On paper, replicate the following segment of DNA: 5 A T C G G C T A C G T T C A C 3 3 T A G C C G A T G C A A G T G 5 a. Show the direction of replication of the new strands and indicate the location...
Given the following peptide SEPIMAPVEYPK a. Estimate the net charge at pH 7 and at pH 12. Assume the pKa values given in Table 5.1. In Table 5.1 b. How many peptides would result if this peptide were...
Based upon your knowledge of cell wall structure, explain how the microbes causing meningitis and typhoid fever can induce fever and systemic shock in an infected patient.
You are a public health official trying to determine the identity of the pathogen circulating within your city. Explain which genetic technologies would be most useful in this process.
a. Discuss the factors that influence an antimicrobial agents ability to completely remove microbial contaminants from dentures used on a daily basis. b. Improper cleaning of endoscopes has led to...
a. If an egg salad sandwich sitting in a warm car for 4 hours develops 40,960 bacterial cells, how many more cells would result with just one more hour of incubation? Use the same criteria that were...
Compare and contrast the Woese-Fox system with the Whittaker system of classification, discussing how genetic analysis provided information leading to the identification of a third cell lineage.
Te activity of an enzyme requires a glutamic acid to display its - COOH functional group in the protonated state. Suppose the pKa of the - COOH group is 4.07 a. Will the enzyme be more active at pH...
Draw the structure of the peptide DTLH, showing the backbone and side-chain atoms. a. Draw a water molecule making a hydrogen bond to a side chain H-bond donor. b. Draw a water molecule making a...
Suggest the advantages of having metabolic pathways staged in specific membrane or organelle locations rather than being free in the cytoplasm.
Nine-year-old Allison thinks she isn't good at sports, and she doesn't like physical education class. Suggest some strategies her teacher can use to improve her pleasure and involvement in physical...
Develop one argument in support of or refuting the following statement: Viruses are living microorganisms.
You work in a laboratory that regularly analyzes patient specimens for the presence of Clostridium difficile. a. Knowing that many specimens test positive, explain which type of antimicrobial...
Mario wants to find out precisely how children of different ages recall stories. Anna is interested in how adult-child communication in different cultures influences children's storytelling. Which...
After viewing a slide show on endangered species, second and fifth graders in Lizzie and Joey's school were asked to remember as many animals as they could. Explain why fifth graders recalled much...
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technology that requires high temperatures to reproduce DNA fragments. Explain why the discovery of thermophilic archaea and their associated DNA polymerases was...
A critically ill patient enters your emergency room, exhibiting signs and symptoms of severe septic shock. In this case, should you immediately begin treatment with a broad-spectrum drug or a...
A friend was recently diagnosed with strep throat. One week after his treatment, he redeveloped the infection. In conversation, your friend tells you, I must have become immune to the drug the doctor...
Occasionally, one will hear the expression that a microbe has become immune to a drug. a. What is a better way to explain what is happening? b. Explain a simple test one could do to determine if drug...
What type of ecological association do biofilm communities exhibit? Explain why biofilm infections are so difficult to treat and discuss one potential method for targeting these microbial communities...
Explain the relationship among the following terms: genomics, proteomics, gene, protein, genotype, and phenotype.
Define the term ubiquitous and explain whether this term can be used appropriately to describe bacteria and archaea.
Summarize the general life cycle of a protozoan, explaining the importance of the various stages in disease transmission and species identification.
Construct a paragraph describing the interrelationship among the microbial pathogen, the affected host, and potential antimicrobial drugs in the development of an appropriate chemotherapeutic...
Discuss three examples of how humans utilize microbes and their products today.
a. Describe the characteristics of an endospore-producing bacterium that make it an ideal candidate for bioterrorism but an undesirable intruder in a hospital setting. b. Explain why the production...
a. If viruses that normally form envelopes were prevented from budding, would they still be infectious? Why or why not? b. If only the RNA of an influenza virus were injected into a cell by itself,...
