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e marketing
Questions and Answers of
E Marketing
How docs the company adjust to changes in economic conditions?
How ha:$ Whole foods been successful in the highly competitive supermarket industry?
Which elements of the m11rl..eting mix are key to Prc:set\'C in dealing with competition?
What en\1ironmental will be mos1 imporltlnt to understand for Prcsen"C to be successful?
Describe the target market for Prcscn·e prOduc-ts.
Whal evidence cxi.s:ts that cultural di\"ef'Sity is increa.c;ing in the United States?
Whal factors determine whether a business or~onization OOopts and USC$ technology'?
DiK"USS the imp::.ct of 1e-cfo1ology on m:t.rkeling oclivilies.
What docs the term technology mean to you? Do the benefits of technolo
What types of problems do markelers experience as Lhey interpret
Describe marketers' attempts to influen
What factors influence a buyer's willin;ncss 10 Spend?
Define income. dispo.mble income. and dUc-relionary income. How doe½'> e:ich type of income affect consume.r buying power?6 . How do we:tllh and consumer credit affa:t consumer buying power?
What business cycle stage a re we experiencing cumntJy?How is this stage aflccting business firms in your area?
In ways can each of 1he business cyde stages affect consumers' reat.1.ions to marketing $1.rategte!>-?
What are the four type$ of competition? Whic:h is m0$l important to m:uketers?
Why environmental scanning and analysit im portant to marketers?
Dik."'1.ISS how your produc...1. cou)d be affet.1.ed by change$in social an-itude.~ demographic chamctt'ristics. oc lifestyles.
Conduct :l brief technology wessmcnt. dclermining the impact that LC'chnology has oo your p.rodut.1., its sale. orits use.
Referring to Tables 3.2 and you recognizt any law$ or regulator)' :tg.¢ncies that would have jurisdiction over your type of product?
Using the business cycle pan.em , in which o f the four s.l:lgcs is the current state of the economy'? Can you identify any chanp:s in consumer buying JJC>"'Cr would offecl thesaJe nod use of
Descnbe the
Outline the sociocultural issues 'marketers must deal with as they make decisions.
Describe how qe,w technol·ogy impacts marketing and •society.
Explain how laws. government regulations, and selfregulatory agencies affect marketing activities.
Identify the types of politi·cal forces· in the marketing environment
Articulate how economic factors influence a customer's ability and willlngness to buy products.
Explain how competitive factors affect an organization's ability to compete.
Summarize why it is imporiant to examine and respond to the marketing environment
Wh at will Apple need lo do 10 maintain product innovation a nd
Describe the role of App1e stores :is an important part of its marketing strategy.
How has Apple implemented the marketing concept?
What standard..~ do you 1hink NetOix use:$ to ewduate the outcome of its marke1ing strategics'?
When N'ctflix originally enlercd the movie business.was h competing on the basis of a firsl-mO\'Cr odvnntage or a late-mover advant::ige'? Did it rely on the same tldvantagc when it began
Why was Bo1t8us·s sekc1ion of a target market so vital to the suc'-"CSS of its marketing strategy?
When: does BoltBu.-. fit witlun G~yhound's le\'els of Strategic planning? What challenges doc$ this pose for Greyhound?
How would you de.scribe BoltBus'$ strengths. \li'Caknesscs. «>pportunities.. and thrcat.c:?
Identify and explain the major components of a mnrkel·ing plan.
Wheo 1'.lssctsing actual performance of~ marketing slrategy. should a marketer perform murke1ing cost analysis'? Wh)' or why not?
Which clement or the strategic planning process plays a major role in the establishment of performance standard$? Explain.
Jdentif y ond explain lhe major maml.baerial actions that are a parl of managing the implementation of marketing strategies.
When considering the strategic plannjug process.wtutt fa
What ::u,: 1he two major ports of a markding strntegy?
How should organizations SCI markelin.g objecti,,e,-'?
How can an organi7.a.tion make its
What is SWOT an:i.lysis and why is it important?
