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essentials of business communication
Questions and Answers of
Essentials Of Business Communication
Why is visualization so important to audiences who are unfamiliar with technical jargon?
What is the least common denominator principle and how would it apply when making a presentation to a group of military officers and enlisted people?
List two software programs widely used to create visualizations. Describe a type of visualization available in each program.
List and briefly describe the three communication mechanisms used by business researchers. Is one mechanism better than the others?
Explain the role of humor in a formal presentation.
What is an executive summary? Why is it so important? How long should it?
What are some issues that need to be considered when evaluating the feasibility for SLGH to implement additional telehealth options?
What are the relevant topics the research team should include in the feasibility study?
Are there reasons SLGH might be hesitant to implement more telehealth options? Suggest potential threats.
Identify other challenges SLGH should evaluate before investing funds to expand this emerging healthcare delivery method?
Organize a small discussion with a group of your students/colleagues. Brainstorm the idea of utilizing telehealth services, including using an online search engine to obtain recent developments on
What are the best approaches to attract new customers and to retain existing customers?
Describe the phases of the business research process.
Understand theory and how it is used in business research.
Explain how the scientific method improves business research.
Contrast the rigor of science with the pragmatics of business.
Understand the role and importance of research proposals.
Use a search engine such as Google to find the following information:a. The number of people employed in automobile manufacturing in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan.b.
Visit the Keirsey website ( Follow the firsttime user instructions to take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II. Which personality type are you? Discuss the different types in class.
Suppose you work for a major consumer goods company.One of the products that you represent is salad dressing. A competitor is beginning a test market involving a new spicy ranch flavor. Its
What are normative decision rules? Are they theory? How can they be used by business researchers?
Why is theory important in the design of business research studies?
What are the three phases of the basic business research process? Briefly explain each.
What role(s) does theory play in the basic business research process?
What is the scientific method, and how is it used in business research?
What are the characteristics of good science?
Why is the preparation of a written research proposal important?
Could this theory be useful to Phil and his family in trying to increase the number of customers?
Could it help them to understand why some of the menu items are not selling well?
Can you think of some other theories that would be useful in improving the restaurant’s operations?
Describe the components in each stage of the 3-x-3 writing process. Approximately how much time is spent on each stage?
What eight factors should writers consider in selecting an appropriate channel to deliver a message? What is the difference between a rich and a lean channel?
How does anticipating and identifying the audience help a business communicator prepare a message?
Name five gender-biased words and their improved versions.
Have you ever read something complex and blamed yourself for not understanding it? Fergal McGovern, CEO of Visible Thread, argues that it’s not your fault, particularly if the subject is investing.
Do short messages also require that communicators follow a writing process? Why or why not?
Writers sometimes use abbreviations such as FYI (for your information) and ASAP (as soon as possible). Others sometimes use LOL (laughing out loud), 4 u (for you), and gr8 (great). Where would these
How would knowing that your manager might forward your e-mail to higher-ups affect how you write your e-mail message?Which characteristics of your e-mail might change?
Because we have automated our mobile worker trip forms, we need all employees to use the SmartTrip travel reimbursement mobile app. This is the fastest way to be reimbursed.Revise the following
Our strict safety policy does not allow us to rent power equipment to anyone who cannot demonstrate sufficient skill in its use.Revise the following sentences to emphasize the perspective of the
We’re asking that all employees fill out the online survey by April 1 so that we may develop a master schedule for summer vacations more efficiently.Revise the following sentences to emphasize the
Our app developers are excited to announce a new free app called FanMile that we believe will entice fans to share, like, and subscribe to your content.Revise the following sentences to emphasize the
To minimize the cost of having our coaches set up your team training sessions in our limited office space, we suggest conducting customized team training for your employees right in your own
BTW, Madison blew a gasket when the manager accused the whole department of ripping off pricey office supplies.Revise the following to make the tone conversational yet professional.
Kindly be informed that it is necessary for you to designate the model number of the laser cutting machine before we can ship your order.Revise the following to make the tone conversational yet
Pursuant to your e-mail of the 4th, please be advised that your shipment was sent March 6.Revise the following to make the tone conversational yet professional.
We are sorry to let you know that we can offer the 30 percent rebate only to the first 25 buyers, so hurry up!Revise the following statements to make them more positive and courteous.
A travel visa cannot be issued until an application is completed and a recent photo is included.Revise the following statements to make them more positive and courteous.
Your message of June 1 claims that the blade in your food processor malfunctioned. Although you apparently failed to read the operator’s manual, we are sending you a replacement blade PLUS another
The conference in Honolulu offers special side trips for the wives of executives.Revise the following sentences to reduce bias (e.g., gender, racial, ethnic, age, and disability).
Sports Research International hired Demarcus Jones, an African American, for the position of social media coordinator.Revise the following sentences to reduce bias (e.g., gender, racial, ethnic, age,
In the past a skilled assistant would proofread her boss’s documents and correct any errors he made.Revise the following sentences to reduce bias (e.g., gender, racial, ethnic, age, and disability).
Douglas Luna is crippled with arthritis, but his crippling rarely interferes with his work.Revise the following sentences to reduce bias (e.g., gender, racial, ethnic, age, and disability).
Recently elected to the city council are a lady lawyer, an Indian CPA, and two businessmen.Revise the following sentences to reduce bias (e.g., gender, racial, ethnic, age, and disability).
Civil Service exams were once required for federal government jobs, but they were phased out subsequent to the passage of antidiscrimination laws.Revise the following sentences to use plain language
The attorney tried to obfuscate the issue with extraneous and superfluous data.Revise the following sentences to use plain language and familiar words.