Calculate g and k in a growth experiment in which a medium was inoculated with 5 x 106 cells/ ml of Escherichia coli cells and, following a 1-h lag, grew exponentially for 5 h, after which the...
Summarize three isolation techniques. Explain which method is utilized most often in a laboratory and how a colony produced by this method can be used to create a pure culture.
List everyday experiences that support mastery of reaching, grasping, sitting, and crawling. Why should caregivers place young infants in a variety of waking-time body positions?
Summarize how the electron transport chain functions to produce ATP in a bacterial cell versus a eukaryotic cell. Explain whether or not the term chemiosmosis accurately illustrates this process.
Josefina, a Hispanic fourth grader, does well on homework assignments. But when her teacher announces, "It's time for a test to see how much you've learned," Josefina usually does poorly. How might...
Sam has been suffering from diarrhea and abdominal bloating for nearly 2 weeks. Based upon the results of his stool analysis in the laboratory, answer the following: a. Single-celled organisms were...
Why do some tests for antibody in serum (such as for HIV and syphilis) require backup verification with additional tests at a later date?
One day, Leslie prepared a new snack to serve at preschool: celery stuffed with ricotta cheese and pineapple. The first time she served it, few children touched it. How can Leslie encourage her...
While preparing food for the class picnic, Morgan introduces 20 bacterial cells into the pasta salad. a. During the 3 hours prior to the picnic, the salad sits at room temperature in the classroom....
Why is insisting that infants comply with parental directives inappropriate? What competencies are necessary for the emergence of compliance and self-control?
You are a scientist studying a marsh area contaminated with PCBs, toxic chemical compounds found commonly in industrial waste. Initial microscopic analysis of the soil reveals the presence of motile...
Anna, a high school counselor, has devised a program that integrates classroom learning with vocational training to help adolescents at risk for school dropout stay in school and transition smoothly...
Children who were undernourished in the early years are more likely to become overweight when their food environments improve. Explain how this finding illustrates epigenesis, described on page 86in...
Nine-month-old Byron has a toy with large, colored push buttons on it. Each time he pushes a button, he hears a nursery tune. Which learning capacity is the manufacturer of this toy taking advantage...
Provide an example of an organism within each of the four main nutritional categories of microbes and describe how each obtains its essential nutrients.
Give the technical name of a microbiologist who researches or works with: protozoa in a termites gut, bacteria that live in volcanoes, the tapeworms of dogs, molds that cause food poisoning, emerging...
Provide a concise summary of the five basic techniques used to manipulate, grow, examine, and characterize microorganisms in a laboratory.
a. Sketch the titration curve you would expect for a -melanotropin (Problem 4). Assume the pKa s of the N- and C-termini are 7.9 and 3.8, respectively. For side chains, assume the pKa values given in...
A random-sequence polyribonucleotide produced by polynucleotide phosphorylase, with CDP and ADP in a 5:1 molar ratio stimulated the incorporation of proline, histidine, threonine, glutamine,...
Antibiotic-resistance genes, as well as other virulence factor genes, are easily passed between bacterial cells through horizontal gene transfer. a. Conduct additional research and summarize the...
Nine-year-old Adrienne spends many hours helping her father build furniture in his woodworking shop. How might this experience facilitate Adrienne's advanced performance on Piagetian seriation...
Devise an experiment that will differentiate between bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects.
There is another melanocyte-stimulating hormone called -melanotropin. Cleavage of -melanotropin with trypsin produces the following peptides plus free aspartic acid. WGSPPK DSGPYK MEHFR If you assume...
You are a scientist researching West Nile virus, a mosquito-borne pathogen. You note that the number of cases of West Nile disease in your county skyrocketed to their highest levels ever this past...
Mabel and Chad want to do everything they can to support their 3-year-old daughter's athletic development. What advice would you give them?
a. Precisely what is microbial death? b. Why does a population of microbes not die instantaneously when exposed to an antimicrobial agent?
