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marketing management
Questions and Answers of
Marketing Management
What are the dimensions of destination quality?
What are the reasons and benefits for managing destination quality?
What product strategy models can be applied in destinations?
What are the steps that should be followed in completing an analysis of a new physical product development?
Visitor information centres can perform several key roles for a destination. What are the types of roles that VICs can play?
What are the steps that can be taken by a DMO to encourage a higher level of accessible tourism within the destination?
How important are tourism signs to visitors and how can the DMO ensure that there is a good signage system in place?
How important are the people in a destination and what should a DMO do to encourage human resource development?
What are the roles and benefits of packaging in tourism? How should a DMO get involved with packaging?
What are the roles and benefits of programming in tourism? What roles can the DMO play in encouraging more programming in its destination?
What is experience design and what are the characteristics of wellcrafted visitor experiences?
What are the roles of interpretation in tourism and what can the DMO do to improve the quantity and quality of interpretation?
What are the definitions for destination partnership and destination team building?
How should the terms synergy and synergistic relationship be interpreted in the context of destination management?
How does partnering help a DMO to accomplish all its roles of destination management?
What is the relationship between destination governance and destination partnerships?
What are the benefits of destination partnerships?
Who are a DMO’s potential partners?
How should a DMO identify potential partners?Shared resources are often the bases for destination partnerships.
What are some good examples of destinations forming partnerships when they share the same or similar resources?
Public–private partnerships (PPPs) are becoming more popular in destination management and marketing. What are the reasons behind this trend?
What are the major barriers and challenges to the formation of destination partnerships?
What are the types of destination partnerships available to DMOs?
What are the main ingredients of successful destination partnerships?
It is important for a destination and DMO to be proactive in planning for its destination partnership and team building role. What steps should a DMO follow in destination partnership planning?
Which types of teams are frequently assembled by DMOs and what are their purposes?
What are the differences between partnership and team building, and how are they interrelated?
What are the characteristics of effective teams?
Why are community relationships and involvement important to destination management?
How do community residents influence the success of tourism in a destination?
What types of actions and initiatives should be included in a community relationship and involvement plan for local community residents?
How is the term stakeholder defined?
How can a DMO determine which stakeholders are the most important?
What are the different strategies available for managing relationships and involvement with stakeholders?
Who are the tourism sector stakeholders within the destination?
What types of actions and initiatives should be included in planning for stakeholder relationships and involvement?
How do DMOs provide leadership and coordination for tourism sector stakeholders?
Which actions should be included in DMO member relationship management?
What are the benefits to DMOs and their members from operating membership programmes?
For DMOs with membership programmes, what types of benefits can be provided to members?
What are the most important considerations for the relationships between boards of directors and DMOs?
Why does a DMO need to establish a code of conduct for board members?
What are the major leadership roles that DMOs should assume within their destinations?
How should DMOs effectively coordinate the activities of other parties?
How would you define destination governance?
What are the main dimensions of destination governance?
What is accountability, and which actions does a DMO need to take to prove it is being accountable?
How can a DMO demonstrate transparency, and what is the relationship between transparency and accountability?
How do DMO organizational structures affect destination governance?
In the operations of boards of directors, who should take the responsibility for setting board culture, scheduling meetings and preparing meeting agendas? How should these tasks be approached?
What are bylaws, and how do these relate to destination governance?
What are the different funding mechanisms and sources that are used for DMOs?
What have been some of the recent trends in the funding of DMOs?
What steps should a DMO take to measure its effectiveness?
Why is it important for a DMO to plan for risk management, and what are some of the risks that might be encountered?
How would you define visitor management?
What are the elements of the ADVICE model?
What are the reasons for and benefits from visitor management?
What are the components of a visitor management programme?
How can visitor management contribute to better resource protection and conservation?
What are the processes and steps involved in visitor planning, monitoring and management?
How can destinations and DMOs plan to assure visitors of greater safety?
Why is visitor interpretation, education and information important?
What steps should DMOs take to enhance visitor experiences, enjoyment and satisfaction?
Why do DMOs need to be concerned about visitor behaviour?
How should destinations apply yield management and for what purpose?
What are other reasons for visitor management programmes?
Destination positioning, image and branding are interconnected concepts. How are these three concepts interrelated, and in what ways do they impact each other?
Why is destination branding important?
What are the benefits that can accrue to destinations and tourists from destination branding?
What are the major challenges involved with doing destination branding?
Why do destination brands sometimes fail?
What are the characteristics of a good destination brand?
What are the steps involved in destination brand development?
Which items are included in a destination brand strategy?
How would you describe the brand promise?
How long should a destination brand last? Please explain your reasoning based on actual practice.
Which elements comprise the basic model of communications, and what are their roles and functions?
What is the definition of integrated marketing communications(IMC), and why is this concept important for DMOs?
What are the major components of IMC, and how is each component defined?
Which benefits do DMOs gain from following the IMC approach?
Why is advertising important for destinations, and what are advertising’s three main roles for a DMO?
What roles do sales or personal selling perform for DMOs?
What are the roles played by sales promotion and merchandising?
Which techniques comprise special offers and special communication methods?
What are the roles of public relations and publicity?
Who are a DMO’s internal and external publics?
What are the major digital marketing techniques and venues?
How is the effectiveness of individual IMC components measured?
What is crowdsourcing, and how can it be applied in IMC by DMOs?
Theme and event years have been used by several countries as a tourism marketing strategy. Why are these theme/event years a good platform for IMC?
How are tourism and film/movie development interrelated, and how can they benefit each other in terms of both marketing and development?
What are the steps involved in planning integrated marketing communications?
Why is digital marketing now so important for DMOS?
For what functions do travellers use digital media?
What are the major components of digital marketing?
What types of digital content do DMOs need to curate?
What are the major roles and marketing functions of DMO websites?
What are the characteristics of effective DMO websites?
Why do DMOs need to be involved in search engine marketing and search engine optimization, and what is involved in these activities?
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