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principles of organizational behavior
Questions and Answers of
Principles Of Organizational Behavior
Understand the nature of personality and how it is determined by both nature and nurture.
Describe the Big Five personality traits and their implications for understanding behavior in organizations.
Appreciate the ways in which other personality traits, in addition to the Big Five, influence employees' behaviors in organizations.
Describe the different kinds of abilities that employees use to perform their jobs.
Appreciate how organizations manage ability through selection, placement, and training.
1. How is the l1lana!!el1lenl of abi Iity in or!!.mizations affected when job appl i"'l1lts Iie OIl lheir r6ullll's"
2, In what ways C~lIl Iyin!! on resumes hUl1 job applicants?
3. How docs lying OIl resumes affttl employers'!
4. Why do 'iOmc peopll' f
I. Based on the material in the case and the chapter content, how would you describe Henry Yuen's per;.onality?
2. How might his pcr;.Ol13lity and the situation he was in have contributed to his actions m Gemstar'!
3. How would you Char
4. Based on the information in the case, do you Ihink he is high or low on emotional intelligence"Why? Be sp.;cific,
1. Do certain personality traits make people good team members? If so. whm arc they and why arc they important? If nOl. why not'!
2. Is it more effective for teams 10 be composed of members who h.\\'c different personality lypeS or similar personality types'!
3, What kinds of abilities makc people good team members?
4, Should team melnbers hal'e similar or different kinds and levels of abilities?
I. Tnke;l few minutes to think aboutn recent incident in which you behaved in n manncr Ih;>t was ineonsislent with your personality ;>nd/or abilities.
2. Take turns describing thcse situalions and why you behaved the way you did.
3. As a group. de"c1op a list of the characteristics of situations in which people's behnvior is primarily detemlined by the comext or situation ~111d in which individual diffcrences playa very minor
4. Think of rcasons why it is imponam for employees and managers to be aware of situational influences on work behavior.
1. Whal are the elhieal impl ieal ions of emotional inte Iligenl:c train iug?
2. What steps can organ izatinns take to ensure that employees· e mOl iona I illlell igence is putiO good usc and not used for personal gain or unethical purposes?
I. Describe the job. including all the lasks that the jobholder must perform.
2. Choose tWO of the Big Five personality traits thal you Ihink wuuld have Ihe mOSt impact on the jobholder's feelings.lhuughts. allitudes. and behaviors.Explain why you think these traits might be p
3. Identi I'y three of the organizmiona lIy relevam personality traits that you think would affect performance on thisjub and explain why you Ihink Ihey arc likely 10 be importam,
4. Which of the jobholder's hchaviors arc primarily determined by the situatiorl arld not persunality'!
5. What cognilive abililies must Ihe jobholder posscss?
6. What physical abil ities must the jobholder possess'!
7. How can selection and placement be used to ensuTC that prospective jobholders have these abilities'!
8. How can an org'lI1ilationtrain jobholders 10 raise levels of these abililies?
I. Why is it importarltto understand that both nn!ure arld rlurtllrc shape an employee's pcrsorlality?
2. What arc some situatiorls irl which you would II(J/expect employees' personalities to infiuenee their behavio(!
3. What are some situations in which you would expcrt employees' personalities to infiuence their behavior"
4. Is it good for organizations to be eompos.ed of individuals with similar personalities'! Why or why not?
5. A lawyer needs to score high on which of the Big Fi\'e personality trmts'! Why'!
6. Whal arc some jobs or situations in which employ·ees who arc high on agn.-eableness would be especiallyeffeclive?
8. Whallevels of the nel'
9. What types of abilities are especially IInportant for an upper-level manager (such as Ihe presidenl of a u,IlV'"ISlon) to possess~. Wh"y.
10. whm arc the three ways in which ability can be managed In orgmnlations'!
Describe the nature of work values and ethical values and why they are of critical importance in organizations.
Understand why it is important to understand employees' moods and emotions on the job.
Appreciate when and why emotional labor occurs in organizations.
Describe the nature, causes, theories, and consequences of job satisfaction.
Appreciate the distinction between affective commitment and continuance commitment and their implications for understanding organizational behavior.
J. Why are sume older workers becoming emrepreneurs?
2. What work valul's drivl' would·be l'mrt'prcneurs?
3. Why are some en(rl'prelll'un. more sa(i,ticd Wilh (heir work as l'll(rcprelleurs than in (hl'ir prior jobs, despile pUlling in longer work hours'?
4. What might ('nusc moods and elllotions (0 f1uelOa(e for entrepreneurs'!
L What "al ues docs Rite-Solutions' approach to inno"at iOI1 appeal to? Why?