Describe how one might determine the nutrient requirements of a microbe from Mars. If, after exhausting various nutrient schemes, it still does not grow, what other factors might one take into...
a. Is it more beneficial for a drug to be microbistatic or microbicidal? Defend your answer. b. Draw a microbial growth curve, and indicate during which phase an antibiotic should be added to a...
When Timmy was 18 months old, his mother stood behind him, helping him throw a large ball into a box. As his skill improved, she stepped back, letting him try on his own. Using Vygotsky's ideas,...
Sammy's mother explained to him that the family would take a vacation in Miami. The next morning, Sammy announced, "I gotted my bags packed. When are we going to Your-ami?" What explains Sammy's...
A family of proteins known as cupredoxins contain a single redox-active Cu ion coordinated by a Cys, a Met, and two His residues. The reduction potentials of cupredoxins range from about 0.15 V to...
You have been directed to aseptically obtain a sample from a growth-free portion of the zone of inhibition in a completed Kirby-Bauer test and inoculate it onto a plate of nonselective medium. a....
After soccer practice, 10-year-old Shana remarked, "I'm wiped out!" Megan, her 5-year-old sister, responded, "What did'ya wipe out?" Explain Shana's and Megan's different understandings.
Ten-year-old Marla says her classmate Bernadette will never get good grades because she's lazy. Jane believes that Bernadette tries but can't concentrate because her parents are divorcing. Why is...
Trace the path taken by pathogens from various portals of entry, through the establishment of disease, and ending with their exit from various portals in the host.
a. If you were involved in developing an antiviral drug, what would be some important considerations? (Can a drug kill a virus?) b. How could multiplication be blocked?
Mandy and Jeff are parents of 2-year-old inhibited Sam and 3-year-old emotionally reactive Maria. Explain the importance of effortful control to Mandy and Jeff, and suggest ways they can strengthen...
Enalapril is an anti-hypertension "prodrug" (i.e., a drug precursor) that is inactive until the ethyl ester (arrow in figure) is hydrolyzed by esterases pre-sent in blood plasma. The active drug is...
Fran frequently corrects her 17-month-old son Jeremy's attempts to talk and-fearing that he won't use words-refuses to respond to his gestures. How might Fran be contributing to Jeremy's slow...
Suppose hazardous chemicals were suspected to be leaking from an old dump near your home. Outline the steps you would take to (1) have the site evaluated to determine whether there is a danger and...
How is brain development related to fetal capacities and behavior? What implications do individual differences in fetal behavior have for infant temperament after birth?
What must parents do to foster conscience development in fearless, impulsive children? How does this illustrate the concept of goodness of fit (see pages 259-260 in Chapter 7)?
Nine-year-old Talia is afraid to hug and kiss her grandmother, who has cancer. What explains Talia's mistaken belief that the same behaviors that cause colds to spread might lead her to catch cancer?...
a. Construct a strand of complementary DNA (cDNA) from the following mRNA transcript: 3-UAUGAACCCCGCUUU-5 b. What enzyme is used to copy DNA from an mRNA transcript, and why is it necessary to...
a. Explain whether or not DNA polymerase from a mesophilic bacterium could be used successfully in a PCR reaction. b. If starting with a single double-stranded DNA molecule, how many copies of the...
Joey complained to his mother that it wasn't fair that his younger sister Lizzie was almost as tall as he was. He worried that he wasn't growing fast enough. How should Rena respond to Joey's concern?
The following sequence represents triplets on DNA: 3 TAC CAG ATA CAC TCC CCT GCG ACT 5 Draw a diagram, and describe the following: a. The mRNA codons that correspond to this DNA sequence b. The...
A farmer working on a piece of machinery gets his shirtsleeve caught in a moving piece of the equipment. His shirt is sliced, and a sharp blade covered in mud slices through his upper arm. He...
