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understanding management
Questions and Answers of
Understanding Management
Define organizational change and explain the forces for change.LO.1
In what ways does Lonely Planet achieve horizontal coordination across departments or offices?LO.1
Does Lonely Planet have a tall structure or a flat structure?Explain briefly.LO.1
In what ways is Lonely Planet decentralized? In what ways is it centralized?LO.1
What method of departmentalization best describes the organizational structure at the Sun: functional, product, customer, geographic, or matrix? Explain your choice.3. Is the organizational structure
Senior Editor Bernie White wants to reach a specific goal with the next edition of the New York Sun. What is this goal?LO.1
Sketch out a new organization chart showing how you would restructure Tucker Company so the laboratory would provide equal services to all divisions. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in
Analyze the conflict between Ms. Hodge and Mr. Franklin.Do you think the conflict is based on personalities or on the way in which the organization is structured?LO.1
Sketch out a simple organization chart showing Tucker Company’s three divisions, including the location of the laboratory. Why would the laboratory be located in the military jet engine
Business Process Reengineering (BPR). Learn more about BPR at one or more of the following sites (or locate a site on your own) and write a one-page to two-page report in which you summarize the most
Project Management Software. Go to and view the demo of the features available in Microsoft Project Standard 2003.LO.1
Organization Structure. Using the search phrase“organization chart,” locate an organization chart for a government agency, print it out, analyze it based on what you have learned in the chapter
Send copies of the reports anonymously to the operations manager, who is Golopolus’s boss.LO.1
Mind your own business. Golopolus has not said anything about the new guidelines, and you do not want to overstep your authority. You have been unemployed and need this job.LO.1
Prepare a memo to Golopolus, summarizing the new safety guidelines that affect the Rockingham product line and requesting his authorization for implementation.LO.1
In your group, three members belong to the same sorority.They arrive and leave together, take breaks together, and spend time in the group talking about sorority activities.LO.1
In your group, half the members are Asian, half-Caucasian. The Asian students do not say much, and the Caucasian students dominate the group.LO.1
Stan and Beth have different opinions of how your team’s work should progress. They seem to be at odds with each other most of the time. They argue during team meetings.LO.1
During your meeting, Carolyn starts talking about things unrelated to the project, like what is happening in other classes and upcoming parties.LO.1
Tom comes to all the team’s meetings but rarely says anything.LO.1
Sarah is a popular student. It seems that other team members agree with what she says regardless of the quality of her idea.LO.1
Bob takes over team meetings. Others rarely get a chance to talk.LO.1
Once Connie has an idea in her head, she will not listen to anyone else’s opinions.LO.1
Phil frequently interrupts other team members during meetings.LO.1
The teams are given the next class period to work on their project. Sandy does not show up for class, and she has all of your team’s materials.LO.1
Your team members reported on the work each had been doing, but Frank had clearly not put much effort into his part.LO.1
When decisions need to be made during your team’s meetings, Chris often says, “It does not matter what we do. Let’s just hurry and get it done and turn it in.”LO.1
Your team divided up the tasks of the project and set up a meeting for each person to report on his or her progress.When it is Fred’s turn to present, he says he did not have time to complete his
Your team agreed to meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday for two hours to work on the project. Jane does not show up until 1:20 p.m.LO.1
How will information flow within the organization?LO.1
Who is responsible for customer satisfaction? How will you know if customers’ needs are being met?LO.1
Make a list of the decisions that would have to be made as you developed your organization.LO.1
What skill levels and abilities are required at each position and level to hire the correct people?LO.1
How can you make sure people in each position will work together?LO.1
Add duties to each job position in the chart. These will be the job descriptions.LO.1
Based on the specifics in #2, develop an organization chart. Each position in the chart will perform a specific task or is reponsible for a certain outcome.LO.1
What are the specific things to be done to accomplish the mission?LO.1
Write down the mission or purpose of the organization in a few sentences.LO.1
A manual of policies and procedures is available to use when a problem arises.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
People understand each other’s jobs and often do different tasks.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
Job descriptions are written and current for each job.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
Leadership tends to be democratic rather than autocratic in style.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
Lines of authority are clear and precisely defined.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
People at your level frequently have to figure out for themselves what their daily jobs are.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
Decisions relevant to your work are made above you and passed down.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
You seldom exchange ideas or information with people doing other kinds of jobs.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
You have the support of peers and your supervisor to do your job well.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
Communications from above consist of information and advice rather than instructions and directions.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
Your work has much variety and frequent exceptions.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
There is a clearly known way to do the major tasks you encounter.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
Your work would be considered routine.1 2 3 4 5 LO.1
What impact does the growing use of digital technology have on organizational structure? Would you expect the structure of an Internet-based organization such as eBay, which operates almost entirely
What is the difference between manufacturing and service technology? How would you classify a university, a local discount store, a nursery school? How would you expect the structure of a service
Discuss why an organization in an uncertain environment requires more horizontal relationships than one in a certain environment.LO.1
Carnival Cruise Lines provides pleasure cruises to the masses. Carnival has several ships and works on high volume/low price rather than offering luxury cruises.What would you predict about the
What is the virtual network approach to structure? Is the use of authority and responsibility different compared with other forms of departmentalization? Explain.LO.1
Many experts note that organizations have been making greater use of teams in recent years. What factors might account for this trend?LO.1
Sandra Holt, manager of Electronics Assembly, asked Hector Cruz, her senior technician, to handle things in the department while Sandra worked on the budget. She needed peace and quiet for at least a
Direct contact with customers. Employees and customers interact directly to provide and purchase the service. Production and consumption are simultaneous. Service firm employees have direct contact
Intangible output. The output of a service firm is intangible. Services are perishable and, unlike physical products, cannot be stored in inventory. The service is consumed immediately or lost
Continuous process production. In continuous process production, the entire work flow is mechanized. This is the most sophisticated and complex form of production technology. Because the process runs
Large-batch and mass production. Mass production technology is distinguished by standardized production runs. A large volume of products is produced, and all customers receive the same product.
