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essentials organizational behavior
Questions and Answers of
Essentials Organizational Behavior
The effect of diversity on the team depends on time and whether the diversity is surfacelevel or deep-level. The effects of surface-level diversity tend to diminish with time, whereas the effects of
Task interdependence has a moderate positive relationship with team performance and a weak relationship with team commitment.LO1.
Outcome interdependence has important effects on teams, which can be managed with compensation practices that take team performance into account.LO1.
In which types of teams have you worked? Were these teams consistent with the taxonomy of team types discussed in this chapter, or were they a combination of types?LO1.
What type of roles do you normally take on in a team setting? Are there task or social roles that you simply don’t perform well? If so, why do you think this is?LO1.
With what general type of diversity does Ford seem most concerned? Why? Describe how teams composed of this type of diversity are likely to function. Which team characteristics would influence the
Describe how Ford’s approach to diversity accounts for both the “value in diversity problem solving” and “similarity-attraction” approaches.(Appendix)
Is an employee resource group a team? If so, what type is it? How might employee resource groups inadvertently create faultlines? What could Ford do to mitigate this possibility?(Appendix)
Your group is the complete workforce for the Paper Plane Corporation. Established in 1943, Paper Plane has led the market in paper plane production. Presently under new management, the company is
In the first round of the airplane manufacturing process, the Air Force has asked you to focus on individuality. Each Paper Plane worker should manufacture his or her own planes from start to finish.
In the second round of manufacturing, the Air Force has asked you to give each worker a specific job. In other words, the manufacturing process will take place in an assembly-line fashion. When
In the final round of manufacturing, the Air Force has asked your team to devise a manufacturing process that will maximize both efficiency and effectiveness. You may do whatever you like in terms of
Class discussion (whether in groups or as a class) should center on the following questions:a. Did pooled interdependence (Round 1) or sequential interdependence (Round 2) work better for your group
What is ability?LO1.
What are the various types of cognitive ability?LO1.
What are the various types of emotional ability?LO1.
What are the various types of physical ability?LO1.
How does cognitive ability affect job performance and organizational commitment?LO1.
What steps can organizations take to hire people with high levels of cognitive ability?LO1.
Ability refers to the relatively stable capabilities of people to perform a particular range of different but related activities. Differences in ability are a function of both genes and the
Cognitive abilities include verbal ability, quantitative ability, reasoning ability, spatial ability, and perceptual ability. General cognitive ability, or g, underlies all of these more specific
Emotional intelligence includes four specific kinds of emotional skills: self-awareness, other awareness, emotion regulation, and use of emotions.LO1.
Physical abilities include strength, stamina, flexibility and coordination, psychomotor abilities, and sensory abilities.LO1.
General cognitive ability has a strong positive relationship with job performance, due primarily to its effects on task performance. In contrast, general cognitive ability is only weakly related to
Many organizations use cognitive ability tests to hire applicants with high levels of general cognitive ability. One of the most commonly used tests is the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test.LO1.
What combination of abilities is appropriate for the job of your dreams? Do you possess those abilities? If you fall short on any of these abilities, what could you do to improve?LO1.
Describe how the cognitive and emotional abilities mentioned in this case are associated with different aspects of job performance.LO1.
Consider the abilities required by IDEO and explain why you would, or would not, fit the job well.LO1.
Think about situations in which you’ve experienced each of the following four emotions:• Hoy• Anxiety• Sadness• Anger LO1.
Stress refers to the psychological response to demands when there’s something at stake for the individual and coping with these demands would tax or exceed the individual’s capacity or resources.
Stressors come in two general forms: challenge stressors, which are perceived as opportunities for growth and achievement, and hindrance stressors, which are perceived as hurdles to goal achievement.
Coping with stress involves thoughts and behaviors that address one of two goals:addressing the stressful demand or decreasing the emotional discomfort associated with the demand.LO1.
Individual differences in the Type A Behavior Pattern affect how people experience stress in three ways. Type A people tend to experience more stressors, appraise more demands as stressful, and are
The effects of stress depend on the type of stressor. Hindrance stressors have a weak negative relationship with job performance and a strong negative relationship with organizational commitment. In
Because of the high costs associated with employee stress, organizations assess and manage stress using a number of different practices. In general, these practices focus on reducing or eliminating
Prior to reading this chapter, how did you define stress? Did your definition of stress reflect stressors, the stress process, strains, or some combination?LO1.