Lena wonders why her 4-year-old son Gregor's teacher provides extensive playtime in learning centers during each preschool day. Explain to Lena how adult-supported play can promote literacy and math...
Define the term tropism, and provide at least one example illustrating how viral structure determines this property of a virus.
Design a radiotracer experiment that would allow you to determine which proportion of glucose catabolism in a given tissue preparation occurs through the pentose phosphate pathway and which...
a. Provide a valid reason for whether or not heat is a selective microbial control agent. b. Explain the concepts of TDT and TDP, and discuss one example of how these measurements can be modified to...
How does research on adoption reveal resilience? Which factor related to resilience (see Chapter 1, pages10-11) is central in positive outcomes for adoptees?
a. Why are viral diseases more difficult to treat than bacterial diseases? b. You are a researcher aiming to develop a drug to reduce the multiplication of chickenpox (varicella zoster) virus....
Summarize the endosymbiotic theory and explain how it accounts for major structural similarities and differences between bacterial and eukaryotic cells.
Chandra heard a news report about 10 severely neglected children, living in squalor in an inner-city tenement. She wondered, "Why would parents so mistreat their children?" How would you answer...
Write a paragraph illustrating the life of a protein, from DNA to mature polypeptide, and the course of its travels within a cell throughout its synthesis.
Alice and Wayne want their two young children to become morally mature, caring individuals. List some parenting practices that they should use and some they should avoid.
Several times, after her father hid a teething biscuit under a red cup, 12-month-old Mimi retrieved it easily. Then Mimi's father hid the biscuit under a nearby yellow cup. Why did Mimi persist in...
a. Draw a diagram illustrating whether or not each of the following transfusions would be immunologically compatible. Type A donor into a type B recipient Type B donor into a type AB recipient Type O...
On Saturdays, 10-year-old Billy gathers with friends on the driveway of his house to play basketball. Besides improved ball skills, what else is he learning?
Tanisha sees her 5-year-old son Toby talking aloud to himself as he plays. She wonders whether she should discourage this behavior. Use Vygotsky's theory to explain why Toby talks to himself. How...
Show that the free energy change for the succinate dehydrogenase reaction catalyzed by Complex II is insufficient to drive ATP synthesis under standard conditions.
Explain why each of the following data sets from a Lineweaver-Burk plot are not individually ideal for determining KM for an enzyme-catalyzed reaction that follows Michaelis- Menten kinetics. i/g ("...
A supermarket/drugstore assignment: Look at the labels of 10 different products used to control microbes, and make a list of their active ingredients, their suggested uses, and information on...
List some teaching practices that foster children's academic achievement and some that undermine it. For each practice, explain why it is or is not effective.
At 37 C, the serine protease subtilisin has kcat = 50 s-1 and KM = 1.4 10-4 M. It is proposed that the N155 side chain contributes a hydrogen bond to the oxyanion hole of subtilisin. J. A. Wells and...
a. You identify a novel microbe in your laboratory and find that it possesses two types of nucleic acid. Explain why you immediately rule out the fact that this microbe is a virus. b. Describe the...
Consider the following DNA sequence: CATGTGTAGTCTAAA a. Write the sequence of the DMA strand that would be repeated from this one b. Write the sequence of the RMA molecule that would be transcribed...
Using the analogy that a cell is like a city, describe the anatomy and functions of each of the major eukaryotic organelles in terms of the role it would play within that fictional city.
Steve and Marissa are in the midst of an acrimonious divorce. Their 9-year-old son Dennis has become hostile and defiant. How can Steve and Marissa help Dennis adjust?
For the following aspartase reaction (see Question 28) in the presence of the inhibitor hydroxymethylaspartate, determine KM and whether the inhibition is competitive or noncompetitive. V No...
Describe each of the following infections using correct technical terminology. (Descriptions may fit more than one category.) Use terms such as primary, secondary, nosocomial, STD, mixed, latent,...