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Myers' Psychology For AP 2nd Edition David G. Myers - Solutions
What types of situations have researchers found to be most likely to encourage obedience in participants?
Driving to school one snowy day, Marco narrowly misses a car that slides through a red light. “Slow down! What a terrible driver,” he thinks to himself. Moments later, Marco himself slides
How does being physically attractive influence others’perceptions?
Why didn’t anybody help Kitty Genovese? What social relations principle did this incident illustrate?
What things do (and do not) predict self-reported happiness?
One of the ways human factors psychologists seek to reduce users’ frustration and to improve safety is by watching out for the curse of knowledge. What exactly is this tendency?
Those who frequently attend religious services live longer, on average, than those who attend infrequently or not at all. What type of research finding is this, and what explanations might it have?
What are the two basic types of leadership, and how do the most effective managers employ these leadership strategies?
A human resources director explains to you that “I don’t bother with tests or references. It’s all about the interview.” Based on I/O psychology research, what concerns does this raise?
Studies have found that people who begin drinking in their early teens are much more likely to exhibit alcohol use disorder than those who begin at age 21 or after. What possible explanations might
What psychological, biological, and social-cultural influences interact to produce aggressive behaviors?
You are organizing a Town Hall–style meeting of fiercely competitive political candidates. To add to the fun, friends have suggested handing out masks of the candidates’ faces for supporters to
What is the rapid sequence of events that occurs when you see and recognize a friend?
What is the field of study that researches claims of extrasensory perception (ESP)?
What type of evidence shows that, indeed, “there is more to perception than meets the senses”?
What do we mean when we say that, in perception, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”?
What are the basic steps in transforming sound waves into perceived sound?
How does our system for sensing smell differ from our sensory systems for vision, touch, and taste?
As we develop, we learn cues that lead us to expect and prepare for good and bad events. We learn to repeat behaviors that bring rewards. And we watch others and learn.What do psychologists call
What five theories explain our need for sleep?
What event defined the founding of modern scientific psychology?
Finally, Charlie wants to advise Randy about how to develop a healthy classroom atmosphere. How could Charlie use the following concepts in his advice about building a useful classroom culture?•
Randy is interested in teaching students study skills that will help them learn and retain information. Discuss how the following concepts might help or get in the way of effective studying.•
What advice should Charlie give Randy about the effectiveness of the following kinds of techniques and whether they might help motivate students in their classroom?• Classical conditioning•
Discuss what Elliott and Elizabeth are likely to discover as they research psychological studies regarding the relationship between the following psychological factors and happiness.• REM sleep•
Explain what kinds of research studies Elliott and Elizabeth should look for as they investigate what kinds of behaviors cause feelings of happiness. Use the following terms in your explanation.
A person who has an external locus of control is most likely to explain success or failure on a math test as due toa. how difficult the questions were.b. whether he had effectively studied enough.c.
The independent variable in the experiment described in question 98 isa. how quickly the participants matched the names and faces.b. the participants’ scores from the memory game.c. the amount of
Dr. Warren is testing the link between the consumption of caffeine and a person’s memory. She randomly divides 300 participants into three groups and gives each participant an energy drink to
Damage to what part of a neuron might result in slowed or incomplete neural transmission along the axon?a. Cell bodyb. Mitochondriac. Dendrited. Myelin sheathe. Synapse
When basketball star Michael Jordan graduated as one of a small number of geography majors from college, the average starting salary for a geography major soared by several hundred thousand dollars.
On the very first day of class, Mr. Boyarsky gave his students a test. When some complained, he responded that he wanted to know what their talents were, so he was giving them a test to predict what
Instead of methodically poring through the atlas to find the correct map, Ivan just flipped to the section of the book where he thought it might be. Using a strategy based on a hunch rather than
For those who focus on the biological approach, important evidence for whether someone who has been diagnosed with depression is improving isa. the quality of their statements about their own
Dorothea Dix was a passionate advocate fora. reform in the treatment of the mentally ill.b. the elimination of culturally-biased IQ tests.c. identifying and reducing the self-fulfilling prophecy in
The developmental theories of Lev Vygotsky differed from those of Jean Piaget in that Vygotskya. emphasized the role of the social environment.b. thought that Piaget ignored the psychosexual
The work of Elizabeth Loftus and other researchers has led to significant changes in the way courts and police officers think abouta. the traumatic effects of solitary confinement.b. whether patients
In Stanley Milgram’s experiments on obedience, he discovered that participants were less obedient whena. the person giving the orders was close at hand and was perceived to be a legitimate
Teachers at York High School were dismayed at a new test they would be required to take to demonstrate their ability as educators. Rather than a test of content knowledge or of teaching techniques,
Paul was unable to correctly identify the right shade of blue his wife wanted at the paint store, so he purchased various hues and brought them home. Apparently the ability to detect the varieties of
Noam Chomsky departed from B. F. Skinner’s beliefs about language, arguing thata. language is only possible during a critical period, and not afterward.b. simple mastery of phonemes and morphemes
Which of the following is an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy?a. David has had trouble in math in the past, so in his new math class he gives up on the first day.b. Ivy does not think her
Albert Bandura believed that children could learn not only by doing behaviors themselves, but also by watching models perform those behaviors. His ideas expanded the idea of learning to includea.
