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business ethics
Questions and Answers of
Business Ethics
Now that you have heard the other groups present their results, what differences emerged between your group’s analysis and those of the other groups? Have you modified your analysis in light of the
What problems did you have with understanding and practicing the four frameworks for solving problems? How did you go about solving these problems? Does your group have any outstanding questions or
Were there any problem you group had working together to carry out this case analysis? What were the problems and how did you go about solving them?
You have worked with integrating important ethical values into solutions to ethical problems.
You have practiced decision making by evaluating and ranking solutions to ethics cases.
You have a better of your obligations and rights in the job candicacy process.
You have become aware of how ethical issues can arise in the job candidacy process.
Wike: “Aim to realize all values, but where that is impossible, enact the most important values and/or the greatest number of values.”
Wike: “No value necessarily overrides any other.”
Wike: “Although values can compete, they don’t conflict.” Try to solve the value competitions in your scenario by integrating the competing values in a solution.
Try to design a solution that realizes as many values as possible.
Do Ladd's objections apply t the ABET, NSPE, or CIAPR codes?
How does your group's code of ethics stand in relation to Ladd's criticisms?
Which of Ladd's criticisms apply to the Pirate Creed?
This contract explains why professions develop codes of ethics. Codes document to the public the profession's commitment to carry out its side of the social contract, namely, to hold paramount public
Not having to worry about its collective self-interest, the profession is now free to hold paramount the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
The profession promises to use its autonomy responsibly by regulating itself. it does this by developing and enforcing professional and ethical standards. By granting prestige to the profession,
Monopoly status implies that the profession of engineering itself determines who can practice engineering and how it should be practiced.
Prestige includes high social status and generous pay.
Autonomy includes freedom from regulation and control from the outside through cumbersome laws, regulations, and statutes.
Identify provisions that touch upon the relation of the engineer to the client. What goods are at stake in this relation? What can engineers do to preserve or promote these goods? Identify provisions
Identify the provisions that touch upon the relation of the engineer to the public. What goods are at stake in this relation? What can engineers do to preserve or promote these goods?
What values are embedded in the Pirate Creed How does the Pirate Creed deal with nonmembers?
What is the purpose of the Creed for the Pirate Community?
what is bad about the Pirate Creed of Ethics?
What is good about the Pirate Creed of Ethics?
Pelas entre varios hermanos mientras estén a bordo será resueltos en tierra con pistolas y espadas. El que saque primera sangre será el vencedor. No pueden golpear a otro mientras estén a bordo
A todos quienes conspiren para desertar, o lo que hayan desertado y sean capturados, sus cabezas serán rajadas.
El que se duerma mientras está trabajando como centinela, recibirán latigazos por todos los miembros de la tripulación. Se repite el crimen, su cabeza será rajada.
Si hay duda en una disputa entre hermanos, una corte de honor determinará el veredicto. Si un hermano es encontrado culpable, la primera vez será perdonado, pero al ofender de nuevo, será atado a
Si un hermano roba de otro, perderá su nariz u orejas. Se peca de nuevo, se le darán un mosquete, municiones, plomo y una botella de agua y será abandonado en una isla.
La penalidad por traer una mujer disfrazada a bordo es la muerte.
Los suministros y raciones serán compartidos por igual.
El que pierda un ojo, una mano, o una pierna mientras está en servicio, recibirá hasta seis esclavos o seiscientas (600) coronas.
El primero que señale la aparición de un barco que sea capturado recibirá cien (100) coronas.
El botín de una nave capturada será distribuido en partes iguales.
Los otros oficiales recibirán una (1) parte cada uno, y si se distinguen, la tripulación determinará cuanto recibirán como recompensa.
El cirujano del barco recibirá doscientas (200) coronas para el mantenimiento de su equipo médico y recibirá una (1) parte del botín.
Si el barco naufraga, la tripulación permanecerá unidos hasta el capitán consigue otra nave. Si la nave es propiedad común de la tripulación, la primera nave capturada pertenecerá al capitán
El capitán tendrá comando total durante una batalla y tendrá la autoridad para dirigir el barco. El que no sigua al capitán podrá ser castigado se la tripulación no vota en contra del castigo.
This module will conclude with a look at the code of ethics of the Puerto Rico State Society of Professional Engineers and Land surveyors or Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico.
You will debrief the rest of the class on your group's code, clarify its functions and values, and defend it if necessary.
You will write a code of ethics for an occupational or professional area such as business or engineering.
You will analyze the Pirate Creed in terms of (a) its different functions, (b) the community values it embodies, and (c) how it stands toward nonmembers of the pirate community as well as members.
What is the cause of plagiarism? Do students do it out of ignorance of standards and practices of documentation and achnowledgment? Do they do it because they procrastinate until they do not have
Is the department chairperson treating students disrespectfully by adopting and implementing the antiplagiarism software? Can faculty treat students disrespectfully as "justifiable" retaliation for
Does this anti-plagiarism program threaten any of the values in the ADEM SOV? If so, which values?
Do you think the ADEM SOV adequately addresses this problem? If not, how can it be improved?
Can teachers coordinate to prevent overloading students with the same deadlines? Whose fault is this? The students? The teachers? The system? Can this problem be posed as a conflict between ADEM
Should Marta have planned her course load better when registering?
What can be done prevent this kind of problem from arising in the first place?
Is Marta threatening any of the values listed in the ADEM SOV? Which ones?
