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principles of organizational behavior
Questions and Answers of
Principles Of Organizational Behavior
2. What ethical rules l:an help managers 10 best allocate authorily and design their hier.m:h ies"!
3. How can tlte usc of ethical principles help managers make the layoff process less painful for employees'!
4. Whal effeds do you think the way the layoff is carriell uut will hav-e on Ihe employees who remain"?
I. Whm form of slrul:ture docs the organizalion usc to group peopll." and resources? Draw a diagmm showing the ll1~jor functions. Why do you think the organ iZ.;ltion uses this fum! of structure'!Wou
2. How many Il."vcls ~rc there in the organizmion's hiemrchy'! Dr~w ~ dlagmm showing the Icvels in the hierarchy and the job titles of the people at e~ch level. [)o you think this org~niz;;ltion has
3, To whm degree docs the organiz~tion usc mutual adjustment and stand~rdization to coordinalc ils activities? What mcchanisms docs it u,e to increase mutual adjustment? Docs it usc teams or
1. Whm is the rc lationsh ip between organi zmiona I de,ign and structurc'!
2. Wh>ltl:unlingencies would c~use ~n organil~lion to chom;e an organic ralher than a mcchanistic structure?
J. Why do organizations group ~ctivities by function?
4. Why du organil~liulls movc 10 somc kind uf dl,'i·sional structure"!
5. What kind of organiZ3lionai structure would you expect to find in (a) a fast-food feSWuran!. (b) ~company like General EIt-clri\; or General Muturs.(l:) a biolechnology mmpany?
6. What kind of structure docs your colll."ge or business use".
7. Why IS coordinating funCilons ~nd divisions a problem for an organizmion'l
8. What are the main issucs in deciding on thl." dcsign of an org~nizat ion's hierarchy of
9. Why IS mutual adjustmenl
10. What kinds of organizational activities are easiest to st~nd~rdize? Most difficult'!
Distinguish between values and norms and discuss how they are the building blocks of organizational culture.
Appreciate how a company's culture is transmitted to employees through its formal socialization practices and through informal Hon·the-job" learning.
Discuss five main factors that shape organizational culture and explain why different organizations have different cultures.
Appreciate how differences in national culture affect the culture of organizations within a particular society.#!#Understand the importance of building and maintaining an ethical organizational
1. In ways docs the accident board attribute the Co/wllbia disaster to Nasa's cu Itltre?
2, How could Na,a's culture (II/(/ Slrrrcture be changl'
1. Wlt
2. Givcn his It:'adt:'n,hip approadl. what kinds of tenninal and ;n,trumt:'otal values do you think he will usc 10 crC
3. How successful do you think his approach will be with customers'!
1. Based on this description on'ruder jocs, what do yoo think are the comp.lny's (I) terminal values? and (2) ioslnlmcolal values~
2, In what ways do ),OU think its "dorky culture" is tran"mined to its new employees? To its customer!"! Why ha, its ('ulloTe hdp(·
I. What kinds of values and norms do you want to make Ihe heart of your organization's culturc?
2. Think about this work situatioll, How could you try 10 blJild an adaptive culture.basel! on Ihese values and norms. for ),ourorganization'? (Hint: Focus on the four sourl:es of culture.)
3, In what othcr ways could you influence and persuade your employees to perfaml well and stay with your'!
1. When and under what conditions can valucs and norms become so strong Ihat they cause employees to act in unethical ways?
2. Think nbout the four m
3. Why might differences in n:nional culture lead to unethical behavior in a global org~L1l i7-:1tiol\?
1. What kinds of organiziltional values and nom]s encourage employees to behave 111 ways thmleild to high-quality customer sl'rvice?
2. Using the concepts discussed in this chapter (for example. people. employment relationship. socialization). discuss how you will create a culture that promotes the le-trning of these l:ustol1ler
3. Which fanor is the most imJXlrlalll detcrminant of the kind of CUltUfC you expect to lind in a live-star hotel?
I. What are lhe temlinal and instnJlllental values of the organi~.ation'? How do they alfcct ilS members'altiludes alld behaviurs?
2. Idemify the main beliefs and norms or organizalion'll members. How do lhese norms relate 10 lhe organizations values'? Is lhere a fit bclwl"Cn them'!Idcmify areas for improvcment.
3. How does lhe organization socialize new members'!Could the ways it helps ncwcumers learn the organization's cuhurc be improvcd?
4. What kinds of organizalional cefCmonies does lhe organizalion ha\'e to help reinforce its values and norms'!
5. Try to idemify lhe .'\Ource of lhe values and norm, of your organizmion·s culture: for example. do yuu think the people or the orgmnzalion's rules and procedures havc the moSI affect on
I, What problems did Terry Semel identify as obstacles 10 improving YaOOo!'s performance'!
2, What kin
I. What arc lhe main prOblcm~ c"nfronling Ford')
2. What kino of change slr.llegies is Foro 'Ioopling 10 llIrnaroolld its performance?
3. How wiJltheSl' changes help 10 improve perfonnance?
I. What kinds of techniques should managers be allowed to use 10 change employee alliludes and behavior before their ,ll:tiOIlS would be considered unclhical'!
