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the leadership experience
Questions and Answers of
The Leadership Experience
Ensure that meetings lead to action.
Manage meeting problems and conflict.
Conduct a productive meeting.
Complete essential meeting planning.
Decide when a meeting is the best forum.
Help virtual teams succeed.
Handle team issues and conflict.
Manage the people side of teams.
Implement the necessary team work processes.
Establish an effective team.
Connect and communicate across cultures.
Value diversity and improve intercultural competence.
Define culture.
Realize importance and improve nonverbal and listening skills.
Display emotional intelligence through interpersonal skills.
Recognize the role of personality in emotional intelligence.
Measure and increase emotional intelligence.
Value emotional intelligence.
Make the most of presentation software.
Create meaningful and effective text layouts.
Select and design effective data charts.
Employ fundamental graphic content and design principles.
Recognize when to use graphics.
Present effectively and with greater confidence in person and online.
Prepare a presentation to achieve the greatest impact.
Plan your presentation, including developing a communication strategy.
Design documents for accessibility and professional appearance.
Include the appropriate content for popular types of reports.
Organize documents logically and according to the audience.
Determine purpose and type of report for different leadership situations.
Create and use social media and other e-communication strategically.
Format e-communication and correspondence effectively.
Organize written communication coherently.
Select the most effective written communication medium.
Edit and proofread your own work more effectively.
Follow the language rules that matter.
Communicate clearly and concisely.
Influence others through concise, direct, and memorable prose.
Achieve a positive ethos through tone and style.
Organize written and oral communication effectively
Analyze audiences.
Develop a communication strategy.
Establish a clear communication purpose.
Recognize and manage ethical issues.
Appreciate the importance of projecting a positive ethos.
Define leadership communication.
Connect leadership to communication.
Identify leadership with an emphasis on transformational leaders.
What are the ten general guidelines for effective leadership in organizations?
What are some biases and limitations in the way leadership is usually defined and studied?
What are some explanatory constructs and processes that appear similar in dyadic, group, and organizational level theories?
What are some points of convergence in the four major lines of research on effective leadership (traits and skills, behaviors, influence processes, situational variables)?
Why is it important for the leadership development programs in an organization to be consistent with the human resource management practices and the competitive strategy?
What can be done to integrate the leadership training, development, and self-help activities?
What conditions in an organization enhance leadership development?
How is the developmental readiness of leaders affected by the ability to develop and the motivation to develop?
What are the most effective ways to use multisource feedback workshops?
What are the likely benefits of mentoring for developing leaders?
How are special assignments relevant for development of leadership skills?
What conditions facilitate learning from experience by managers?
What features of a training program are likely to make it more effective?
What additional information is needed to make a good report to the CEO?
What types of changes are most likely to improve the leadership development?
Identify strengths and weaknesses in leadership development at Federated.
What other things could be done to improve the effectiveness of the feedback and training workshop?
What do the findings suggest about the importance of providing a feedback and training workshop, even though it is much easier and less costly to only provide managers with feedback reports?
What can leaders do to manage diversity and promote employee inclusion in organizations?
Why is there a “glass cliff” for women, and what factors contribute to it?
Why is there a “glass ceiling” for women, and what can be done about the problem?
What are the essentials to effective global leadership?
What cultural value dimensions have been identified, and how are they related to leadership?
What are some difficulties in conducting cross-cultural research on leadership?
Why is cross-cultural research on leadership important and worthwhile?
What are the major research questions in studies of cross-cultural leadership?
What could the president have done to create equal opportunity in this company?
What could Laura have done to overcome the obstacles she encountered?
What forms of gender discrimination did Laura experience?
If we believe that cultural value differences are affecting the team’s efforts, what should be Nathalie’s next steps?
Does the lack of face-to-face communication contribute to Nathalie’s problem? If so, how?
How can Nathalie think about cultural differences that might be affecting her team without resorting to cultural stereotyping?
What are some guidelines for strategy formulation?
Why is external monitoring important for strategic leadership?
How do shared leadership, relational leadership, and complexity theories increase our understanding of leadership in organizations?
What determines the effectiveness of executive teams?
What conditions limit the discretion of a CEO?
What is organizational culture and how can leaders influence it?
How can leaders influence each type of performance determinant?
What are the major performance determinants for organizations?
What leadership behaviors and theories help to explain the strong influence of the CEO on the company and its continued success?
Explain the success of Costco in terms of the three performance determinants in flexible leadership theory (adaptation, efficiency, and human capital).
What effective practices were used to identify and implement necessary changes in the strategy and the organization?
What was done to improve efficiency, adaptation, and human relations, and to minimize adverse side effects of the changes?
What can a leader do to improve decision-making processes in a group meeting?
What are the major task-oriented and group maintenance functions in decision groups?
What can be done to improve group cohesiveness and collective identification?
Under what conditions are self-managed work teams most likely to be successful?
What leadership roles and processes are important for selfmanaged teams?
Why is leadership more difficult in cross-functional teams than in functional teams?
What leadership processes are important for cross-functional teams?
What are the key types of subgroups and how do they impact team processes and performance?
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