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principles of organizational behavior
Questions and Answers of
Principles Of Organizational Behavior
I. What prompted members of Team C to change their die Is?
2. What norms did Te
3. How mIght followmg these norms affetttheir job performance'!
4. Do you Ihink the members of Team C would have been able to adopt a hean-healthy diet wilhout the suppon of their temn? Why or why l1ot'!
I. Takc a fcw minutcs to think aboUT groups That you werc a member of in which there was a high level of conformity to group norms.
2. Think about how someone who openly disagreed with the majority would fed and be treated in thcsc groups.
3. Take turns describing these groups and thc bascs for confonnity in Them. And then discuss how deviants would likely be treated in these groups.
4. As a group. come up with ways Ihat groups in which conformity is emphasized at thc expensc of dcviance can cneouragc group mcmbers to express dissenting VICWS
I. Think about the ethical implications of these kinds of status differences in organ izat iOILs.
2. To what cxtent should groups with diffcrent Sl,I\I,lS ill an organization be treatcd lhffen::ntly, ,md to what extcnt should they n:ccil'c equal trcatment'! Why'!
I, [s this a formal or an informal group? What kind of formal or informal group is it'1
2, What stage of del'elopment is this group at according to the f,ve-stage mooel uf gruup development?
J, What can you say about the size, composition.function, and status of this group?
4, Whal are the roles and role relalionships in this group?
5, What rights and responsibilities are anaehed to each rule in the group?
6, What rules docs this group usc to coll1rol its membcrs'bchaviors?
7, What norms docs this group use to conlrol its members' behaviors?
8. How docs the group react 10 deviance from its norms?
9, Do any memlx:rs of this group have idiosyncrasy credit?
1. At what st:lge in the five-stage model of group development might groups exert the ,nost control over their members· behaviurs?
2, Do must mcmbcrs of an organization ,,"'ant to work in teams'! Why or why not?
J, [n whm situations might the advamages of large group size olllweigh the disadvantages'!
4. [n what kinds of situations might it bc especially important to have heterogeneous groups?
5, Why are roles an importa'lt means of controlling group members'lx:haviurs in self.managed wurk teams?
6, Why do groups need rules?
7, How are ndes lh~,t specify how to perfonn a pMlicular task developed'!
9, Do all groups socialize their members'! Do ~lll groups need to socialize their membcrs'? Why or why not?
10, Is socializalion ever completely finished, or is it an ungoing process'!
Describe the sources of process losses and gains and understand how they affect group or team potential performance.
Understand how social loafing (an occur in groups and the steps that can be taken to prevent it.
Differentiate between three forms of task interdependence and discuss the team performance implications associated with them.
Understand the ways in which a group's cohesiveness affects its performance and explain which level of cohesiveness results in the highest team performance.
Describe the nature of four important kinds of groups in organizations and how and why they help an organization achieve its goals.
I. Why do process losses occor in hospilal teams?
2. Using OB, how would you design a tmining program 10 build lhe ;lHensh'e learn roulines neec.,""ry 10 avoid oper,lling room errors'l
J. What is cullaborati\"e web·based software?
2. In what ways dues this kind of IT facilitate the interactions between group members and incrca'iC team pcrfonllan
1. What kinds of process losses do teams avoid in a faetory [,Cuing'!
2. What arc the _speeilie sources of proeess gains that lead to lower costs aOO higher quality in a factory senin£?
3. What other team concepts discussed in the chapter help expla in higher factory cfticiency?
I. What process losses are experienced in this group?Why?
2. What process gains arc expericnced in this group?Why?
3. Does the aelUal perfonn
4. How might lhis group raise its polential performance'!
5. Is soeialloafing a problcm in this gmup? Why or why not?
6. How would you chanlclenze the major tasks performed by lhis grollp in terms ofThornpsoll's modd of task interdependence?
7. Is lhis a cohesivc group? Why or why not'l
8. Does cohesiveness help or lIinder the group's performance?
9, Arc group goaLs alignNl with any largcr organizational goals?
1. Give an example of (a) a process gain in a research and developmenl team ,lnd (b) a process loss in a research and dcvclopmentlcam.
2. Gh'e an cxample of (a) a process gain in a sclfmanaged work team and (h) a process loss in a self-managed work team.
3. Why do some individuals engage in social loafing whilc OIhers do nUl?
4. Can managers change the type of task interdependence in a work group, or is task interdependence a relali vely fixed charactcJi;;t ic'! If managers can changc it. how might they do so'!