2. Under whm conditions it is l"thicalto tl"nninatl" employccs as a result of implcn1l"nting an organizational change program?
3. Whal kind of guarantees should m:ln:lgers offer employees to enlist their support if they suspeCt layoft·s ma), be necessary'!
1. Discuss the resistance to change m the organiz;t·tional and individualle\'els that you will likely encounter.
2. Using action research. chart the steps thai you will use to manage the ch;tnge process.a. How will you diagnose the work group's prcscm state'!b. How will you delermine the crossfullctiunal team's
3. How might you usc team building and other organizalional developmenllechniqucs 10 implemenl the change?
1. Whm are the main forces for and impedimellls to change?
2. How do e\olution;try ch;tnge ;tnd revolutionary change differ'!
3. Whm is the main purpose of total quality management'!
4. What is a business process. 3nd why is reengineer·ing a popular instrument of change today'!
5. Why is restructuring sometimes necessary for l\'engincering to take place?
6. Which type of change is likely to encounter the greatest resisl;lnce'!
7. Whal arc the main steps in aClion research?
4. What are the policy implications for U.S. fi rms and those of other countries doing business in Europe, and in Belgium in particular? What specifi c factors should be considered as they enter and
3. What is your view of how the employees and unions handled the situation? What could they have done to provide a satisfactory solution to the impasse?
2. What did it do wrong? What were the key problems in its approach to this situation?
1. What is your view of how the company handled this problem? Did it handle things correctly? Why or why not?
3. What is the relationship between the presence of unions and the level of worker militancy? Explain why this is the case.
2. What are some of the differences between how North American, European, and Asian unions operate? Why might those differences exist?
1. Why might multinationals have the upper hand in dealing with workers, even if those workers are unionized and spread across a variety of countries?
4. Were there additional steps that Meyers could have taken to better prepare for her role at SK Telecom (both before she accepted the job as well as after)?
3. If you had been advising Meyers, would you recommend that she take the SK Telecom job in the fi rst place? Why or why not?
2. Does it surprise you that Meyers encountered so much trouble in Korea, particularly given her prior experiences and positions? Why did she struggle to respond more effectively? What is the
1. What is your assessment of the situation that Linda Meyers found herself in? Who is responsible for her diffi culties as an expatriate?
3. Assuming that you are willing to go on an expatriate assignment, are there specifi c places in the world that you would be interested in going to? Places that you would not? Why?
2. Is an expatriate assignment something that is attractive to you? Why or why not? Do you think you are ready for an overseas assignment based on your scores?
1. Would you like to improve your international orientation? If so, what could you do to change or improve things?
4. _____ I was overseas before I turned 18 1. Never 2. About a week 3. A few weeks 4. A few months 5. Several months or years
3. _____ I have spent time overseas (e.g., traveling, studying abroad, on family trips, working)1. Never 2. About a week 3. A few weeks 4. A few months 5. Several months or years
2. _____ I am fl uent in another language.1. I don’t know another language 2. I am limited to very short, simple phrases 3. I know basic grammatical structure and speak with a limited vocabulary 4.
1. _____ I have studied a foreign language.1. Never 2. For less than a year 3. For a year 4. For a few years 5. For several years
4. Are you personally interested in an international career? Why or why not?
3. How can cultural toughness and family issues be managed effectively for expatriates?
2. What should the basic elements of a successful program to select, prepare, and repatriate employees destined for foreign assignments look like?
1. What are some of the pros and cons associated with using PCNs, TCNs, and HCNs?
5. Home-country living conditions feel foreign because of a potential lower standard of living (thanks to higher costs and the loss of foreign service premiums or other expatriate benefits).
4. Expatriates may feel personally unappreciated by the company despite success abroad.
3. Work feels foreign, and significant adjustment is needed because of changes in the headquarters office, which may include a new job (which may be a de facto demotion, a role not connected to the
2. Home feels foreign because the expatriate’s values have changed while abroad.
1. Home feels foreign because changes in the home country have occurred(whether political, economic, or social).
4. the need to provide opportunities for high-potential employees to develop their cross-cultural expertise.
3. the desire to transfer knowledge about foreign markets back to headquarters.
2. the belief that a PCN is the best way to monitor foreign operations and instill corporate values.
1. the belief that local employees in a foreign subsidiary lack relevant skills.
7. Coming Home: Repatriation Challenges?
6. Preparing Expatriates for Their Overseas Assignments
5. Choosing People for Expatriate Assignments
4. Balancing Risks and Rewards with Expatriates
3. The feature provided some interesting detail about the reasons why hours worked in South Korea might be both culturally driven and result from concerted efforts on the part of the government.
2. Add in additional data on gross domestic product, average worker pay, holiday and vacation leave averages, and a few other relevant economic and productivity markers for your chosen countries.
1. Obtain additional data on hours worked in at least 10 countries, including South Korea and the United States. Try to choose your countries so that the cultural distance among them is great. Your
4. How should expatriates be compensated? In your view, what is the best approach, and why?
3. What are some of the ways that employees and executives can be compensated for their international service?
2. How might cultural beliefs regarding the basis for compensation affect an approach to rewarding expatriates and host-country/third-country nationals in the same firm?
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