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human resources management
Questions and Answers of
Human Resources Management
DESCRIBE the three types of appraisal interviews.
DISCUSS 360-degree appraisal from multiple sources.
DISCUSS the major problems inhibiting effective performance appraisals.
DESCRIBE five performance appraisal methods and the pros and cons of each.
EXPLAIN the five steps in the performance management process.
Is there anything Frank and Wilma should have done differently in your opinion?If so, what?Frank and Wilma Rogers live in the Toronto area.Frank is a product engineer in the automotive industry and
If Wiln1a wishes to stay in her new job, how could her employer assist her with this dilemma?Frank and Wilma Rogers live in the Toronto area.Frank is a product engineer in the automotive industry and
According to Edgar Scl1ein, what career anchors are driving Wilma's and Frank's careers at this point?Frank and Wilma Rogers live in the Toronto area.Frank is a product engineer in the automotive
What management developn1ent techniques should be developed?In the second year of operation of LearnlnMotion.con1, Jennifer was involved in a serious car accident and spent two months in the hospital
If they decide to promote from within, how should promotions or transfers be handled?In the second year of operation of LearnlnMotion.con1, Jennifer was involved in a serious car accident and spent
If Jennifer and Pierre decide to use succession planning, \
Would the process of career and development planning assist Pierre and Jennifer?In the second year of operation of LearnlnMotion.con1, Jennifer was involved in a serious car accident and spent two
Using both the Strategic HR box and the Workforce Diversity box in this chapter, compare and contrast the approaches that firms are taking with respect to career development for younger and older
Review all positions you have ever held. Below each position, identify core knowledge, skills, and abilities that you learned in each position.Next, identify a career you would like to be actively
Find a person who is web-challenged (perhaps a family friend or one of your professors who is having trouble setting up a website or getting full use of the email system). Offer to reverse mentor him
Review the website of a provider of management development seminars, such as the Canadian Institute of Management. Obtain copies of recent listings of seminar offerings. At what levels of managen1ent
Discuss the six competencies in the Competency Matrix Model used at the Ban££ Centre. Do you think that any one of these is more in1portant than the others? Why or why not?If you were asked to list
What steps could a company take to reduce political behaviour in the succession planning process?
How do you think employees are going to respond to the new focus on career planning, given the en1phasis in recent years on " being in charge of your own career "?
Would you tell high-potential employees that they are on the " fast track" ? How might this knowledge affect their behaviour? How n1ight the behaviour of e1nployees who are disappointed at not being
Do you think developn1ental job rotation is a good method to use for developing management trainees? Why or why not?
Explain the three n1ajor on-the-job n1anagement development techniques.
Explain the four important decisions to be made in establishing a pron1otion policy.
Explain three different ways in which managers can assist in the career development of their employees.
What is a career anchor? For each of the five career anchors, explain why you think each is important today?
What are the six n1ain types of occupational orientation?
Briefly describe each of the five aspects of the new approach to career development.
Describe why career planning and development has beco1ne more strategically important. Give a brief outline of what organizations are doing to take a more strategic approach in this area.
DESCRIBE on-the-job and off-the-job management-development techniques.
EXPLAIN what management development is and why it is important.
RECOMMEND how to manage transfers and promotions more effectively.
EXPLAIN the evolution of career development and the impact of that on employers and employees.
ANALYZE the factors that affect career choices.
EXPLAIN the strategic importance of career planning and development in the context of today's talent shortage.
Should Julie put together specific training for all summer students?It's late Friday afternoon in Thunder Bay, Ontario, and Jeff Hartley, a returning summer student, is looking forward to the end of
Ho\l\T can the five-step training process assist in this scenario?It's late Friday afternoon in Thunder Bay, Ontario, and Jeff Hartley, a returning summer student, is looking forward to the end of
What legal aspects regarding the obvious lack of training in this case will Julie, as HR n1anager, and the company have to deal with?It's late Friday afternoon in Thunder Bay, Ontario, and Jeff
Should management of each department assist in the development and subsequent enforcement of the new onboarding program? Why or why not?The New Training Program "I just don 't understand it," said
Should Pierre and .Jennifer be involved in the onboarding program to emphasize the importance of this process to their staff?The New Training Program "I just don 't understand it," said Pierre. "No
How would you change LearnlnMotion's orientation program? Should this company rename this process to an on boarding program instead?The New Training Program "I just don 't understand it," said
Working in groups of four to six students, complete the following exercise:Determine who in your group knows how to make paper objects such as cranes, boxes, balloons, ninja darts, fortunes, boats,
In s111a ll groups of four to six students, con1plete the foJlowing exercise:WestJet has asked you to quickly develop the outline of a training program for its new reservation clerks. Airline
Working individually or in groups, foJlow the steps in Figure 8.1 and prepare a training program for a job that you currently hold or have had in the past.
Obtain a copy of an employee handbook from your employer or fro1n son1e other organization.Review it and make recommendations for tmprovement.
Most training programs are not formally evaluated beyond a reaction measure. Why do you think employers do not measure the impact of training on learning, behaviour, and results more often?5 . Assume
This chapter points out that one reason for imple1nenting special global training programs is to avoid business loss because of cultural insensitivity.What sort of cultural insensitivity do you think
What do you think are some of the main drawbacks of relying on inforn1al on-the-job training for teaching nev.r employees their jobs?