The mere exposure effect reinforces the belief that the most important predictor in whether two people might be friends isa. similarity of religious and political views.b. similar interests in the
An experimenter finds a difference between an experimental group and a control group that is less likely due to chance and more likely due to the manipulation of the independent variable. This
“We were not surprised to discover that contact comfort was an important basic affectional or love variable, but we did not expect it to overshadow so completely the variable of nursing . . .”
In the early twentieth century, French psychologists led by Alfred Binet developed the first test for intelligence to be given to French school children for the purpose ofa. selecting the most
The sound of a sizzling steak or the smell of a warm apple pie might strongly tempt people to relish eating them. In the study of motivation, the sound and smell are considered to bea. incentives.b.
Jason was watching the TV news and spotted a young man on a video running away from the police who were attempting to stop him. “He’s running, so he must be a bad man,” said Jason to his
The personality test that is based on the writings of Carl Jung is thea. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.b. Draw-A-Person test.c. Rorschach inkblot test.d. Thematic Apperception Test.e.
When hiring for a new creative director for an advertising agency, Amina decided that the number one criteria she desired was a person who could devise numerous ways to solve problems. A person
When Eli initially joined an online group against increased government spending, he only had mild views on the topic.If he continues in the group and rarely gets information from alternate sources
According to the behavioral perspective, the purpose of punishment is toa. make a person sorry for the behavior he has committed.b. associate a positive consequence with a negative consequence.c.
A tumor cut off bloodflow to a small section of Gia’s brain, and as a result she struggled to understand the words that were being spoken to her. The damage to Gia’s brain was probably localized
In an experiment by Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer, participants labeled their arousal as joyous or irritable, depending on the people they were with. This experiment established that emotions
Seven-year-old Daniel was able to see that the dot-to-dot puzzle was going to form a picture of a tiger even before he started drawing on the puzzle. Which Gestalt principle helped Daniel perceive
A young gymnast works out many hours each day to prepare for a national competition. This schedule means that she has to forgo opportunities to socialize with her peers, and makes it hard to have a
A babysitter cuts a sandwich into three equal pieces, then keeps two and gives one to the child she is caring for. The child is upset that this is unfair, so the babysitter divides the child’s
During a dental procedure, Xavier is injected with a drug that is designed to greatly reduce his pain by interfering with the sending of pain signals. At the neural level, the drug is preventinga.
A therapist tells a CEO that the reason he yells and screams at his staff is due to behavior he learned as a child. When he was a child, he threw temper tantrums in order to get his way.What is the
Random-dot stereograms are pictures that have an image hidden among the dots. Humans can often see these hidden images because each eye has a slightly different image projected on its retina,
Which of these statements is most accurate about REM sleep?a. These periods are the longest at the beginning of the sleep period, then get shorter through the night.b. These periods are the shortest
Although the group of senior citizens beat the teenagers in a trivia contest based on history, they were not nearly as successful in a competition that required them to quickly learn the rules of a
Which emotion theory places the greatest emphasis on physiological changes happening first, which are then followed by an experience of an emotion?a. Schachter-Singer theoryb. James-Lange theoryc.
Dr. Kirk worked with the government to create new standards for people seeking jobs as airport security screeners, including assessments in the interview process, designs for the flow of the security
Research suggests that there is a connection between parenting style and social skills. Children with lower scores on measures of social skills and self-esteem tend to have parents who area.
In studies, reminding female test-takers that women historically have done poorly on a similar test can lead to lower test performance—particularly when compared with the scores of women who
Dr. Anders wants to investigate how people of different ages communicate via the Internet, so she does an experiment with three groups of three different ages: 18–21, 47–50, and 75–78.
The fire alarm has gone off so many times in their new school that Susannah and Tia don’t even flinch when they hear it.In fact, they even remained in the school library during a fire drill because
A manager at an ice cream store wants to increase sales, so he creates a program to rank his employees’ sales. His goal is to give a cash prize each week to the employee who has sold the highest
Systematic desensitization would most likely be used as a treatment for which of the following disorders?a. Arachnophobiab. Schizophreniac. Bipolar disorderd. Hypochondriasise. Tardive dyskinesia
Psychologists Walk and Gibson attempted to determine whether infants had developed the ability to perceive depth bya. having them crawl over what appeared to be a sharp ledge.b. measuring how long
John Watson’s development of the concept of behaviorism was influenced most strongly by the work ofa. Wilhelm Wundt.b. the Gestalt psychologists.c. John Locke.d. B. F. Skinner.e. Ivan Pavlov.