If you had several job offers after graduating, to what degree would the level of challenge stressors in the different jobs influence your choice of which job to take? Why?LO1.
How would you assess your ability to handle stress? Given the information provided in this chapter, what could you do to improve your effectiveness in this area?LO1.
Consider Best Buy’s Results Only Work Environment. What are the major strengths of this program in regard to the management of employee stress? Are there weaknesses of the program in this regard?
What do the comments of the Best Buy CEO and company spokesperson reveal about their beliefs regarding employee stress and the effect it has on employee and organizational outcomes?In what ways are
What could Best Buy do to manage employee stress during the organization’s transformation?LO1.
Motivation is defined as a set of energetic forces that originates both within and outside an employee, initiates work-related effort, and determines its direction, intensity, and persistence.LO1.
According to expectancy theory, effort is directed toward behaviors when effort is believed to result in performance (expectancy), performance is believed to result in outcomes(instrumentality), and
According to goal setting theory, goals become strong drivers of motivation and performance when they are difficult and specific. Specific and difficult goals affect performance by increasing
According to equity theory, rewards are equitable when a person’s ratio of outcomes to inputs matches those of some relevant comparison other. A sense of inequity triggers equity distress.
Psychological empowerment reflects an energy rooted in the belief that tasks are contributing to some larger purpose. Psychological empowerment is fostered when work goals appeal to employees’
Motivation has a strong positive relationship with job performance and a moderate positive relationship with organizational commitment. Of all the energetic forces subsumed by motivation,
Organizations use compensation practices to increase motivation. Those practices may include individual-focused elements (piece-rate, merit pay, lump-sum bonuses, recognition awards), unit-focused
Think about a job that you’ve held in which you felt very low levels of psychological empowerment. What could the organization have done to increase empowerment levels?LO1.
To what extent do employees look to their CEOs for motivational signals? Do you think Netflix employees grow to be motivated by the same things that engage Hastings?LO1.
Which theories seem relevant to customers’ motivations (to pick certain titles), not just employees’ motivations (to perform their tasks well)?LO1.
When it comes to complex work—like Netflix engineers analyzing data on customer viewing habits—will intrinsic or extrinsic motivators prove more effective? Why?LO1.
Read the following scenario:Chris Clements and Pat Palmer are both computer programmers working for the same Fortune 500 company. One day they found out that Chris earns $60,820 per year, while Pat
Class discussion (whether in groups or as a class) should center on which theories seem most relevant to the potential reasons for the pay differences between Chris and Pat. Are there some potential
Trust is the willingness to be vulnerable to an authority based on positive expectations about the authority’s actions and intentions. Justice reflects the perceived fairness of an authority’s
Trust can be disposition-based, meaning that one’s personality includes a general propensity to trust others. Trust can also be cognition-based, meaning that it’s rooted in a rational assessment
Trustworthiness is judged along three dimensions. Ability reflects the skills, competencies, and areas of expertise that an authority possesses. Benevolence is the degree to which an authority wants
The fairness of an authority’s decision making can be judged along four dimensions. Distributive justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making outcomes. Procedural justice reflects the
The four-component model of ethical decision making argues that ethical behavior depends on three concepts. Moral awareness reflects whether an authority recognizes that a moral issue exists in a
Trust has a moderate positive relationship with job performance and a strong positive relationship with organizational commitment.LO1.
Organizations can become more trustworthy by emphasizing corporate social responsibility, a perspective that acknowledges that the responsibilities of a business encompass the economic, legal,
Which would be more damaging in organizational life—being too trusting or not being trusting enough? Why do you feel that way?LO1.
Which component of ethical decision making do you believe best explains student cheating:moral awareness, moral judgment, or moral intent? Why do you feel that way?LO1.
Assume you were applying for a job at a company known for its corporate social responsibility.How important would that be to you when deciding whether to accept a job offer?LO1.
Should a company like Apple require suppliers to exceed—not just match—the prevailing standards for wages and working conditions in their home countries?LO1.
Is Apple ethically obligated to more aggressively share its “lessons learned” with its competitors in the computer, tablet, and smartphone industries?LO1.
