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principles of organizational behavior
Questions and Answers of
Principles Of Organizational Behavior
4. Aller you have l:Ompleled a(;1ivities I through 3. pid anlllher pcrson who panicip;llt"d inthc meeting and arrange to meet with her or him for around 15 minUles.Explain to the person th.lI you
5. When you meet with the pcrsoll. ask her or him 10 be as accumte and honest as possible. Remind lhe person that your get-together is pan of an assignment for one of your classes and assure Ihal
6. Compare your own descriptions from aClivilies I through 3 wilh Ihe descriplions you ubtmncd from activities 4 and 5.ln what ways were your perceptions and attributions similar to tho>c of the
7. Use Ihe knowledge you have gainl"d from this chapter to explain why there ,,"'ere differences in your and the other pcrson 's Ix:rceptions and anributions and why Ihere were similarities. Be
1. How do schcma~ hclp members of an organi7-ation make >cnse of each other Mid of whal happens in Ihe organiz;j(iun?
2, Are stereotypes ever functional for the pen:eiver?Why or why not'l
J, Why might a supervisor be motivaled to perceive a subordinate's performam:e as being poor when it really is nol'!
4. How might managers' moods affect organi7-ational decision making'!
5. In what ways mighl impression management be funnional in organizations? In what ways might it be dysfunctional?
6. Can and should employees who are salicnt try to reduce their salience'?
7. Why do perL'Cptual biases exist'!
8. Why might a supervisor make internal allributions for a suoordinme's poor performance?
9. Why arc auributions important determin,ll1ts of behavior in urganizations'!
10. Why might members of an organization disagree about the nature of hosti Ie work environ!11ell1 sexual harassment'!
Describe what learning is and why it is so important for all kinds of jobs and organizations.
Understand how to effectively use reinforcement, extinction, and punishment to promote the learning of desired behaviors and curtail ineffective behaviors.
Describe the conditions necessary to determine jf vicarious learning has taken place.
Appreciate the importance of self-control and self-efficacy for learning on your own.
Describe how learning takes place continuously through creativity, the nature of the creative process, and the determinants of creativity.
Understand what it means to be a learning organization.
4. Is OB MOD ethical? Why or why not?
10. What steps can organizations take to promote orga- nizational learning and knowledge management?
I. Describe the specific behaviors that gavc you trouble.
2. What antecedents prompted you 10 perform these behaviors'!
J. What wcre the reinforcing consequences for performing these behaviors successfully')
4. Would you have been punished if you had nm finally succeeded? If you had becn would you have felt about being punished?
5. Did you usc vicarious learning tu try 10 solve yuur problem? If you did. ,,'ho did you imitate and why? If you did not. why nOl')
6. Did you usc self-comrolto try to solvc your problem'![f you did. whal gual did you sct for yourself.and what was your self-reinforcer? If you did nO!usc self-control. why not'!
7. Describe your ICl'el of self-cfficacy when you first started uul, when yuu were having a particularly troublesome time. and when you finally succeedcd,
g, What do you think your level of self-efficacy will be for simIlar tasks in the future? Why do you think your self-efficacy will be at Ihis level?
1. Think about the ethical irnpl iC:llions of pay plans thaI Ii nk an employee 's current pay to his or her current performance.
2. Under what conditions might linking pay to performancc be questionable on ethical grouod>'!
1. Take a few minutes to lhink about something that you arc currently trying to learn and having trollble witll-it oould be a SUbject th;)t yoo arc having trouble with in school.learning a musical
2. Takc turns describing what you are trying to learn and how you have gone about it. After each person describes his or her "current learning challenge," as a team develop ways for tllis person to
3. Each person then should takc a few minutes to write dowll specific stqlS hc or she can tnke based on the group's suggestions io step 2.
4. Take turns describing the specific action steps genemted in step 3.
1. What a.... m'JX>T:llions in Japan like Sharp learning'!
2. Whm forc"Cs
3. How can managcrs and employecs in O11l
4. How
Appreciate why motivation is of central importance in organizations and the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation,
Understand what we can learn about motivation from need theories,
Describe why expectancy, valence, and instrumentality are of central importance for work motivation,