2. How might work ,lItitudcs be influenced by their apprweh?
3. How might work moods ,,00 emotions be "ffeeted?
4. How Imght suggesting a new idea that gets impkrnented affe"tle"els of employee commitment at Rite-Solutions'?
1. Take turns describing inslann~sof organizational citizenship behavior they have observed .., Discuss the similarilies and differences betWeen each of these inst,llll'eS of organizalional
3. Compile a list of steps thm managcrs can take to promote organizational citizcnship behavior.
1. Are there limits to the extent to which an employer shoulll requirc cmployee-s to perfOl1n emotional labor? Ifso. what arc Ihese limits? IfnoL why nol'?
2. Under whal conllition llo you Ihink it would be unethical to require emotional labor from employ,-"C,? Be specific.
1. Take a few minutes to think aboul inslances in which you observed unethical beh'1\'ior taking place in an organization (as an employee. customer. diem. or observe-r).
2. T:lke turns llcscribing Ihesc instances.
3. Each person Ihen should lake a few minules 10 wrile down criteria Ihat helps to llistinguish cthical behavior from unethical behavior.
4. Using input from Stcp 3. as a group,comc up with the- key crite-ria that you think should be used to detemline whether behavior is ethical or unethical.
1. How would you descrihc- a person you know who has strong imrinsie ;md extrinsic work values'!
2. Why might two employt'es with Ihe same job develop differem attitudes toward it?
3. On what kinds of jobs might the moods that employees experience be panicularly impon
4. Why arc allitudes Icss long lasting than values.and why arc moods more transitory than anitudcs'!
5. What specific stand
6. Why is job satisfaction 110t SIrongly related to job perform
7. Should managers always Iry to reduce absen·tee ism and turnover as much as possible"! Why or why not?
8. In whm kinds of organizations might organizationall:ltizenship behaviors be espcl:lally important'!
9. What spccific things can an organization do to r.l;se levels of affective commitment'!10. In whm kinds of org:mizations might affective wmmitmelH be cspec'ially important?
I. Describe your work valucs. Are they predominantly extrinsic or imrinsic?
2. How would your work values afTect your reactions to each of these events .It work'!a. Gelling promoted h. Being reassigned to a position with morc responsibility but receivillg no increase in
3. Dcsl:ribe your mood over the past wt"Ck or two.Why ha\'c you fell this way? How has your mood afTITted your behavior"!
4. What facets of a job are panicularly im]Xln
5. Toward what kind of organization arc you most likely to have affective l:onunitmellt'! Toward whm kind of organization arc you mllst likely to have COlllinu
6. How might your afTective commitment to an organization aflect your bchavior"!
7. What forms of organi Zilt ional citizc nsh ip behavior are you especially likely to perform. and why?What forms of organizMional cilizen&hip behavior are you leastlikcly to perform. and why?
Describe how perception is inherently subjective and how characteristics of the perceiver, the target, and the situation can influence perceptions.
Understand how the use of schemas can both aid and detract from accurate perceptions.
Be aware of biases that can influence person perception without perceivers being aware of their influences.
Understand why attributions are so important and how they can sometimes be faulty.
Appreciate why the effective management of diversity is an imperative for all kinds of organizations and the steps that organizations can take to ensure that different kinds of people are treated
Describe the two major forms of sexual harassment and the steps organizations can take to combat sexual harassment.
I. Why were some people cun\:crncd abool I-t'novo winninj; a Sl"lc Departmenl compelilive bid?
2, W..r.. Il\{'ir pe....eplions aod auribuliolls accumte or inac'curat..?
3, How might lhe CNN News
4, Do you believe discrimination or Sll"rcolypiog is ao iSSlll" in Ihis case? Why or why no1'l
1. Why do some women fae.: struggles in large Itlw firms?
2. Why do femalc lawyers wnd 10 recei\'c less me11loring Ihan male lawyers?
3. How and why mighl lhe "lme bch"viors be perceived and inlerprcled di ffercntl y ;f they arc performed by a male lawyer than if lhey arc perfonncd by a f
4. What is lhe "matcrnal wall;' and how can il lead 10 inacrumte pCI"Ccplions mtd anribolions'!
1. Take ,I few minutes to think aboUl silUations in which you were salient (i,e .. you stood out in a group of people).
2. Take turns describing these situations and how you fclt.
3. Thcn take tums deo;cribing what other people inthe.'\C situations did to make the situation bener or worse for you.
4. As a group. come up wilh ways that (a) individuals who arc salient III a situation can effcctivcly deal with their salience. and (b) those who arc not salient in a situation can avoid paying undue
1. Think about the ethical implic:IIions of affinnativc ~Iction programs.
2. What obligation do organizations have to ensure that all members of the organization arc treated fairly?
I. lkseribe your perceptions of whaltook place during the meeting and explain why events unfoldt"d as they did.
2. lkseribe the characteristics and ochavior of the other people who were present mthe meeting and explain why they aCled the way they did.
J. lksnibe how you think you were perceived by other people during the meeting and explain why you behaved as you did.
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