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principles of organizational behavior
Questions and Answers of
Principles Of Organizational Behavior
2. Jane has discovered that the manager has been charging the hotel more than he has been paying the suppliers, in some instances. In one particular case the invoice presented regularly for poultry
3. A young couple on honeymoon have taken possession of Room 29, one of the best rooms in the hotel, with sea views, bath en suite and balcony. No other room in the hotel has all these features.
4. In the course of a few days two different guests have complained of the loss of personal belongings. One has lost a roll of colour film from a bedside table. The other has lost a nearly-full phial
5. There has been no suggestion of involving the police by either of the par- ties, but they are in no doubt that these items have been stolen. 5. Passing through the restaurant at lunch-time - it
I. In 'he barhroo•n there was stained washbasin. Broken shower and showerhead was snap container on 'he wall dose shower there were no inåvJduaJ tablets oi soap— how is one to wash in the bath
2. QA the hrs: morning after arrivai there was not hot water in the rcxjm_ This duly to rece*ion to be received ervhaslaslic response whith appeared on and a perceived Attizude of dc you expect me (0
3. bedroom a loose fitment between the two beds and a noticeable absence af the bowl fruit, which is from the picture in your promo'ional leallei
For brakfast you are advised thal coffee.'tea.ftoust would ser-rd at your tah[e by [hr waiting staff On t-•oth day' after a delay we had to specificatly reques: this service
5. The:e seemed veo' little help with — or if there is, zlns was nor made apparem and Giere was definizely r.o rush of staff offering US'S1ance_
6. Although openly rude, staff recep[ian do ap*ar to realisz chat are al!owed to smile at and exchange if pleasantries: at least coutesy, with gueslS As an example, when my wife said good morning'
1. Suggest headine under which u'ew influevvces or behaviour in work organ-isarions- From your own experience, bhef ptaclical examples under each heading
2. an the role of social scicr,ce within (he oospitnliry industr,•Explain your understanding bchavioural science as an Imcrdisciplirar,'approach to the study af provide your own enampics Of ance of
3. Why is the study perception of paniOJklr '.vuhin hospaijl}'Explain what mean! hy perceplual illusions and the screening seie(1iDn Of perceptual slinauli
We all tend ro be guilty of distortions and errors in interpemanal perception and Of making hasty decl sion.s about bchaviour and aclions OF other people before thinking fully about the situation
Flom your Own experience. provide a shon aaount an actual problem o: difficult}' you have wed in working wiLh other people [he hospitality industry Explåin clearly(l} the exact nature oi the p.oblem
People often ask the questions is it like being z female genera: manager?Have you had to •auk harder to keep up your male colleagues;• Hzve you found difficult being a wontgn general manage"The
Richard Jackson is an cmgoiag person willi a keen sense of humour who enjoys with other people. He has spent the nuajori:y of his working life the catering trade, largely in public houses.After
I. Why do Organ Ons need managere G ve own views on tmportance of management within lie hospita%ts• irdustry,
2. Discuss whal is hyz (i) the people—organisalicn relationship and (ii) the PE(KeSS Of management.
Suggest how attempt to analyse the essenual nanJre Of wouid you 'he job of a hospitality manager from other jobs in the c sabiishmcnl?
i. Assess critica\ly the praclical relevance and applications vvnnc:ples Of managemenl within a large hospialiry organisaton.
5. Haw might the managefs job be ciesuiikd in terms of a sel of interrelaied :oles?Give an example of each of these roies from the job of a senior hotel man, ager_ What is mean: by the flexibility of
6. Disc-ass crilicalky che event 10 which gerve•rai managemenl theory can he applied within the hospirali",' induslry Jitsury your answer with prac".icel examples.
7. What IS by Ine managerial environment? From your own experience, give specific cumpLe.'i of both in(erndl environmental influences hospilality oæanisalior.s
8. How would yau attempt to between an effecnve and an ineffective manage? what specific criteria yea would use 10 u.s.seys rhe a Innicuk•r hosp"ali'y nranager.
Seiect a particular hospimliry managerial icb and observe manager in •aciion, preferabiy over an extended period Of Lime.(i) Make notes Of how much of the manager's work and lime IS spent on:the
Adam Smith sat at his desk and reflected (ha: it mow exucdy 12 months he had been appointed Charles Gaynor, managing di.•euor af Gaynor Hoteß During tilis time he had Y:yer, used as advtscr.
1. Discuss how the manager-subordinate relationship can be influenced by the man- ager's assumptions about human nature and the behaviour of people at work.