Martin Seligman developed the concept of learned helplessness, the tendency of organisms to give up in situations in which they feel their efforts make no difference. This concept is closely linked
“Both the left and the right hemisphere may be conscious simultaneously in different, even in mutually conflicting, mental experiences that run along in parallel.” This quotation by
Hans Selye argued that our bodies produce a similar reaction to all kinds of stress, and the longer this response continues, the more exhausted we become. He named this processa. the opponent-process
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” This core idea in humanistic psychology is a quotation froma. Sigmund Freud.b. Carl Rogers.c. Aaron Beck.d.
Dr. Alscott has examined two sets of data from his research.In the first set, the standard deviation was very small, while in the second set there was a much larger standard deviation.Based on this
Which of the following statements is most typical of the approach of a cognitive therapist?a. “Let’s go back to your statement about your happiness as a child.”b. “When you say ‘No one
In order to follow the ethical principles for research as established by the APA, psychologists shoulda. recruit participants for experiments by placing ads in college newspapers.b. publish the full
Psychologist David Wechsler has created tests for adults and children that are designed to reveal theira. intelligence.b. aptitude.c. achievement.d. personality characteristics.e. symptoms of
A psychologist who uses aversive therapy to treat a child’s bedwetting problem is using which of the following approaches?a. Cognitiveb. Biologicalc. Behaviorald. Evolutionarye. Social-cultural
Unexplained physical symptoms, including headaches, pain, and digestive problems, which cannot be explained by physical or mental causes, may be diagnosed asa. mood disorders.b. personality
Which part of the brain would be most involved in maintaining homeostasis in body temperature?a. Prefrontal cortexb. Temporal lobec. Thalamusd. Hypothalamuse. Amygdala
The type of therapy that is most likely to emphasize a socialcultural approach by focusing on the patient’s environment isa. family therapy.b. rational-emotive behavioral therapy.c. cognitive
What perspective is sometimes referred to as the “third force,” since it offered a more optimistic alternative to Freud’s psychoanalysis and Skinner’s behaviorism?a. Biological psychologyb.
Which of the following is an example of variable-ratio reinforcement?a. College acceptance letters arrive around the date of April 1.b. Percy gives his dog a cookie whenever his dog walks by
Modern psychodynamic counselors are likely to emphasizea. the role of the id, ego, and superego.b. the importance of early childhood experiences.c. long, intensive therapy sessions over a period of
Research has found that individuals suffering from schizophrenia have an excess number of receptors for the neurotransmittera. acetylcholine.b. norepinephrine.c. GABA.d. dopamine.e. serotonin.
Joanna’s grandmother told her, “When we were little, we couldn’t afford new clothes, so our mother made us dresses out of potato sacks.” Joanna’s great-grandmother’s ability to envision
As a patient experiences an anxiety attack, he may experience a series of changes that are coordinated by the sympathetic nervous system. Which one of the following would the patient experience?a.
In a research study, Dr. Regalis has participants listen to different kinds of music while she uses a brain scan to examine their brain functioning. Dr. Regalis is most likely studying which part of
Often restaurants will require groups of eight or more to pay a tip of 18 percent. This is based on the belief that in larger parties, individuals will often leave a smaller tip because “someone
Mr. Winters is a trainer who encourages his clients to lose weight. Instead of simply rewarding them when their weight declines, he is rewarding them each time they behave in ways that would reduce
Which of the following most accurately describes a projective test?a. A test designed to reveal a person’s inner ability to do a task he or she has not tried before.b. A test that shows a
Prefixes and suffixes are small groups of letters that when added to the beginning or ending of words alter the definition of those words. Prefixes and suffixes, then, are examples ofa. phonemes.b.
The oldest theory about human motivation, which focuses on unlearned, complex patterns of behavior present throughout a species, is known asa. arousal theory.b. drive-reduction theory.c. instinct
After Donnie realized the “intruder” in his home was just his mother returning unexpectedly, his breathing began to slow down, his heart rate decreased, and his digestion began again. These
Which of the following coefficients reflects the strongest correlation between two variables?a. 0.42b. -0.31c. 0.74d. -0.88e. 0.86
A substance that interrupts neural transmission by fitting into a receptor site but not activating it, or by preventing another neurotransmitter from accessing the receptor site, is known asa. an
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