Appreciate the importance of equity and the dangers of inequity,
Understand why organizational justice is so important and how to promote it,
1. Why might a persun with a very high level of motivation perfonn poorly?
2. Why might a person with a very luw lel'el uf motivation be a top performer?
3. Why do people differ in lhe types of needs they are trying to satisfy
4. Why might employees differ in theIr valences for the same outcollles'!
5. Why might perceptions of instrumelllality be rclatil'ely low in an organization?
6. Why might a very capable employee have low expectancy for performing ,I( ,I high level?
7. How docs the chuice of a referent innuence perceptiom;of equity 'lnd inequity?
8. Is inequity always dysfunctional for an organi7.ation"!Why or why not?
10. What stcps can organi7.ations take to encourage orgallizat ional justice?
1. Describe the activity and indicate how you felt while engaged in il-
2. Was your motivation extrinsic. intrinsic. or both'!
3. Whm needs were you trying to satisfy by this activity?
4. What outcomes did you hope to obtain by performing this activity well?
5. Did you think it was likely Ihal you would attain these outcollles if you were successful?
6. How would you chamctcri7.e yourexpcctancy for this activity'! Why was yourexpcctancy at this level?
7. Did you ever compare Wh'll you were putting into tbe activity and whm you were getting out of it to tbe input and outcome of a referelll? If no!. why not'! [f so. how did you feeillbout this
8. Did thoughts of procedural justice ever enter your mind and affect your motil'ation')
1. Why should organizations take employees' personal needs imo account in providing benefits such as time off from wol"\;?
2. How can organizations take employees' pcrsunalneed inlo account while atlhe same time ensuring that organizational members pcrceh'c that thcy are being fairly treated?
I. Take a few minutes to think about a timc in your life when you felt that you were really being treat"d unfairly and it was because of the procedures that were being used.
2. Take turns describi ng each of your experiences and the nature of the pruct'Xlllres that were unfair.
3. Then. as a group. c01l\e up with a list of the C~IUseS of a lack of procedural justice in the examples in your group.
4. BaSl'Xl on step 3. develop specilic recommendations for prumoting prot-edural justice.
1. What are some sources of intrinsic mOlivation ror real eswte brokers?
2. What arc some sources of extrinsic motivmion for real estate brokers?
3, From an expt:
4. How can s~ializcd training in real e,tate enhance the moti,'mion of real eSlate brokers'!
1. In what ways are pilots intrin,ically motivated and cxtrinsically motivatcd by Iheir work"
2, Why might pilots' lcveb of mOlivation be ded illi ng from a need theory pcrspc,ti"c'!
3, Why might pilOis lcvels of motivation be deel ining fmm all expcctilllCY theory pelOpccti"c?
4, Why might pilots' le\'els of mfl1ivation be ded ining from an organizational j u.stiec perspective'?
Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of the scientific management approach to job design.
Describe the job characteristics model and its implications for using job design to create a motivating work setting.
Understand the implications of the social information processing model.
Appreciate how and why organizational objectives can motivate employees.
Describe goal setting theory and the kinds of goals that contribute to a motivating work setting.
1. How docs learning take place at mEO'!
2. Why is it imponam to listen to and ob,!'r"e lll'ople to learn what appeals to th!'rtl"!
3. What process docs IDEO follow to come up with cre:llive new iocas'?
4. Why do most corporations approach design in a very differcm w:ty from mEO'?
1. What a.... m'JX>T:llions in Japan like Sharp learning'!
2. Whm forc"Cs
3. How can managcrs and employecs in O11l
4. How
I. Develop a plan of aClion based on lhe principles of operant conditioning to facilitale learning and high leam performance. Be specific aboul how operanl eonditiolling lechn iques (posil ive
2, I:kvelop a plan of aelioll based on the principles of soc ial cogni live theory (vicariĀ·ous learning. self-comm!. and sclf-effical:Y) to facililale learning and high team performance. Bc specific
3, Decide Whelhl'r lhl' two plans of action Ihm you devclopl'd should be combined for lhe most dTC
1. Take a few minutes to lhink about something that you arc currently trying to learn and having trollble witll-it oould be a SUbject th;)t yoo arc having trouble with in school.learning a musical
2. Takc turns describing what you are trying to learn and how you have gone about it. After each person describes his or her "current learning challenge," as a team develop ways for tllis person to
3. Each person then should takc a few minutes to write dowll specific stqlS hc or she can tnke based on the group's suggestions io step 2.
4. Take turns describing the specific action steps genemted in step 3.
1. Think about the ethical irnpl iC:llions of pay plans thaI Ii nk an employee 's current pay to his or her current performance.
2. Under what conditions might linking pay to performancc be questionable on ethical grouod>'!
1. Why might an organizmion prefer to usc positive reinforccmell1 rmhcr than ncgative reinforcemcnl'!
2. How can a manager use the principles of operant conditioning to stop employees from bickering and fighting with eaeh othcr?
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