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foundations of marketing
Foundations Of Marketing 5th Edition John Fahy, David Jobber - Solutions
4. Suggest a series of key words that might be appropriate and relevant to attract the target customer for SEO and email content. Explain why there may be a difference.5. What are the advantages and
3. Evaluate the email marketing campaigns by either signing up for the emails or discuss the ones above.
2. How much of Net-A-Porter’s success can be attributed to the role Massenet played in the beginning and why is her vision important for an online retailer?
1. Summarize how Net-A-Porter has established and maintained its position as the leading luxury fashion online retailer in the UK.
4. Negative publicity aside, do you think that Arthur’s Day has a future? Is it an event that has run its course anyway and that people have grown tired of it?
3. In your opinion, was the negative backlash against Arthur’s Day justified? Was Diageo’s response to the negative publicity against the event sufficient?
2. Arthur’s Day has been a hugely successful marketing event for Diageo. Highlight how Arthur’s Day is a perfect example of an integrated marketing communications campaign.
1. Comment on the objectives that Diageo is trying to achieve through the use of Arthur’s Day.
7 Understand the key activities involved in sales management.
6 Explain the main stages in the personal selling process
5 Analyse the role of buzz marketing in the IMC mix
4 Critique the role of direct marketing in society
3 Analyse the main direct marketing techniques
2 Understand the role of direct marketing in the IMC mix
1 Understand the importance of database management as a foundation for direct marketing activities
4. View the Captain Morgan Great Britain Facebook page ( on the various initiatives being used on this page to engage with its target market.
3. View the banned ‘Live Like a Captain’ TV ad online at or Do you think that the ASA were
2. Why were online and social media relied upon so heavily to promote the Captain Morgan brand in the British market? How have Diageo managed to integrate their online and offline media?
1. Evaluate the importance of the Captain Morgan character to the brand’s identity. Do you think the character appeals to the 18–24-year-old target market? Why?
6 Explain the roles played by exhibitions, product placement, ambient advertising and guerrilla marketing in the IMC mix.
5 Analyse the roles played by sales promotion, public relations and sponsorship in the IMC mix
4 Critique the role of advertising in society
3 Analyse the nature and role of advertising in the IMC mix
2 Understand the stages involved in developing and conducting an integrated marketing communications campaign
1 Explain the concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC)
4. In the digital age how is Cinnabon integrating social media into its delivery model to customers?
3. As Cinnabon expands its product range and embraces new partnership arrangements what do you see as the challenges for managing the essence of the Cinnabon brand?
2. Where does customer value accrue through Cinnabon’s distribution system and what is the role of the service staff member in creating such value at the point of delivery?
1. Thinking about the distribution channels for Cinnabon how would you categorize their model by channel(i.e. consumer, industrial, service) and by strategy (i.e. selection, distribution intensity
7 Explain the key issues in managing the physical distribution system.
6 Analyse the key retailing management decisions
5 Critique the impact of retail formats on society
4 Explain the different kinds of retail store formats
3 Analyse the five key channel management issues – member selection, motivation, training, evaluation and conflict management
2 Analyse the three components of channel strategy – channel selection, intensity and integration
1 Understand the different types of distribution channel for consumer goods, industrial products and services
5. Which strategy would you recommend for Aran Candy to deal with the weakness of sterling relative to the euro? Justify your choice.
4. Are there any non-pricing strategies open to Aran Candy to respond to the depreciation in sterling?
3. List the different pricing strategies Aran Candy may employ in the UK given the severe weakness of sterling relative to the euro.
2. Discuss the risks faced by an exporting company with a strong domestic currency.
1. Discuss ways in which changes in the macro-environment have impacted on the sugar confectionery market.
6 Understand the strategic role of pricing.
5 Describe the major issues involved in managing pricing decisions over time
4 Critique the impact of pricing on consumers and society
3 Explain how several key factors influence price-setting decisions
2 Understand how consumers respond to pricing cues
1 Understand the key considerations when setting an initial price
4. Is IKEA a provider of goods or services? Explain.
3. How does IKEA ensure that its customers get the same service level and experience no matter what store or country they shop in?
2. What does IKEA do in order to retain and reward customers?
1. What are some of the ways in which IKEA provides its customers with a unique service experience?
8 Analyse the nature and characteristics of not-for-profit marketing.
7 Explain the role of experiential marketing
6 Critique the role of marketing relationships in society
5 Analyse the role of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in relationship marketing
4 Understand the nature of relationship marketing
3 Explain the nature of service quality
2 Analyse the key issues in managing services enterprises
1 Understand the special characteristics of services
4. Critically evaluate the advantages and risks associated with utilizing a single global branding strategy for Carlsberg. Explain what is meant by a ‘glocal’ approach.
3. Discuss using Figure 6.3 the effect of Carlsberg’s new tagline on the positioning of the Carlsberg brand.
2. Carlsberg Group has a portfolio of over 500 brands varying significantly in volume, price, target audience and geographic penetration. Outline the benefits of using the Boston Consulting Group
1. Identify Carlsberg’s stage in its product life cycle before the launch of the ‘That calls for a Carlsberg’campaign.
8 Explain the importance of innovation and the new product development process.
7 Understand how product performance evolves over time
6 Analyse how to manage a diverse product or brand portfolio
5 Critique the role of brands in society
4 Evaluate the key aspects of building and managing a successful brand
3 Analyse the alternative ways of differentiating products
2 Explain the differences between products and brands
1 Understand what is meant by a product in marketing terms
4. ‘Rolex could become a prisoner of its own strategy.’ Critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a repositioning strategy for Rolex.
3. Discuss the key factors contributing to the success of Rolex’s positioning strategy.
2. Evaluate the current market targeting strategy being used by Rolex. Is it appropriate?
1. Evaluate the alternative bases that Rolex might use to segment its market. Which base would you recommend and why?
7 Critique the role of market segmentation and targeting in society.
6 Analyse the concept of repositioning and the repositioning options available to the firm
5 Explain the concept of positioning and the keys to successful positioning
4 Compare and contrast the four market targeting strategies – undifferentiated, differentiated, focused and customized marketing
3 Explain the criteria for effective segmentation
2 Explain the methods used to segment both consumer and organizational markets
1 Understand what is meant by market segmentation
4. Visit H&M online at Give a critical analysis with regard to how well you believe the company’s website incorporates social media. What are some steps H&M could take to make its website
3. In which areas could H&M do more to collect valuable data and information on its customers?
2. What are some of the limitations with regard to market research and data analysis?
1. What are some of the ways in which H&M engages in market research and collects data on its customers?
8 Critique the role of marketing information in society.
7 Describe the differences between qualitative and quantitative research
6 Explain the main stages in the marketing research process
5 Understand the different dimensions of marketing research
4 Explain what is meant by market intelligence
3 Analyse the main types of internal market information
2 Explain what is meant by a marketing information system
1 Understand the importance of marketing information and customer insights
3. If Fiat is currently targeting ‘early adopters’ with the Fiat 500 car, what should its marketing messages say in order to be effective?
2. When a family decides that they need to replace their current car, what actions in the decision-making process are they likely to undertake before purchasing a new Fiat 500?
1. What might be the main decision-making criteria for (i) retail customers, and (ii) fleet managers? How might the decision-making process differ between the two?
8 Develop a better understanding of one’s own consumption choices.
7 Critique the role of marketing activities in consumption decisions
6 Analyse the main influences on organizational buying behaviour – the buy class, product type and purchase importance
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