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operations management
Operations And Process Management 5th Edition Nigel Slack; Alistair Brandon-Jones - Solutions
Compare the ERP/CRM/SCM offerings of two different software vendors.
Look for articles related to supply chain management online or at Fortune, BusinessWeek, or Canadian Business. How do they relate to the topics discussed in this chapter?
Describe some supply chain (external) performance measures for several of the eight key supply chain business processes, assuming the overall strategy is superior customer service. What if the
There are three markets to be served by Faith Distributing Co. The company desires to centrally locate the facility to minimize transportation costs. The (X,Y) coordinates in kilometers to the center
What are the factors that impact a firm’s location decision?
Your firm is contemplating making a part in-house, for use in a product your company manufactures.Currently , your company buys the part for $26 from a reliable supplier. The required quantity is
The Velcu Manufacturing Co. is considering the outsourcing of one of its standard parts to free up capacity for other, more important items. They make the part for $22, and require 12,000 of the
Using a spreadsheet, repeat Problem 7 and create the line chart for the percent defective data.
Using a spreadsheet, repeat Problem 3 and then create the line charts for the data and the R data.
Calculate the , , R, and for the samples.
Calculate the , , R, and for the samples.
Apply the DMAIC improvement cycle to the improvement of the dining hall at a university.
How is a Black Belt different from a Master Black Belt in Six Sigma training?
Complete the following MRP part record (note the lot size, lead time, and safety stock).
Complete the following MRP part record (note the lot size, lead time, and safety stock).
Design an information flow map for a specific type of firm other than the one shown in Figure 11.1.
What are the benefits of an ERP system?
Change the arrival rate at Josh’s Hot Dogs in question 9 above, to 6 customers per hour. What impact does this have on the queuing characteristics? What is the probability that there is more than
Describe all of the ways your doctor’s office could use demand management.
Define demand management, using examples.
Apply the Five-Ss to improve how you could complete your daily chores or homework assignments.
Discuss the seven wastes in terms of a business with which you are familiar.
What are the seven wastes?
What are the process analysis questions that should be asked and answered for the map completed in Question 2?
Construct a process map for a fast-food business, or a business of your choosing.
Develop a chase, level, and mixed production plan for the following data. Assume that each unit produced requires 4 hours labor time, workdays are 8 hours, workweeks are 40 hours, and workers work 20
Using whatever methods you choose, find the best forecasting technique for the following data. Justify your answer.
Calculate by hand, a linear trend forecast for periods 4-7.
Does your school have a customer contact or call center? Is it doing a good job?
Critique the customer satisfaction survey shown in Figure 4.4.
Show the solution to part d. graphically. Do you think they should make or buy?
Management also wishes to see a graphical representation of your solution.
Calculate the percentage change in utilization for the two months.
What is the design capacity of your classroom? What is its effective capacity? What is the typical capacity utilization of your classroom?
Calculate the IRR.
Calculate the payback time.
Calculate the projected NPV.
Design a service blueprint for the lunch buffet or a food counter at your school.
Use Table 3.1 to analyze a new undergraduate degree in Supply Chain Management at a business school.
Explain how your college or university could use the House of Quality matrix to improve its degree programs.
How could your university use the triple bottom line? Are they already using it?
Using Table 2.2, list a number of performance measures you might use for a sandwich shop.
Will vary, but something along the lines of providing education and education services to students, families, and the community. 2. How would you rank in order of importance, the three competitive
In the example in Problem 2, it has been decided to devote a second piece of equipment to the second test to act as a ‘backup’ should there be an equipment failure. Assuming that the piece of
In the above example, the hospital is considering training one of its own technicians to be able to repair the X-ray equipment. This would reduce the average time to get the equipment running again
Revisit the ‘Operations in practice’ at the beginning of this chapter and (a) List all the different techniques and practices which Toyota adopts. Which of these would you call just-in-time
In the example above, if the storage costs of keeping the dye reduce to €3 per litre per month, how much will inventory costs reduce?
Read the supplement to this chapter on queuing theory. Visit an operation where queues form regularly and test out the validity of the queuing formulae used in the supplement to this chapter.
