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Leadership Ethics And Project Execution An Evidence Based Project Success Model 1st Edition F.H. (Bud) Griffis, Frederick B. Plummer, Francis X. DarConte - Solutions
What makes the difference between a level 1/ level 2/ level 3 manager?
What could you do?
Who is involved?
What do they do well?
f. If a third-party representative conducted itself unlawfully, should DII be responsible? Should the CEO or its division managers care?
e. Does a technological breakthrough such as the structural engineering solution for the modular housing units play into the go-no go decision-making?
d. What type of impact does the CEO’s decision have on his division managers’future behavior?
c. Can safeguards be put into place that would allow for an “above board”project approval process?
b. Because business in the three countries has always been conducted this way with the use of a “third party” representatives, does it make it right?
a. Given the circumstances, what decision should the CEO make? Why?
When and how do we assess risk?
How should we think about risk management?
Why is risk management important?
How should we define risk?
4. What do you think the most important constructor productivity factors are(from the list in Table 14.1)? Explain why.
3. What do you think the most important designer productivity factors are(from the list in Table 14.1)? Explain why.
2. What do you think the most important owner productivity factors are (from the list in Table 14.1)? Explain why.
1. Journal 14: Drawing from the factors affecting productivity in Table 14.1, write a one-page journal article on how you, as a newly assigned project engineer, can improve productivity.
e. How should management react to the information?
d. Are there risks in performing too many metrics?
c. What metrics should we select to monitor the effectiveness of the project delivery team?
b. Which metrics should we be the most concerned about?
a. What are the data results indicating with respect to performance outcomes?
7. What is working well? What is not working well (and why)?
6. Does each stakeholder understand team member interests and expectations to facilitate an alignment of interests with the project interests?
. Are the stakeholders aligned with the desired vision for team culture?
4. Is there a shared vision for project success and achievability?
3. Are all critical project delivery elements in place to make this project a success?
2. Does the team understand the basic constructs of an optimal set of project delivery conditions?
1. As a leader, does my team know something I don’t know?
11. Write a sentence or two describing what each of Gostick’s and Telford’s ten characteristics of integrity means to you.
10. Choose one of Gostick’s and Telford’s ten characteristics of integrity and write a one-paragraph summary of what it means to you.
9. Explain how unethical behavior between project stakeholders (project owner, design consultants and constructor, primary trade contractors, and vendors)can adversely affect collaboration and
8. Explain how ethical behavior and leadership mutually reinforce each other.
7. How are ethical behavior and trust related? Explain.Leadership and Ethics 199
6. Ralph, in his capacity as Director of Business Development for his firm, is trying to get on the bid list for the construction of a large office building project for the U.S. Government. Ralph
5. Ralph is the Director of Business Development for a large construction firm.He is trying to get on the bid list for the construction of a large upscale highrise condo project, which is to be built
Explain whether the overpriced change order is in the best interest of the general contractor. What could the general contractor have done to make the change order fairer for the client? Does the
4. Reread the change-order scenario in Section 11.2.2.
Resign.Will one of these options resolve John’s concern for the good of the project(explain)?Will one of these options expose any ethical issues with Bill’s behavior(explain)?Will one of these
Raise the conflict to John’s manager for a decision and recommend that they discuss the alternative proposal with Bill’s management (John will accept the solution that Garrison’s management
Go back to Bill again with a specific, priced, alternative electrical proposal and send a copy of it to John’s manager.
Go along with Bill’s demands.
3. Reread the second example in Section 11.2.3, concerning Garrison Construction Management. John, the leader of Garrison’s field operations, suspects 198 Ethics that Bill’s insistence on using a
2. A client is building an industrial waterfront facility, which requires driving piles in the water. It is to be built in the northeastern United States starting in early January and finishing in
1. Journal 11: Write a journal article on the aspect of leadership and ethics in this chapter that (a) had the most impact on you, and (b) how you plan to implement it in your career-practice of
6. You are the construction manager on a bid preparation team. The day before the bid is due, the planner brings in the integrated schedule for all the major activities. It is 23 months, but the
5. As part of a bid proposal team, you are an engineer developing a fabrication sequence for 11 prefabricated process modules. Part of the sequence requires a heavy lift device. You investigate
Other options?What are the problems with each option? If the owner thinks you kept the cognac, will he expect a favor in return? Are there any good options?
Drink it.
Send or take it back to the owner of the contracting firm who gave it to you, and explain that you can’t accept this generous gift.
Take it to the company compliance officer and discuss what to do about it.
Take the gift to your boss, the CEO of your company, and discuss what to do about it.