This exercise provides you an opportunity to study and discuss the UPRM College of Business Administration Statement of Values (available via the PREREQUISITE LINKS). Your task consists of the
Vote: Each person ranks the top five values.
Combine: a moderator will organize the lists into a ballot.
Revise: make any last minute changes.
Post: share your list with the entire group.
Refine: reduce your list to a manageable size (5-7). Do this by rewording, synthesizing, combining, and eliminating.
Brainstorm: list the values for your group. Keep in mind that values are multi-dimensional. For example, in the academic context, the values will break down into dimensions corresponding to
Record and post the list of values.
Identify any recurring values.
List the values you identify in the codes. Express each value as a word or in as few words as possible.
Review a few sample codes per team.
Develop within the time available a sketch of a code. This could be a section of a compliance code, a corporate credo, or a statement of values. In choosing your form, think carefully about the
What functions are you addressing in your code outline? Looking above, these would include educate, inspire, create dialogue, discipline, empower, secure and express identity.
What is the ethical challenge that is highlighted in the ethics bowl scenario based on your case. For this information go to the "Ethics Bowl in the Environment of the Organization" module. m21191.
What kind of moral ecology is predominate in your corporation? Is it financial-, customer-, or quality-driven. Look at how the type of moral ecology structures other organizational activities:
Ethics Bowl Corporations. You have been assigned corporations corresponding to two of the six ethics bowl cases. For your presenting corporation, you will be developing a partial code of ethics. For
For the Pirate Community?
What is the purpose served by the Pirate Credo?
What is bad about the Pirate Credo?
What is good about the Pirate Credo?
Something to think about. Compliance approaches work best in what of company, organization or moral ecology. (Think about this in terms of the central or core commitments such as those in finance-,
To summarize, some companies identify a compliance strategy where they set forth rules that establish minimum levels of acceptable conduct, monitor compliance, and punish non-compliance. Others,
Locking in on Continual Improvement: The philosopher, John Dewey, characterizes moral responsibility as the drive to better ourselves. The particular twist in Dewey’s approach is to find ways of
Support for Employees: Since Statements of Values set forth excellences or aspirations, the role of the organization changes from monitoring and then punishing misbehavior to finding ways of opening
Development of Shared Values: Using a process similar to the one described above, a company develops a Statement of Shared Values. These provide guidelines that replace the hard and fast rules of a
To facilitate comparison, three correlative but different elements to Values-Based or aspirationnal approaches will be identified.
The faculty then developed a schedule whereby the Statement of Values would be revisited, expanded, revised, and improved.
The committee presented its results to the faculty who approved this first draft Statement of Values
A committee was formed to take each value through a value template. After describing the value, they formulated a principle summarizing the ethical obligations it entailed, crafted sample provisions
After the top five values were identified, efforts were made, in describing each of the remaining values, to find places to include at least components of the values left out. For example, while
To resolve this disagreement, discussion leaders proposed using ballots to allow participants to vote on values. This process was more than a simple up or down vote. Participants also ranked the
In this step, faculty members were asked to reduce the values list to a manageable number of five to seven. This led to the most contentious part of the process. Participants disagreed on the
The sample provisions crafted in the earlier stakeholder code effort were presented so that participants could identify the values these embodied. Previous efforts in developing a stakeholder code
Participants examined "bona fide" codes of ethics such as academic codes, codes of honor, corporate codes, and professional codes. Since codes embody values, they developed lists of the values these
They discussed a flawed document, the Pirate Credo. This brought about three positive results: participants came to see how codes embody values, that codes serve different functions, and that codes
Stakeholder approaches combine compliance and value-based approaches. In compliance, corporate officers define a moral and legal minimum; this consists of the minimum set of rules necessary for
Managers play an important meta-role here. They are faithful agents but of all stakeholders, not just stockholders. Thus, they becomes referees or (to switch metaphors) brokers between stakeholders.
The first feature of the owner role is the reduction in centrality mentioned just above. They advocate their interests in the same arena as the other stakeholders, but they also must work to make
The stakeholder view can be closely tied to egoism if it is assumed that the different stakeholder groups exist to maximize their selfish interests. But the stakeholder approach to corporate
Owners drop out of the center of attention in this approach to become one of several, equal stakeholders. A stakeholder is any group or individual that has a vital interest, right, good, or value in
Like corporations operating within agency theory, stockholder corporations focus on compliance strategies to monitor managers and make sure they remain faithful agents. However, directors under the
Managers are role-responsible for ensuring that investors get maximum return on their investment. This includes exercising good business judgment and avoiding conflicts of interests and violations of
The owners invest in the corporation and seek a return (profit) on this investment. But this narrow role has been expanded into overseeing the operations of the corporations and its managers to
Stockholders are oriented toward self-interest, so stockholder theory, along with agency theory, takes an egoistic/Hobbesian view of human nature. Humans are rational, self-interest maximizers.
The stockholder approach is quite similar to that set forth in agency theory. The difference is that it views the corporation as the property of its owners (stockholders) who may dispose of it as
How does ethics enter into corporate governance under agency theory? Primary emphasis is placed on compliance, i.e., enforced conformity to rules that constitute minimum thresholds of acceptable
Managers are agents. Their primary responsibility is to serve as faithful executors of the goals and interests of the principals. This requires, first, that, managers are responsible for exercising
The owners/directors play the role of principal in agency theory. The principal originates the action and bears primary moral and legal responsibility for it. Most of the time the principal of an
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