What arc some issues to consider in analyzing a com·pany's resources and Opporlunjties? How do these issues affecl marketing objectives and marketing strategy'?
Explain how an organization con cn::~lte a
ldentify Lhc majoccomponents of strategic planning, and ex.plain how they are interrelated.
Using: I.he information from your SWOT analysis., have you identified any opportunities 1h31 arc a good match with your
Conduct a SWOT analysis of your company to identify its slreog.ths and weaknesses. Continue your analysis to iodudc the business environment. di.«.-ovcring any uppc:,rtunitics that exist or lhrcalS
Can you identify the core
Describe the development of a marketing plan.
Describe the four major elements of strategic performance evaluation.
Identify what is necessary to effectively manage the implementation of marketing strategies.
Explain the strategic planning process.
How is Campbell's trying to focn:ase lhr: customer's pe:rt.-ei,·ed w lue of its soup?
How would you define Campbell's t::t.rgct market for soup?
Evaluate Campbell's success in impleme nting the markc1ing COn
How does New Belgium·s focus on sustain.ability as a core va.lue.conLn'bute to its corporatec:ultun" and success?
What has Kim Jordan clone to CTC
How h:t.~ New Belgium implemented the marketing concept?
Why is mtirketing important in our society? Why should you study marketing?
Wh:it is customer relationship management? Why is il so important to •·man.age" thi..:: relatjonship'?
How can an Or
What arc the forces in the marketing environment? How much control docs n m:ut.c1ing manager h1we O\'cr these.forces?
What conditions muSI exist before a marketing exchansc c:m occur? Dc:S
What is \•alue? How can marteters use the ma rketing mix to enhance the pen.:.cption of \talue?
What rue the four variables of the marketing mix? Why arc these elements known a! \1ariabld?
What is the foclL'> of all marketing activilics:1 Why'?
What bene.fiL--. will your product provide to the customer? How wilJ these benefits play a role in determining lhe customer value Of your product?
Describe the IC\·el or mrui..ct orientation that currently existt in your company. How will a markel orientalion contribute 10 the success of your new produ
Discu.,;s how the marhting concept contributes to a company's long-term success.
Explain why marketing is important to our global economy.
Identify the importance of building customer relaliqnships.
Summarize the marketing concept.
Briefly describe the marketing envir~nment.
Describe how marketing creates value.
Explain the different variables of the marketing mix.
Define marketing.
What are the three major functions of a distribution channel?
Explain the three main intermediary models commonly used on the internet.
Differentiate between selling agents and manufacturer's agents.
What is a reverse auction? How is the process beneficial to both the buyer and the seller?
What is F-commerce? Cite some examples of companies using F-commerce.
Compare and contrast social commerce, m-commerce, and F-commerce.
Survey 20 people. Ask them to rate their online purchase experience on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 as the best. If they have never purchased online, try to find out what stops them. Summarize the
Working in small groups, discuss online shopping experiences and what companies did to meet group members' needs, including follow-up e-mail/customer service.
Survey 10 people. Ask them to recall a time when they abandoned a shopping cart online while in the middle of a purchase. Query them about what the online retailer could have done to prevent that
Visit and Report on how they are using the social commerce strategy and what are their business models.
What are microsites? What are landing pages? Are they related to microsites?
Give an example of a social media campaign for each stage of the AIDA model.
Define the term content marketing.
Why is IMC considered cross-functional? Explain with an example.
With examples, discuss some widely used online sales promotion tools .
What is A/B testing? Why do companies conduct A/B tests?
Locate the microsite for a specific brand, marketing campaign, or new product. Based on your experience finding this site and looking at its landing page, what changes would you like to see included
Visit the Ikea Web site ( and click on the"Ask Anna" chat bot link at the top of the page. Try asking Anna two or three questions about Ikea's merchandise or policies. Is this chat bot
Use your favorite search engine to locate a blog written by a company CEO. How often does the CEO blog, and what topics are represented in recent posts? What marketing objectives do you think this
Showing 200 - 300
of 436