4. You are a newly assigned project manager in a Southeast Asian country.Within days of your arrival, you receive a gift of Louis XIII 100-year-old cognac. It is personally delivered by the owner of
3. You are the contracts manager for a technology company. Your company has just issued an invitation to bid for supplying a large order of DRAM chips. You like to keep up with the market and in
2. Analyze Janet’s moral dilemma using the step-by-step process in this chapter.Write a one-page memo to the Company Compliance Officer (as if you were Janet), summarizing the issue and what you
1. Journal 10: What have you learned in this chapter that will help you make better ethical decisions?
7. Choose the best option (course of action), i.e., the one that achieves the greatest good.
6. Evaluate the options. If the option feels wrong—it usually is. In other words, use your “moral compass” to evaluate and eliminate options. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each
5. Consider the consequences of implementing each option.
4. Develop options for resolving the ethical situation (i.e., what actions to take to resolve the dilemma).
3. Determine the facts and evaluate the situation.a. Isolate what is unethical and avoid it.b. Is anything possibly illegal? If so, seek legal counsel.
2. Clarify goals. What are you trying to accomplish professionally in this situation?What are your business goals? Most importantly, what are the ethical considerations?
1. Stop and think. Don’t make a snap judgment or take immediate action.Pause and think through what you are facing. Try to keep emotions out of the decision.
Go forward with the project, with the intent to submit a large claim at the end of the job and then go into arbitration, if necessary Which is your preferred option?
Go forward with the job and submit high-priced change orders at every opportunity
Rebid the subcontracts that are above budget
Force the subcontractors to do the job for the prices they quoted or lose the work
Walk away from the job
Negotiate with the Bear Creek Owner by presenting evidence of how much prices have escalated
13. Manfred’s Company, Contractor A, was eventually awarded the contract for the Bear Creek Condo job. In the meantime, the prices for nearly all building materials have gone up since the bid was
Questionable?Explain your answer.
12. Refer to exercise 12. During the bid evaluation for the Bear Creek Condo, the owner’s contracts manager, Jake, calls Samuel and mentions that the bids were higher than they had expected. He
Questionable?Explain your answer.
11. Manfred is the business development representative for Contractor A. While at a local contractors’ association dinner meeting, he runs into Samuel, who holds the same position for Contractor B.
10. Rhonda is an engineer with a design consulting firm. Her workspace is a cubicle in the office landscape. She had dated Ronald, one of her coworkers, a couple of times. However, it didn’t work
9. You are leading a team tasked with inspecting one of your company’s projects at a Korean Shipyard. On the last day of your three-day visit, the Yard’s Superintendent invites you and your team
8. Chad is the receiving clerk at a shipyard. While he is inspecting the incoming cargo on a vendor’s pickup truck, the driver puts the transmission into reverse instead of park, and he backs over
7. Ralph is the Director of Business Development for a large construction firm.He is trying to get on the bid list for the construction of a sizable upscale high-rise condo project, which is to be
6. Terrance is considering whether or not to hire a consultant (in-country in West Africa) to help his company make appointments with government officials.He will also lobby officials to influence
What would his justification be for going on this trip?
How should Thomas go about getting permission for this trip, if required?
Are there any business conduct issues involved with the proposed trip?Discuss.
5. Thomas is the owner’s director in charge of the engineering for a large offshore oil and gas platform, one involving new technology. The Main Engineering Contractor (MEC) has mobilized over 500
4. Terrance works closely with Simon, an accounting manager with the national oil company (FCPA foreign official). Simon has expressed a keen interest to learn more about the home office’s
3. Terrance is the Financial and Administration Manager for a U.S. company doing business in West Africa. He is stationed in West Africa. His office has to handle the importing of various materials
In addition, Lloyd’s former employer sues Lloyd’s company and Lloyd for stealing their trade secrets (i.e., the specification). In pretrial discussions with Lloyd’s company and their lawyers,
Do you believe Lloyd acted negligently (explain your answer)? Do you think Lloyd performed his duties competently (explain your answer)?Does the owner bear any responsibility for this accident
2. Refer to exercise 1. During the start-up of the refinery, the gas turbine compressor, which Lloyd designed, catches fire and damages about 20% of the refinery. In the investigation that follows,
1. Lloyd is a process engineer for a national engineering and construction company.He is currently working on the design of an oil refinery. It is late in the design process, and construction has
d. Are the actions by NBMS and ECS lawful? Ethical?e. What are the business risks to both ECS and NBMS? Reputational Risk?Exercises
c. What kind of relationship will evolve between NBMS and ECS after the two projects are completed? Impact on Trust?
b. How does Jack feel about Gerry after this idea is put out there for consideration?166 Ethics
a. Given the circumstances, what decision should the Jack make? Why?
Is the expenditure for the item or service within its authorized budget?
Is the amount of the invoice within the approver’s delegated signature authority?
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