Class discussion (whether in groups or as a class) should center on whether the theft that’s occurring at The Grocery Cart reveals a problem of moral awareness, moral judgment, or moral intent. In
Learning is a relatively permanent change in an employee’s knowledge or skill that results from experience. Decision making refers to the process of generating and choosing from a set of
Employees gain both explicit and tacit knowledge as they build expertise. Explicit knowledge is easily communicated and available to everyone. Tacit knowledge, however, is something employees can
Employees learn new knowledge through reinforcement and observation of others.That learning also depends on whether the employees are learning-oriented or performance-oriented.LO1.
Programmed decisions are decisions that become somewhat automatic because a person’s knowledge allows him or her to recognize and identify a situation and the course of action that needs to be
Employees are less able to translate their learning into accurate decisions when they struggle with limited information, faulty perceptions, faulty attributions, and escalation of commitment.LO1.
Learning has a moderate positive relationship with job performance and a weak positive relationship with organizational commitment.LO1.
Through various forms of training, companies can give employees more knowledge and a wider array of experiences that they can use to make decisions.LO1.
In your current or past workplaces, what types of tacit knowledge did experienced workers possess? What did this knowledge allow them to do?LO1.
What does the term “expert” mean to you? What exactly do experts do that novices don’t?LO1.
How exactly do Verizon’s training practices help employees react during times of crisis?Does this affect only those who have been formally trained? Why or why not?LO1.
How does a crisis differ from other situations in which employees are called on to make decisions?LO1.
Answer each of the problems below.A. A certain town is served by two hospitals. In the larger hospital, about 45 babies are born each day, and in the smaller hospital, about 15 babies are born each
Your instructor will give you the correct answer to each problem. Class discussion, whether in groups or as a class, should focus on the following questions: How accurate were the decisions you
Personality refers to the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. It also refers to people’s social reputations—the
The “Big Five” include conscientiousness (e.g., dependable, organized, reliable), agreeableness(e.g., warm, kind, cooperative), neuroticism (e.g., nervous, moody, emotional), openness to
Although both nature and nurture are important, personality is affected significantly by genetic factors. Studies of identical twins reared apart and studies of personality stability over time
The Big Five is the dominant taxonomy of personality; other taxonomies include the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory and Holland’s RIASEC model.LO1.
Hofstede’s taxonomy of cultural values includes individualism–collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity–femininity, and short-term vs. long-term orientation.More recent
Conscientiousness has a moderate positive relationship with job performance and a moderate positive relationship with organizational commitment. It has stronger effects on these outcomes than the
Personality tests are useful tools for organizational hiring. Research suggests that applicants do “fake” to some degree on the tests, but faking does not significantly lower the correlation
If you owned your own business and had a problem with employee theft, would you use an integrity test? Why or why not?LO1.
Moving beyond the Big Five, are there other personality traits or cultural values that would be helpful in a Teach for America position, or a broader career in education?LO1.
Individually, complete the Big Five measure found in the OB Assessments box in the chapter.LO1.
Write your scores on a small white piece of paper, in the following format:C 5 A 5 N 5 O 5 E 5 . Try to disguise your handwriting to make it as plain and generic as possible. Fold your piece of paper
In your group, mix up the pieces of paper. Begin by having one group member choose a piece of paper, reading the CANOE scores aloud. The group should then try to come to consensus on which member the
Organizational commitment is the desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of the organization. Withdrawal behavior is a set of actions that employees perform to avoid the work situation.
There are three types of organizational commitment. Affective commitment occurs when employees want to stay and is influenced by the emotional bonds between employees.Continuance commitment occurs
Employees can respond to negative work events in four ways: exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect. Exit is a form of physical withdrawal in which the employee either ends or restricts organizational
Examples of psychological withdrawal include daydreaming, socializing, looking busy, moonlighting, and cyberloafing. Examples of physical withdrawal include tardiness, long breaks, missing meetings,
The increased diversity of the workforce can reduce commitment if employees feel lower levels of affective commitment or become less embedded in their current jobs. The employee–employer
Organizations can foster commitment among employees by fostering perceived organizational support, which reflects the degree to which the organization cares about employees’well-being. Commitment
How exactly does Costco’s low turnover rate help it in its battle against Walmart? Will any of those factors also help against Amazon?LO1.
What would a “perfect turnover rate” be for a company like Costco? Describe the consequences of a turnover rate that’s too low.LO1.
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