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information technology management
Questions and Answers of
Information Technology Management
What is the name and the key elements of the productivity management project that measured executive branch outputs from
7 to
Fill in the blanks: Outputs are typically evaluated as part of measurement while the more holistic measure of outcomes is associated with measurement. Describe the benefits of each.
What are three points of focus that have resulted from universal adoption of enterprise-wide IT in government?
Define costs and benefits and describe the relationship they share with one another.
What are the benefits and risks of relying solely on simplistic, classic business case metrics?
Describe the benefits and challenges of value-based performance metrics and explain what sets them apart from classic business case metrics.
How can challenges and risks in performance measurement be mitigated with the use of emerging tech?
How have cyber and or network security policies and procedures changed over the last five years?
How would you apply the Framework for Cybersecurity in your organization or an organization you may be familiar with?
How often do you change your passwords? Are they generally considered “strong?” What other safety measures are used?
Does your organization have policies and procedures for working with mobile devices? What are your policies regarding downloads and adding software applications?
When were your organization’s security policies last reviewed?
Have you participated in a Cybersecurity Awareness Program? What, if anything, did you learn?
Can you identify any security weaknesses that still exist in your organization? If yes, why do they still exist, and what would it take to remedy them?
What types of energy resilience programs exist in your government agency or jurisdiction if the power goes out? If you are familiar with them, are they adequate? Why or why not?
Can you identify and explain the nine sources of cyber threats to federal agencies and critical infrastructure?
What more can the federal government do to better protect the nation’s critical infrastructure?
What can state governments do to better protect citizens from cyber-crime?
What role can and should local governments play in protecting their records and infrastructure?
What can government agencies do in order to better protect against either disgruntled employees or those who wish to take matters into their own hands?
Given what you know and understand, do you regard Edward Snowden as a hero or a traitor? Why?
What area of technology and public management interests you the most, why?
Can you list the top five challenges that public managers will face in the next five years or more?
Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about the growth of information technology and public management?
What do you see as the role of government in better managing public transportation?
Do you currently use any wearable devices? If not, might you in the near future? What would you be looking for in terms of functionality?
Do you agree that technology has or can change representative government? Please explain. What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages?
What does the concept of Internet of Things mean to you personally and to your organization?
Have you or your organization been victimized by a security breach or hack? If yes, what have you learned from the experience?
Is government doing enough to protect privacy and if not what more can and should, in your opinion, be done?
To what extent is privacy in the new digital age important to you? Please explain.
Now that you have identified many good resources for enhancements for nonprofits, rank which ones you believe are most significant and briefly state why.
As an individual or group project, research and identify at least one service provider company in both internal and external applications.
How might you apply some of the services mentioned in this chapter to an organization you are part of? Why?
What technology features do you value from a nonprofit you are familiar with? Why?
How many nonprofit associations do you belong to? Have you noticed any changes in how the website functions or how news and information are pushed to you?
Is there a scenario that an action is ethical but causes inequity? Or a decision that is equitable but unethical? Explain and offer an alternative.
Consider a town or community you are familiar with. What are specific populations most affected by digital access?
What rhetorical questions could guide a public administrator to make decisions based on equity?
What methods might positively address bias and ethics in emerging technology?
Why is ethics in information technology particularly vexing?
How does technological advancement compound the complexity of ethics for public administrators?
What policies or programs would you propose to address the digital divide? Explain.
Can you identify ways government and the private sector address the digital gap and digital inclusion?
Why is ethical perfection in government likely impossible, regardless of innovation and new technology?
Do you believe that our laws and administrative procedures are on par with technological progress? Can you cite an example?
What concerns you the most about the fast-moving pace of new technologies?
How do you keep up with new technology trends in business and government? What website or information services do you visit most often? What blogs do you subscribe to?
What strategies can you recommend that address employees who are uncomfortable with learning and adopting new technologies?
What are three best practices from the private sector that managers can modify to remove barriers preventing the adoption of new technologies in their organizations?
0 significant?
What is telework, and why is the Telework Act of
How is technology enabling workers to simultaneously be more independent and more collaborative?
What makes digital natives different from previous generations of workers?
What is rapid iteration, and what role does it play in creating useful and usable software?
What are some special considerations public sector organizations face when it comes to recruiting and retaining IT specialists?
What are the functions of software specialists and data specialists in government IT departments?