In the example above, if a new computer system is installed that allows experienced staff to increase their work rate to 20 applications per day and untrained staff to 15 applications per day, (a)
Re-read the ‘operations management in practice’ at the beginning of the chapter, ‘Joanne manages the schedule’, and also the short case on Air France. What are the differences and what are
In the example above, one of the maids in the west wing wants to job share with his partner, each working three hours per day. His colleagues have agreed to support him and will guarantee to service
By searching the web and visiting a high-street example, find examples of the latest technologies used in(a) Retail banking(b) CD and DVD retailing(c) Dry cleaning.What are the advantages and
In the example above, the local government’s finance officers have realized that their discount rate has been historically too low. They now believe that the discount rate should be doubled. Is the
Revisit the opening short case in this chapter that examines some of the principles behind supermarket layout. Then visit a supermarket and observe people's behaviour. You may wish to try to observe
For the example above, what effect would an increase in the laboratory’s operating costs to 70 per cent revenue make on its funding requirements?
Revisit the box on Ryanair at the beginning of the chapter. Think about the following issues:(a) How is Ryanair different from a ‘full-service’ airline such as British Airways or KLM?(b) What
2 A company that produces a wide range of specialist educational kits for 5–10 year olds is based in an industrial unit arranged in a simple layout of with six departments, each performing a
6 It sounds like a joke, but it is a genuine product innovation. It’s green, it’s square and it comes originally from Japan. It’s a square watermelon. Why square? Because Japanese grocery
5 A janitor called Murray Spangler invented the vacuum cleaner in 1907. One year later he sold his patented idea to William Hoover, whose company went on to dominate the market. Now, the Dyson vacuum
4 According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a circular economy is ‘one that is restorative and regenerative by design, and which aims to keep products, components and materials at their highest
3 Innovation becomes particularly important at the interface between offerings and the people that use them.Consider two types of website,(a) Those which are trying to sell something such as
2 ‘We have to get this new product out fast’, said the Operations Director. ‘Our competitors are close behind us and I believe their products will be almost as good as ours when they launch
1 One product for which customers value a very wide range of product types is that of domestic paint. Most people like to express their creativity in their choice of paints and other home decorating
4 What advice would you give Monica?
3 What are the main factors influencing the resourcing decisions?
2 What are the key issues in resourcing this innovation process?
1 How would you rank the innovation objectives for the project?
21. If so, have the barriers to cross-functional commitment been identified and addressed?
20. Are some functions of the business more committed to innovating new service and product offerings than others?
19. Does the organisational structure of the innovation process reflect the nature of the offering?
18. Is senior management effort deployed early enough to ensure early resolution of design conflict?
17. Is overlapping (simultaneous) of the stages in the innovation process used?
16. Are the design of offering and the design of processes that create and deliver it considered together as one integrated process?
15. Are appropriate technologies such as CAD, digital twinning, and knowledge management, being used in the innovation process?
14. Has the possibility of involving customers formally in the innovation process been explored?
13. Have all options for outsourcing parts of the innovation process been explored?
12. Is sufficient capacity devoted to the innovation process?
11. Are the resources for developing innovation adequate?
10. Are potential offerings thoroughly evaluated and tested during the innovation process?
9. Has the concept of mass customisation been linked to the innovation process?
8. During preliminary design, have all possibilities for design standardisation, commonality, and modularisation of design elements been explored?
7. Are potential offerings screened in a systematic manner in terms of their feasibility, acceptability and vulnerability?
6. Are ideas and concepts for new offerings captured from all appropriate internal and external sources?
5. Are the stages in the innovation process clearly defined?
4. Are innovation objectives specified to give a clear priority between quality, speed, dependability, flexibility, cost, and sustainability?
3. Is the innovation process itself designed with the same attention to detail as any other process?
2. Is innovation really treated as a process?
1. Is the importance of innovation as a contributor to achieving strategic impact fully understood?
5. Is the development of products and services and of the process that created them simultaneous?
4. Are the resources for product and service innovation adequate?
3. Is the product and service innovation process defined?
2. Are the product and service innovation process objectives specified?
1. What is the strategic role of product and service innovation?
4 Xexon7 is a specialist artificial intelligence (AI) development firm that develops algorithms for various on-line services. As part of its client services it has a small (10 person) help-desk call
3 DSD designs, makes and supplies medical equipment to hospitals and clinics. Its success was based on their research and development culture. Although around 50 per cent of manufacturing was done
2 The Managing Partner of The Branding Partnership (TBP) describes her business, ‘It is about four years now since we specialised in the small-to-medium firms’ market. Before that we also used to
1 The environmental services department of a city has two recycling services – newspaper collection (NC) and general recycling (GR). The NC service is a door-to-door collection service that, at a
3 Draw an operations strategy matrix for McDonald’s.
2 What are the main operations performance objectives for McDonald’s?
1 How has competition to McDonald’s changed over time?
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