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principles of organizational behavior
Questions and Answers of
Principles Of Organizational Behavior
2. Do yotl think polilics and
3. Which approach besl ser\'es shart"holdcr imercsts?
I, What kinds of power struggles and polilical banles ""isl inside DaimlerChrysler?
2, What is Dieter lelschc's approach 10 managing power and polilics?
3, Whal will be the bigge,t ob~lacies he faces in solving Ihe COtnpany's problems?
1. IdeIHi fy how diffcr'T'lIIimioll might potent ially gin" rise 10 conn ict between different employees or groups in this organization (e.g.. because of stalus inconsistencies).
2. Identify how ((Is/.: re/mi(!I!ship.l might potentially result in conllict between different employees or gruup, in Ihis organization (e.g.. because of task interdepcndendes).
3. How docs the way the organization operates. such as its hieral"(:hy of authority and the way it groups activities intodeparlll1ents. help to prevent such conllict from arising'!
I. At what poim docs it become unelhicalto usc organizational politics to promOle either personal inlercsts or the irucrests of a function or division')
2. Whm is the role played by ethical values in the negotiation .md barg'lining process to ensure that ouh:omes arc !;lir and equitable'!
1. Was this the lirst time you came into conflict with this pany. or was the conflict one in a series of contlicts'!
2. What was the sour.:c of the wntlicl'! Did you and the other pany see the source of the connict differently'!If so. why?
3. How would you describe the way you both reacted to the conflict'!
4. Did the conflict reach the stage of manifest contlid!If it did no!. how did yOll manage to a,'oid coming into manifest conOid'! If it did. what form did the manifest conflict take'!
5. How was the conflict resolved?
6. What kind of conl1iet afternwth resulted from the way you or the other party managed the cunfli.:!'!
7. How well do you think you managed the wnOict with the other pany?
8. Given wh;ll you know now. how could you ha"e handled the cunl1ict more effeetively?
1. In whm ways can thc use of powcr and politics help or harm an org,mizmion?
2. What arc the principal sources of a manager's formal [X),,'er and informal [X)wer'! How does the way a managl.'"r excrciscs powcr affcct subordi nates'!
3. Think of a manager you have worked under or a leader you have been in close contact with. What werc the main sources of this person's individual power? What was your reaction to the way this
4. Whm arc thc main sources of funnional and divisional power~
5. Why is it important to have a powl.'"r tmlance in an organization'?
6. In what ways can the manager of a function deliberately set out to gain pO"'l.'"r inside an organi zation')
7. Why may connict be good or bad for an organization'!
8. What arc the main soun:es of conflict between functions"
9. Why is it important for mamlgerS to try to reduce manifest conflict and neate a good .:ontlict aftermath'!
10. Whm are the main conflict resolution strmcgies~
Describe the four main functions of communication and differentiate between different kinds of communications networks.
Discuss the steps in the communications process and the requirements for successful communication to take place.
Differentiate between the main kinds of barriers to communication and explain how they can reduce the effectiveness of communication.
Identify the main kinds of communication media and explain how they vary along the dimension of information richness.
Appreciate the importance of persuasive communication and describe how to create persuasive messages to influence others.
J. Why should Guidan! h:''''' communicat"d knowleUl!" "boUl its dcfe",i"" he,llt devices to doctors and pati"nts?
2. What reasons did Guidant gi"e to defend its d""i,ion, [0 wi[hhold lIIformalion'l
3. What criteri" Can be usctl to dedde when withholding information that is important to other people or groups is unethical?
1. What kind of message is Sam's sending to small-ousiness customers?
2, Wha1 are the main ways in whi
3. Wha1 has been their re,;punse and why has S:Ull', been successful?
I. What kinds of advantages can you tell the dodors thcy will obtalll when they usc the new IT'!
2. How could you usc persuasive communication to convince the doctors to usc the new IT! Create an action plan to help the docturs learn how to use and apprecmte the new IT.
I. How l:an managers decide If their allempts to influence employees are ethical or unethical'!
2. How can employees decide if their allempts to intlucnce their managers or coworkers are ethical or unethical?
3. What kind of rules could be created in an org.mization to ensure allempts to inlluenl:e and persuade others never become unethil:al?
1. Which of thc functions of communication wcre scrved in CEI and CE2? Which of the functions of communication should have been served in CE2 but werc not'?
2. Which parts of the communication process worked especially well in CE I? Which pans of the communicmion process failed in CE2?
3. W1lS any jargon used in either CE I or CE2'! If not.why not? [I' so. did the usc of jargon lead to clfective or ineffective cOlllmunicatioll?
4. Did any filtering lake place in CE I or CE2? Why or why not?
5. Were rumors or the gr~pcvine involved in CEI or CE2'!
6. Dcserihe thc information richness of the communication medill that were involved in CEI and eE2.
7. Did either CE I or CE2 in\'ol\'e the usc of any allvances in information technology'! II' so. how dill these advanccs aid or hinder good COll1munic3Iion?