5. Why is it somctimes hard to managc groups that are reciprocally interdependent?
6. Is social loafing a problem in top managemelll learns? Why or why no!'!
7. Whal kinds of elllploy~s wuuld probably prefer 10"'ork in a vinualwam ralher than in a tcam thaI meets face to facc?
8. How can excessivc group cohesiveness result in low levels of perfomlance'!
9, How can t(Kl lillie gtuUp cohesivcness result in low levels of perfonnancc'!
10. In what kinds of organizll1ions might it be especially importanl for work groups to be cohesivc?
Describe what leadership is, when leaders are effective and ineffective, and the difference between formal and informal leaders.
Identify the traits that show the strongest relationship to leadership, the behaviors leaders engage in, and the limitations of the trait and behavior models of leadership.
Explain how contingency models of leadership and differentiate between four different contingency approaches.
Describe why leadership is not always a vital process in some work situations because substitutes for leadership exist.
Discuss transformational leadership and how it is achieved, explain how a leader's moods affects followers, and appreciate how gender may affect leadership style,
1. In whm ways are the trait and behavior approachcs to leadership similar'!
2, Under what l:in:umst;ntl:es might leader-punishing bch;lVior be appropriate'!
3. Are Fiedlcr's contingency model and thc trait approach consistent with one ;mother or inconsistent'!E~plain.
4. How might a rclationship-oriell1ed lealler who manages a restaurant and is in a very unfavorable situation for leading improve the fal'orability of the situation so that it bttomes nllxJerately
5. In whm kinds of situations might it be especially important for a leader to focus on motivating subordinates(as outlined in path-goaltht"Qryl'!
6. What might be somc of thc consequences of a leader having;1 relatively small in-group and a large out-group of subordinates'!
7. Can organizations create substitutes for leadership to cut down on the number of managers thcy nced to employ'! Why or why not'!
8. When might having a charismalic le;[(ler be dys·functional for an organization'!
9. Do organizations always nced transformational leaders. or arc they needed only some of lhe lime?E.\plain.
10. !-low can managers practice ethical leadership.and encourage their subordinates to act elhically as weiI"
I. What traits docs this leader ,lppear to possess?
2, What behaviors does this leader engage in'!
3. Is this Ieadcr relmiollshi p-oriented or task-oriented'!How favorable is the leadership situation according to Fiedler's l:ontingeney llHxlel'!
4. !-low docs Ihis leader try 10 molivale his or her followers?
5. To what e~tent does this kader allow his or her followers \0 p,trticipate in decision making?
6. Do any substitutes or neutralizers eJ\i~1 ,,'ilh regard 10 this leader? What arc they?
7. Is tit is a trallsforrnmionalleader? Why or why not?
8. Does this leader engage in If.lnSaClional leadership?
I. Whal kmds ofaetions of a leader would you regard as being clearly unethical in their anempts to influl.'nce and persuade employees?
2. Do you think some kinds of Icadl.'rship approoches arl.' more l.'thicalthan others?
3. At what point does transforrnationalleadership become unClhical in an organizational SCitillg'?
I. Anlllyze this leadership situ;l\ion to uncover the contingency factors that will be important in \:hoosing a leadership approa\:h. EJlamme the four approaches to leadership against thcse faclors.
2. Which is the most effective Il.'adership approach to adopt?
3. In what other WHyS could you innuenee and persuHdc your employees to perform well and stay With your company'!
L Wh"t kind of a leader is Jim W"rd. :ux! wll"t theo!)' be>! describes his approach to le:uJcrship?
2. If you Wl."l1' his subordinate. how woul
J. Why does P,;tcr Hirschmmlll complement Jim Ward at LucasArts"
I. What are tllc Illain ekmellts of Kevin Rollins's kaokrship ,lyle?
1. How would you d"scribe his p
J. Given thcS(' factors. what approadl 10 kadership do you think he has adoptcd? How suc...essful h", Ihis approa...h been?
Understand the nature of power and explain why organizational politics exists and how it can help or harm an organization and its members.
Differentiate between the main sources of formal and informal power people can use to engage in organizational politics as well as the sources of functional and divisional power.
Discuss the nature of organizational conflict and the main sources of conflict in an organizational setting.
Describe a model of the conflict process that illustrates how the conflict process works.
Explain how negotiations can be used to manage the conflict process and resolve disputes between people and groups.
1. What ar\) (a) the advantages and (b) the dis.ldvantages of scpanning the roles of chairperson and CEO?
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