh
Disc.uss different digitul media and 1he pros and
No mailer what nutrkcting media are used. determining the correct marketing mix for your comJXllly is always importanL Think about how sacial media might affcc..1.the m:arl.eting mix.
What some of the most significant ~1aclcs to expansion in ltaly. and how can Starbucks o,'Crcome 1hem'?
What appear to be some of the mosa significant barrie-rS Starbucks is foc ing when ex )X)nding into foreign countries?
Describe Starbucks' global str.i.tcg;y. ls it engaging in more of a globalization or customization approach'?
Identify legal and ethical considerations in digltal marketing.
Describe how digitarmedia affect the four variables of the marketing mix.
Critique the seven different ways consumers use digital media.
Describe different types of digital-media and how they can be used for marketing.
Summarize the growth and iml)-Ortance of digital marketing.
Define digital media, digital mBlketing, and electronic marl
What should ¢\-O's m:trketing strategy be 10 go global?
What are the unique product features that could make evu n global brand?
WhJl o.rc both the positive aod neg;i.ti\'C outcomes from using exdus.ive dealer agreements that restrict g.)obal dlstnOUtion?
What are some of the pr0du'-1 issues, that you need to consider when ma.rketjng luxury automobiles in Austr.dia. Singapre. Soulh Africa. and S'A'C'den?
Contra.;;1 gloooliz.ation with cu:.tomization of marketing strategies. ls one prac-tice better than the ocher'?
DiS{-:uSS the implcl of str.itegic ~Hianccs on intem:llionoJ marketing strate.gies.
What should marl..etcrs as thC'.y decide whether to lkeose or enter into ajoinl venture in II foreign nation?
How will NAFTA affect mart:eting opportunities for U.S. products in North America (the United States.Mexi'--o. and Canada}'?
If you wctt asked to provtdc a small tip (or bribe) to ha\'e a document approved in a foreign nation wha'c this pr.tttice is customary. whal would you do?
Why do you think Lhi.1; chapter focuses on an analysis of the international marketing em•ironment?
Why arc the Largest industrial c:orporutions in the United Stales so committed to international marl..eting?
How docs international marketing diffc.r from domotic m:trl..eting?2 . What factors must marketers consider as they decide whether to engage in interl'Ultiou:t.l marketing?
Dii.cuss the concepes of customiz.uion and globaJizntion for your product when moving to intc-matiom1J markets. Reier to Table 9.7 for guidunce in your discussion.
Using Figure 9.1 a.~ a guide. dclerm.ine the degree of international in\'OI \'emcnl that is appropriate for your product rind your company.
Extend the analysis for c.a,c.-h of the se,-cn factors to include globaJ mnrkets.
Re\licw the environmental analysis that was comple-t.ed in Ch.apter
Describe the use of the marketing mix internationally.
Summar~e lhe three forms of global organizatiohal slrucl!Jre.
Identify methods of international market entry.
List six important international uade agreements.
Differentiate between the six environmental forces that affect international marketing efforts.
Define international m8rketing.
In which sta1:,>e of the business buying decision process i.,; GE's l"C'putfil.ion likel)' to ba\'c the most in fluence on a ro.ilm:td that is considering. the purch:'.ISC of new looomotivcs?
How docs deri\'ed demand appl)' to the demand for passenger-jet engines? What :ire 1he implica1ions for GE's ma.rt.eting efforts?
Wh)' is GE's in\'Oh'emenl with 1he Olympics- a good way lo .show that the com)Xlny understands the primary
Which ronccms of business customers should Dale Cnmtgie's markclers pay dose attention to when .selling training Ser\•kes to a company Jikc American Express'?
From a marketing perspecti••e. why would people who work for the U.S. Department of Vetertln Affojrs be ns intcre.s1ed in taking a Dale Camc-gie courSc o.s people who wort for American Express'?
Row would you apply Dale Carnegie's method.,; if you were trying to make a sale to a company with a large buying center?
What function docs an industrial cJa.c;sific.ation system hdp marketers perform?
How do eovironmenlal. business. inlerpcrsonal. and individual factors affecl busine!S pu.rchtlSd?
Identify the stages of the business buying decision process. How is this decision process lL"-Cd when making Straig.h1 rebuys?
What arc the major component., of a firm's buying center?
How docs demand for busines:..-. products differ from consumer demand?
Why do buyers im-oh•ed in straigh1 rebuy purdases information th:m those making new-task purchases?
List several ch.arocleristi
Wh:it are the primary concerns of business
Why might business clL,;tomers genera.Uy be considerod more rational in their purchasing, beh.a"ior than ultimate con..,;umers?
Idc-nlify. describe. and gi"e ~amples of the four majo1r lypeS of busine.,;s ma.rkt:L
Discuss the cliffcn:nt types of demand I.bat business customer will expcrien("C when pun-h:is:ing yow- product
Oett-.nnine the type of business pun.-hnsc your customer wiU likdy be using whc".o pun-basing your prodUCL How would this impact the le\'CI of information required by the business when moving 1hrough
What arc the primary con
Describe industrial classification systems and how they can be used to identily and analyze business markets.
Describe the buying center, stages of the business buying decision process, and the factors that atteot this process.
Identify the attributes of demand lor bosiness products.
Identify the major characteristics of business customers and transactions.
Distinguish among the lour ·types of business marl
Which situational influences on the buying decision pnr CCS$ are particularly impOrt.ant lo Disney"s marketing efforts?
Which social influences on the buying decision process do Disney marketing activities take into at.count'?
Which psycholog.ical inOuen
Why would S1arbud-.s want customers to know 1h:i1 it believes in o social responsibility?
ln tenns of influence!> and lc,,eJ of involvement. what are lhe benefits of mobile pay?
Wh al is consumer misbehavior"? Describe tht- \'arious form.-. of consumer misbehavior.
Describe the subculturd to whic h you beJong.Identify buying behavior that is uniq ue: to one of your subcultures.
\Vh:it is culture? How docs it aOCCt a pe,rson's buying behavior?
In what ways does socia.1 dnss o.ffect a pt"NOn's purcha.~decision...?
How docs au opinion leader influence the buying dedsion process of rdcrenc.-e group members'?
Wha t are family influences. and how do they affect buying beha\'ior?IU. Wha t are rdcren(-c group,$? How do they influence buying bcha\'iOr? Name some of your O\\'n reference group$.
How do roles affect a person's buying beha,•ior? Pro,1 ide examples.
In ways do lifcSt)'leS affect the consumer buying decision process'?
Why arc n:uu:ke1ers concerned about oon.,;umer attitudes?
How do marketers l'.lttempe lo shape consumers· learning?
What is sclecti\'e cxposun:? Why do people engage in it?
What an" the ca1cgories of situational factors that inOuence co~umer buying behavior? Explain how e::ic,b of the-k fo.
Name the types of consumer decision-making processes. List some produ
What an: the major stages in tl1e consumer buying decision process? Are all these stag:cs used in :di
ldentif)' the rcfe,n:nce. group~ or subcultures that may influence your target markd·s produ(.1. selection.
Using Table 7.2. what types of family deci~ion making.if any. would your target ma.rl.:et(s) use?" the evaluative
See Table 7.1 Whnl types of decision making nrc your cui:tomeN; likely to use when pun:,hasfog your product?
Discuss consu~r misbehavior.
Describe the social influ·ences that may affect the consumer buying decision process.
Identify the psychological influences !hat may affect the consumer buying decision process.
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of 436