2. Explain the Manageral/Leadership Grid as a means of comparing managerial styles. What is the importance of team management in the hospitality industry?
3. How might the nature of the manager-subordinate relationship be explained in terms of a four-fold model of management systems? Explain what you understand by the principle of supportive
4. What are the potential benefits and criticisms/limitations of management by objectives (MBO) Assess critically the applications of MBO to service operations and the hospitality industry.
5. It is often claimed that, because of the nature of the hospitality industry, the require- ments of its managers are somehow different from those of other managers. Discuss critically the validity
6. Suggest why it is that many hotel managers appear to adopt a task-orientated, autocratic style of management.
7. Debate critically the suggestion that there are a number of basic, underlying philo- sophies which are likely to make for the successful management of people and lead to improved organisational
8. Give your views on the manager's right to manage and the use of authority. Why is it important to distinguish between the 'intent' and the 'implementation' of management decisions and actions?
(i) From your own expenen:e. explain which you believe demonstrA1es an effective and/or an ineffective way Of dealing subordinate Commem criccatly on the behaviout, uc.lions and decisions Of manager
Using Likert's short-form profile of organisational characteristics (see Figure 5.2, p. 147), investigate a hospitality organisation of your choice. (i) Circle what you believe to be the most
1. Taking point 3 above, but turning it around, one could equally well argue that the changing nature of the competition and the toughness of the targets set by the plc, have led to a freeing up of
2. Public houses have always been 'mini-businesses' in their own right (including managed houses, albeit not to the same extent as tenancies and free houses), therefore the argument that they were
management above has been overdrawn. What has happened is that as a result of the change and restructuring programme, this autonomy has been recognised, encouraged and extended.
3. A main objective in reorientating the organisation around the new pub operating companies has precisely been to decentralise and devolve control, with, for example, RMS now acting as 'coaches' and
4. In the new regime it is easier to reject aspects of the company's past mode of operating. An example of this was provided during an interview with a LHM: he pointed out how a LHM could now (using
I. What IS the Importance of o:ganjsation structure* How does syue.tue rekr,y effective performance Of hospitality operations?
2. Contrast approaches to improving organisaUonaI performance bxsed on attention rechrtical and slruclural features, •nth thasc based nn concern for psycholog:czl and sociai Iåuors_
Expliiin your underst2nding of scientific management Assess critically the relev-af scientific management [he hospitality indus:ry [ed:r,'
•i. Desrite the criticisms of bureaucracy. il is diffcult envisage how modern scale estabåshrnents could funa',an effectively exhibiting at least some of the features Bureaucratic structure,
5. ate conclusions that can drawn the approach In argznjsa[ion. snructure and management? Evaluate applicnicns of human relations appny.uch 10 the hospir.ali:y mdustry_
6. Explain whal is meant by cuNingen%' made's of organisatiom Contrast arn:41c and organic sys.tcms of management practice and structure. and suggcQ ways in which a hospitality organ•sation of your
7. Explain. with supporting praclic:d exzmples, the mejn factor:i [O be considered in the design of organisation structure Assess the implications for layspi[ahty industry of the shamrock
8. Discuss critically he contention a SlruC1ure 01 arganisauon is hetter far efficiency and moralc than a structure allowed develop around personai:ces.
Investigate a hospulizy organisation of your choice and obain. o: prepare a clian depicling åe structural design of organisacon.(i) Comment caücaily on;relationships between task and element
1. How would you attempt to explain the basic nature of work motivation? Discuss the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction.
2. Distinguish between content and process theories of motivation. Why is the study of different theories of motivation important for the hospitality manager?
3. Critically assess the practical value of Maslow's hierarchy of needs model to improv- ing the motivation of staff in the hospitality industry.
4. Discuss critically the contention that the main factors affecting motivation and job satisfaction are high wages and good working conditions.
5. Explain your understanding of expectancy theories of motivation. What are the practical applications of expectancy theory?
6. Suggest situations when each of the following theories might have particular significance for the hospitality manager: (i) achievement motivation; (ii) equity theory; (iii) goal theory.
7. What are the major reasons for increasing attention to improved job design? Given the nature of hospitality work, discuss critically the likely value of the restructuring of individual jobs.
8. Explain what is meant by broader approaches to job design. Suggest, with supporting examples, how these approaches might be applied within the hospitality industry.