"A well-thought-out onboarding program is especially important for employees (like many recent graduates) who have had little or no work experience." Explain why you agree or disagree with this
Think about a job you have had in the past. For this job, identify which training technique was used and reflect on reasons why you think that system was used. Next, select a different training
Describe hov.r you would go about determining the best way to train a group of newly hired managers on how to conduct selection interviews.
Ali Khan is an undergraduate business student majoring in accounting. He has just failed the first accounting course, Accounting 101, and is understandably upset. Explain how you would use
Choose a task you are familiar with-such as mowing the lawn or using a chat roomand develop a job instruction training sheet for it.
Identify and describe three special orientation situations that may be encountered.
Prepare an orientation program checklist for your current or most recent job.
EXPLAIN several common types of training for special pu rposes.
DESCRIBE how to evaluate the training effort.
DESCRIBE the three types of e-learnin g.
EVALUATE at least five traditional training techn iques.
DISCUSS two techn iques used for assessing training needs.
DESCRIBE the five-step training process.
EXPLAIN how to develop an orientation program.
How should the background-checking process be improved at Sunrise Academy?Sunrise Academy, a privately run technical college, has been operating now for four successful years.Executive Director Ron
What should have been done differently in the selection process?Sunrise Academy, a privately run technical college, has been operating now for four successful years.Executive Director Ron Phillips is
Are there any legal implications to be aware of as a result of this selection decision?Sunrise Academy, a privately run technical college, has been operating now for four successful years.Executive
What are some of the legal implications of a new selection process that Jennifer and Pierre need to be aware of?
Should Pierre and Jennifer use the multiple-hurdle strategy? Why or why not?
How would you restructure LearnlnMotion's selection process?
Using the NOC job description and the con1-petency job analysis you created ea.rlier in the course for either a university or college professor, Develop two situa tiona.1 and two
Design a senu-structured interview questionnaire for a position with which you are extremely familiar, basing the candidate-specific questions on your own resume. Ensure that behavioural,
Alberta oil and gas companies are using preemployment substance abuse testing even though it is prohibited. Their argun1ent is that, because they have multibillion-dollar projects underway with a lot
Describe strategies that you could use to (a) establish rapport with an extremely nervous candidate,(b) get an interviewee who is rambling "back on track," (c) clarify a statement made by an
Assume that you have just been hired as the employment manager in a small manufacturing firm that has never done any selection testing. Write a memorandum to the CEO describing the types of tests
If you were asked to design an effective selection process for retail sales representatives working on a 100 percent con1mission basis, which of the steps described in this chapter would you include
Why is the supervisory interview so i1n portant in the select.ion process?
Briefly discuss any five con1mon interviewing mistakes and explain how such errors can be avoided.
Explain the difference between situational and behavioural interviews. Give exa111ples of situational and behavioural interview questions.
Na1ne and describe the pros and cons of the three different types of interview structures.
Describe any four activities involved in a managen1ent assess1nent centre.
Describe five different types of testing that may be used in the selection process and give an example of each.
Explain the differences among criterion-related validity, content validity, and construct validity.
DESCRIBE strategies to make such checking effective, and ANALYZE the legal issues involved.
EXPLAIN the importance of reference checking,
DESCRIBE the major types of selection interviews by degree of structure, type of content, and manner of administration.
DESCRIBE at least four types of testing used in selection and ANALYZE the conflicting legal concerns related to alcohol and drug testing.
DEFINE reliabil ity and va lidity and EXPLAIN their importance in selection techniques.
DEFINE selection and DISCUSS its strategic importance.
Rachel plans on hiring recruiters to assist her in staffing these 50 positions. Knowing the con1pany will require the recruiters to adhere to the concept of employer branding, describe what steps
Rachel is hoping to recruit qualified candidates from a variety of diverse den1ographics. Will she have to use different recruitment techniques to do this? If so, what ones are the n1ost effective to
Should Rachel use internal or external recruitment techniques to staff these 50 positions?Rachel Lucas is the human resources manager of a prestigious accounting firm. Rachel recently attended a
Draft a new job posting for each of the seven positions discussed in the case. Then discuss how you put the job postings together and why, using Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3 as examples.If Jennifer and
Describe how the recru.itn1ent process (including all of the steps) outlined Ln Figure 6.1 will be of assistance to Jennifer and Pierre to solve their recruitment problems.If Jennifer and Pierre were
Considering the current economic situation and using the following list of jobs, identify all of the sources that could be used to recruit qualified applicants:• Registered nurses to work in the
Given the importance of networking to recruitment success, organize the class around core jobs that students would like to have. In each group, brainstorm sources of networking. Poll the group to
Go to your university's or college's career centre and gather inforn1ation on all the services they provide. How many companies come to recruit students through the centre each year? What services
Assume you are the HR manager in a highly homogenous con1pany that now wants to better reflect the diversity of the target client group in its employee population. What n1ust you consider as you
What are some of the specific reservations that a 30-year-old candidate might have about applying for a job that requires managing a workforce that is on average 10 years older than he or she is?
As the labour supply gets tighter and tighter, would you be in favour of loosening requirements for foreign-trained professionals (for example, doctors, professors, accountants, engineers) to become
Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and virtual career fairs.
What potential problems could be created by offering referral bonuses to existing employees?
What potential problems may result if the employer branding value proposition presented during the recruitment process is not reinforced once the new recruit is working for the organization?What
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