If you receive two job offers at once, you can probably (get, land, negotiate) a better deal.From the choices in parentheses, select the most precise, vigorous words.
Dakota’s outstanding report contains (a lot of, loads of, reams of) helpful data.From the choices in parentheses, select the most precise, vigorous words.
The CEO said that we must (review, change, reduce) overtime hours to (fix, balance, rework) the budget.From the choices in parentheses, select the most precise, vigorous words.
As you suggested, we will (question, interrogate, probe) our accountant.From the choices in parentheses, select the most precise, vigorous words.
You want to know what team members are available immediately for a quick video conference. They are all workaholics and glued to their mobile devices.
You need to know whether Miguel in Reprographics can produce a rush job for you in two days.Using Figure 2.5, suggest the best communication channels for the following messages. Assume that all
A prospective client in France wants price quotes for a number of your products—vite, vite!Using Figure 2.5, suggest the best communication channels for the following messages. Assume that all
As vice president for community relations, you want to explore the possibility of developing service learning programs with several nearby colleges and universities.Using Figure 2.5, suggest the best
You must respond to a letter from the Internal Revenue Service informing you that your company did not pay the correct amount for last quarter’s employer’s taxes.Using Figure 2.5, suggest the
What do you think are some pressing questions for health communication researchers to investigate?
What is your opinion of the various definitions of health communication? Do you have a preferred definition? Which aspects of communication and health do you think are important to emphasize? Can you
Consider the examples of research studies presented from the scientific, interpretive, and critical paradigmatic perspectives. Is there one approach that is most interesting to you? Is there one that
Select several issues of Health Communication or the Journal of Health Communication. In small groups, do a content analysis of the articles in your sample of issues. What research topics are
Put the students in small groups. Have each person share a story of how health communication has affected their lives in some way. It could be a particularly memorable conversation with a healthcare
How does studying the patient experience differ when looking at it from a scientific perspective? An interpretive perspective? A critical–cultural perspective?Which perspective are you most
How do you think being seriously ill (e.g., having cancer, HIV/AIDS) would affect your relationships with family? With friends? With students? With co- workers? Are there different effects depending
How do you view people who are sick? Does talking to someone who has a serious illness make you uncomfortable? Why or why not?
Ellen’s narrative from the case study cited in the chapter talks about the “tension between trivialization and the valorization of women with breast cancer.” What does she mean? Do you agree
Do you think there are social pressures for patients to focus on the positives and to not talk about the negatives when diagnosed with serious illnesses? Why or why not? If you believe there are such
Read an illness experience blog from the Internet. (There are several listed on this text’s companion website or you can ???? nd one on your own.) Answer the following questions:(a) What stands out
Find a patient experience on YouTube and watch it in class. Discuss the following questions:(a) How is this patient’s experience different from or similar to the experiences of patients described
Talk to someone who has been a patient about their illness experience. What questions did you ask? Why? What did you want to ask but didn’t? What did you ???? nd out? How does that change your
What social support needs for Ty and his family could be studied and identified?
What research perspective would you suggest in performing research about Ty and his family as they endure what will be decades of intensive medical care for Muscular Dystrophy?
Do you think that all research perspectives provide opportunities for translational research in social support? Can you create a list of potential social support research ideas/needs for each
Split the class into groups of four to six and have them read the following passage:Mary is a 30-year- old single mother of two young boys, ages 8 and 12. In the last year, her mother, age 52, was
Choose a caregiver experience blog from the Internet (you can ???? nd several here: caregiver-blogs ). Read several posts.Answer the following questions:(a)
What challenges do you have when you communicate with your healthcare provider?
It’s often easy to become confused when faced with health information. For example, you may have heard or read that a certain group has a certain percentage chance of getting a disease. What do
How could better communication and coordination of care among members of a healthcare team reduce medical errors for patients?
What are some of the unique communication challenges for dentists? Nurses?Pharmacists? Emergency room providers? How could these providers improve patient- centered communication?
Watch the Institute for Healthcare Improvement open school video interview with Anthony M. DiGioia, MD, on patient- centered care:
The American Medical Association provides a series of interactive learning modules on their website: Select some of the learning modules and use them as an in- class role
What are some of the key differences and key assumptions between scientific and interpretive approaches to conducting research in health communication? Give two examples for how each approach can be
What is naturalism? Is naturalism associated exclusively with an interpretive approach to research? Explain why or why not.
Give an original example to study some aspect of healthcare delivery using a naturalistic approach.
What is an intervention? Are interventions associated exclusively with a scientific approach to research? Explain why or why not.
Scientific and interpretive approaches use transcription in different ways. What are some typical uses for transcription according to each approach?
View a television program or movie that is focused on healthcare. Find instances of provider–patient communication and consider whether you think this was effective or ineffective communication and
Role play a provider–patient interaction using the scenario about Maribel. Have one student play the doctor and one student play the patient. Afterwards have each participant report on challenges
Devise an original communication intervention to change some aspect of healthcare delivery. Be specific about the setting, participants, and measurement.
How can communication barriers in health care teams, such as hierarchy, status, and other factors, be addressed in hospitals and other healthcare organizations?How can communication experts persuade
As a patient, what would be your biggest concerns about including a medical interpreter in your appointment? How might your concerns differ due to the type of medical interpreter included in your
Review the International Medical Interpreters Association Code of Ethics ( ). Which communication paradigm does this code most closely reject? How would you revise this code to
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