1. Why is rcaching a common undcrstanding a ncccssary cond it ion for commun ication to hal'e t,lken plal:e'?
2. Why are membl'-rs of an organization sometimes reluctant to express their feelings and emotions?
J. Why is feedback a necessary component of the comlllunication process'!
4. What jargon have you encoumen."d'l How did it hamper or help your tJllderstandi ng of messages being communic.:lted to you'?
5. [s 1iI tering always dysfunctional" Why or why not'!
6. Why do alnU)!;1 all organizations have grapevines?
7. Why arc somc people annoyed by thc incrcasing usc of voice mail inmanyorganiz.ltions (instead of having senetaries and assistants take messages for people who arc away fmmtheir desks)?
8. Is using a mcdium high in inform3lion richncss always desirable? Why or why not?
9. How have advances in tC\;hllology l:hanged the ways that you communicate with other people on a day-to-day basis?
10. Should organizations have organization charts'?If nol. why not'? If so. what should they be used for?
Differentiate between nonprogrammed and programmed decisions and explain why nonprogrammed decision making is a complex, uncertain process.
Explain the difference between the two main models of decision making and describe which is the most realistic.
Discuss the main sources of error in decision making.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making and explain the techniques that can be used to improve it.
Understand how organizational learning can improve decision making and explain the steps involved in creating a learning organization.
1. In whm ways is Sharp's decision to go illlo 'he LCD-sercel1marlcl 'Ill example ofnol1programmed(k:
2. Whal kind of decisions did /I-'lr, Machida m~ke to plUmole Ofg~nilmional le~rning Ihroughoul Sharp'l Why has Sharp sut
J. Wh~t i> buyer's remorse? Why is i, a decision-m~king error?
2, Why did J&J's decisioilio buy Cordis run imo problems'! Wh~t can J&J learn from lhe Cordis ~l'qui~ili()n th~' will help II devi-e a plan 10 1110Ii,'at", and fClain Guid~nl el11ployee~"
I. Was the pnxess by which you made the decision more accurately described by the classical model or by March and Simon·s mode!'! Why?
2. In what ways were heuristics involved in making the decision')
3. Was escalation of commitmelll involved in making the decision?
4. Why did you make the individu
5. Why did you make the other decision as a member of a group rather than on your own? Do you think that you could have mooe a better decision on your own? Why or why not"!
1. [)(;l programmed decisions 3nd the usc of perform3nee progrmns nlw,lys evoll'e from whm were origirl
2. f'or what kinds of dccisions might the cla,sic31 mooel be more approprime than March and Simun·s mode!'!
3. How might the anchoring and adjustmcnt heuristic affC\:t goal SClling'!
.:I. Clllthe 31',lilability nlld the represcn1miveocss heuristics operone simultaneously'? Why or why nut'!
5. How might dccision-making groups fall into thc eSCal31ioll-of-eonlmitment tmp"!
6. Why do members of diverse groups sometimes find it hard to make a dC\:ision'?
7. In whm ways can conflict in a dC\:ision-making group be ooth an ,ldv(intage and a disndvantnge"?
8. Do all employt'Cs wnntto be empuwen."iJ ,1Ild make the decisions thm their bosscs used to make? Why or why not?
Understand the relationship between organizational design and an organization's structure.
Explain the main contingencies affecting the process of organizational design and differentiate between a mechanistic and an organic structure.
Cite the advantages of grouping people into functions and divisions and distinguish between the main forms of organizational structure from which an organization can choose.
Explain why coordination becomes a problem with the growth of an organization and differentiate between the three main methods it can use to overcome this problem and link its functions and divisions.
Gain an understanding of the enormous impact modern information technology has had on the process of organizational design and structure both inside organizations and between them.
J. Why did ,,;'ch uf lhe Ihr,...,
2. Using the types of organizational 'ilnKtUre discussed in the chaptcr, (a) id"mify Ihe struc·lure Ihat bt'sl descrihoc, the tr original ,Iruelure, and (h) identify the structure that bt'St
I, What kind, uf problems did Ann Moore ident; fy with Ihe w:'y Time's urganiZ
2. Whal change~ did she make 10 the structure? Why will the>e changes impllwe Time'~performance"
I, Dmw an organizational chan showing the major roles and functions in your organization,
2. What kind of structure docs your organization us.c') Why docs it us.c this structure')What are the advantages and disadvantages of this structu re?
3. How docs your organization integrate and coordinate its activities?:I. Describe the organiZ,l1ion's hierarchy of authority. Is it tall or flat? Is it centralized or de
4, Summarizing this infonnation, would you say the organization ()pcrme~ with a mechanistic or organic structure') Are there clements of hoth?
1. Discuss ways in which you can improve the way the currelll functional structure opl."rales to spl."ed up website development.
2. Disl:uSS the pms and l:ons of l:hanging to a matrix structure to reduce websile de\'clopmem time. Thcn. di,cuss thc pros anti cons of following Sony's approach and using crossfunctional teams to
3. Which of these stn,ctures do you think is most appropriate and why?
L What ethical rules should managers USl." when dl."eiding which employees to terminate"?
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