Small-batch and unit production. Small-batch production firms produce goods in batches of one or a few products designed to customer specification. Each customer orders a unique product. This
The amount of centralization or decentralization should fit the firm’s strategy. For example, Johnson & Johnson gives almost complete authority to its 180 operating companies to develop and market
Greater change and uncertainty in the environment are usually associated with decentralization.A good example of how decentralization can help cope with rapid change and uncertainty occurred
Managers’ personal preferences and styles favor a large span.LO.1
Little time is required in nonsupervisory activities such as coordination with other departments or planning.LO.1
Support systems and personnel are available for the manager.LO.1
Rules and procedures defining task activities are available.LO.1
Subordinates are highly trained and need little direction in performing tasks.LO.1
Subordinates are concentrated in a single location.LO.1
Subordinates perform similar work tasks.LO.1
Work performed by subordinates is stable and routine.LO.1
Evaluate and reward performance. Once the task is complete, the manager should evaluate results and not methods. When results do not meet expectations, the manager must assess the consequences. When
Maintain feedback. Feedback means keeping open lines of communication with the subordinate to answer questions and provide advice but without exerting too much control. Open lines of communication
Give thorough instruction. Successful delegation includes information on what, when, why, where, who, and how.The subordinate must understand the task and the expected results. It is a good idea to
Ensure that authority equals responsibility. Merely assigning a task is ineffective delegation. Managers often load subordinates with increased responsibility but do not extend their decision-making
Select the right person. Not all employees have the same capabilities and degree of motivation. Managers must match talent to task if delegation is to be effective. They should identify subordinates
Delegate the whole task. A manager should delegate an entire task to one person rather than dividing it among several people. This gives the individual complete responsibility and increases his or
Define production technology (manufacturing, service, and digital) and explain how it influences organization structure.LO.1
Illustrate how organization structure can be designed to fit environmental uncertainty.LO.1
Identify how structure can be used to achieve an organization’s strategic goals.LO.1
Explain why organizations need coordination across departments and hierarchical levels, and describe mechanisms for achieving coordination.LO.1
Describe the contemporary team and virtual network structures and why they are being adopted by organizations.LO.1
Explain the matrix approach to structure and its application to domestic and international organizations.LO.1
Describe functional and divisional approaches to structure.LO.1
Which of the new “decision approaches for turbulent times”that are described in the chapter does Dwight use?LO.1
How would you categorize Dwight’s leadership participation style on the Vroom-Jago model? Why?LO.1
What part do you think intuition plays in Mark Dwight’s decision making? Why?LO.1
Describe the steps in the Grinch’s decision-making process.LO.1
What decision criteria does the Grinch use to choose from the alternatives?LO.1
What are the Grinch’s decision alternatives or options?LO.1
Which model of decision making—classical, administrative, or political—do you think would be most appropriate to make personnel decisions for the new company? Discuss.LO.1
Based on the information in this case, what is Lundgren’s dominant decision style according to the personal decision framework? What is Ashton’s dominant style? Can the two executives co-lead the
Is the decision facing Lundgren and Ashton programmed or nonprogrammed? Why?LO.1
Let Carpenter know that you care about what he is going through but insist that he take a short paid leave and get counseling to deal with his emotional difficulties and evaluate the seriousness of
Let it slide. Missing the New York appointment is Carpenter’s first big mistake. He says he is getting things under control and you believe he should be given a chance to get himself back on
Give him a month’s notice and terminate. He is known as a good consultant, so he will probably not have any trouble finding a new job, and you will avoid any further problems associated with his
Did the models help you understand how difficult decision-making can sometimes be?LO.1
Did the models help explain any of the conflict you had?Did they help explain how to deal with the conflict?LO.1
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