What are some examples of how the human factor in technology changes how work gets done?
• Know the importance of orientation for new staff and librarians
• Understand that staff development is an ongoing process and that both the employer and employee have a role in an employee’s development
• Understand the reasons for a performance appraisal system and a variety of ways to evaluate employee and supervisor job performance
• Understand when progressive discipline is necessary and the steps of dealing with an employee who is underperforming
• Recognize how an organization fairly manages employee compensation
• Be acquainted with systems of employee recognition and rewards
• Be familiar with typical employee benefit systems
1. Your supervisor has asked you to make suggestions for a new staff onboarding program. Based on what you have learned, what components would you include?How long would the program last? Who would
2. You know that your professional development after your LIS program is primarily your responsibility. Make a list of activities you will plan to undertake to stay current in the field. These can be
3. Sally Devins is the director of a small library with nine professional librarians, and she understands the value of employee development. In fact, she knows that if people leave the library and go
4. “Money and salary is not a particularly good motivator in the long term.”38 Matt Mullenweg, web developer and founder of Wordpress. Do you agree or disagree?What motivates you?
1. Performance appraisal is sometimes defined as an evaluation given by someone who does not want to give it to someone who does not want to get it. The definition, unfortunately, applies to many
2. Have you ever worked in a unionized environment? What are the advantages and disadvantages of unions?Discuss this question from both the employee’s perspective and that of the employer.
3. Have you ever worked in an environment where there was a “toxic” employee, someone who was negative, destructive to new ideas, and/or a bully? Why do you think that person was allowed to
4. Some institutions allow job swapping, which allows an employee to switch jobs with another in a different institution for a period of time. Some of these are available for international exchanges.
• Understand the role of mentoring
• Identify types of workplace stress and their remedies
• Recognize the need for employee safety programs
• Be aware of legal protections for employees
• Have an understanding of issues surrounding unionization
1. Sidney Nevel is a new director of a small public library. The library is a private corporation run by seven trustees who have complete control over the library:they hire the director, set the
2. You are a reference librarian in a medium-sized library in a suburban community.Your director has just asked you to participate in a committee that will develop a workplace safety manual for the
3. Your friend’s boss is starting to drive her nuts. She is stressed with more and more work, she has big responsibilities at home, and she is trying to finish a master’s degree. Make a list of
4. Your public library is currently conducting a search for a new children’s librarian.You have been invited to attend lunch with the candidates during their interview day. During the first lunch,
1. If finding a mentor is important for career development, have you already found a mentor? A Library Science professor suggests that mentoring for librarians should begin in LIS schools. He writes,
2. Is librarianship a stressful profession? Have you experienced burnout in your career?What techniques could you suggest to help someone before they get to the burnout stage?
3. Do you think that librarians should be unionized?Have you had any experience with working in a union environment? Share your experiences and opinions with others.
4. Mary works as the head of the cataloging department in an academic library in a good four-year college. She has a master’s degree in LIS and supervises 10 employees. Murray is the unit head of a
• Understand the importance of the human element in organizations
• Know why motivating employees is both difficult and important
• Know the difference between content and process motivation theories and be able to discuss several examples of each type
• Be familiar with ways to match motivational approaches to employees’ needs
• Be able to discuss why the motivation methods of the past may no longer be adequate for today’s workers
1. Imagine that you are the supervisor of a 12-person copy-cataloging department in a very large public library. Sidney Brown, one of your employees, has just had his position reclassified, resulting
2. The search committee at Lettimore State University library has been working hard. The committee has reviewed a number of candidates for the position of library director and brought four finalists
3. When Kathy O’Connell was promoted to head of reference she was thrilled. She had worked in the Smithfield Public Library for 10 years. She considered it her home away from home and her coworkers
4. Especially in times of tight budgets, many library managers are looking for nonmonetary ways to reward employees. One of the best is completely free:always say “thank you” when staff put in
1. Joan Giesecke, the former dean of libraries at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, posed the following questions: “Managing professionals can present a true dilemma for today’s managers.How do
2. “Some managers always treat their subordinates in a way that leads to superior performance.But most managers. . . unintentionally treat their subordinates in a way that leads to lower
3. According to Frederick Herzberg, “If I kick my dog (from the front or the back), he will move. And when I want him to move again, what must I do? I must kick him again. Similarly, I can charge a
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