Refewing to Masiow's hierarchy of needs model 2nd Figure (page give your own specific examples or general re'.wrds and organisational factors to S9Lish.' different needs small groups. discuss with
(i) ar three people -wail different in any aspt%l of the hospitality rndusuy Identify as cleally as passibie. together reasons and supporting examples:those aspects of the which person {eels be of
you were informed Eh;" (here is selious ecnccro about the 8encral[y level of work performance. that morale s low and there is 2 disurhir%'ly lugia level of staff nunover F»p12in (he likely actions
1. Why is an understanding of the functioning and operation of work groups import- ant for the hospitality manager?
2. Distinguish between formal and informal groups. From your own experience give practical examples of the influence of group values and norms.
3. What actions would you, as a hospitality manager, take in order to create suc- cessful team-building Explain the likely characteristics of an effective work group.
4. As a manager explain what action you would take in order to develop effective group relationships and performance among members of your staff.
5. Explain why strong, cohesive groups may present potential disadvantages for management. Where possible, support your answer with practical examples.
6. Assess critically those factors which are likely to influence the performance of groups compared with individual performance. Give practical examples by reference to a work group to which you
7. Explain fully the importance of the concept of 'role' to an understanding of group processes and behaviour. Distinguish between role conflict and a personality clash. As manager, what actions
8. Discuss how you would attempt to analyse the parts played by, and the behavi- our of, individual members in group situations.
1. Explain the meaning and nature of leadership. How would you attempt to clis- tinguish leadership from management?
5. Explain the meaning and importance of leadership style. Suggest ways in which leadership styles can be classified. Why do think greater attention is being given to more participative styles of
8. Why do you think it is that studies on leadership in the hospitality industry appear to yield conflicting results? Justify what you think is the best style of leadership.
Assume you are a departmental manager in a hospitality organisation of your choice. (i) Using the Tannenbaum and Schmidt continuum, identify your preferred style of leadership. Explain fully the
Three months ago you were appointed head housekeeper at ABC Hotel. A member of your staff, sev-crai years than yourself and with five years' service. and Who you unders[and very popular with
I. Explain fully the meaning of deiegation at both the organisatiorr,d level ane the individual level Distinguish clearly between the comepts of authority. respons-and accountabilky. What is rocant
2. Suggest ways In Which deiegation, if properly handled. should \evad to Lhe nplirnum use Of the human resources Of the hospital" organ:sarion
3. Whal hy the acceptance theory Of and the nature human feiaaviour? Why do you think it that many nunzgers often fail to delegate successful IV?
4. •.he for management control in the hospiLa:ity in:Jusuy As a depar-mental manager, how would you attempt to achieve the fun benefits of delega-non while maintaining effective corÆoI of
5. Explain of quality assurance processes within the hospitality Indus,'ry. Discuss the particular difficulties of the measure.nen! Of service quality
6. Disringuish between ernployeecentred and *ah-cenced styles of .'upervision_ the importance of relxionships and
7. sysæms pmvide an inrrface becween human behavioul and the ptocess of nurtugement Explain felly how you, as a manage, would atiempc to imple-men( a behavioural approach to control.
8. Discuss the atent to which you attention shouEd be given to and systems of control 'n a hospitality o:gznetioa of your choice
Assess critically the effectiveness of a process of delegation. Arrange to interview a manager and sub- ordinate staff in a hospitality organisation of your choice. Give details of the nature of
From your own experience of a hospitality organisation, answer carefully and fully the 12 questions in Likert's Principle of Supportive Relationships Questionnaire. (Refer back to Figure 11.7, page
I. Identify clearjy examples of factors which influence the performance and effectiveness of a hosp:tality orgar„'sauon 01 choxe_
2. CriÜca!iy review the role bf 'Op m.:enagevnent in own Organisation and the extent to auenliun is given to key fearures Of effective baman ma nag emm
3. Explain the kcy of Total Quali*' (TQMY and discuss cri!ic-ally Its impiememao•an and applicuons hospitality
4, Givc vit%vs on the measuraner.! Of productivity in the hospi:aliry industry. ane n2ture of service qu2hry and business performanee_
5. Explain what is meanl by organisational Flow might corporate culture:nEuence 'he effectver,es.g of
6. CIO understand by Discuss Wilh practical arnpies the maun In which ac:non taken to help unprove organis.a•(ional [he hospitality indusn•y
7. Why do people in lend to les•st change? manager. explain actions you would 12ke 'o heip overcome tik social and humun pwoblerns With the introduction of
8. As a manage', explain fully the zcrions propose in order increase the level Of productivity in your
9. Discus* ex:em which you cantlicl is an Lnberent cf work Orxanisali(ns. Explain your understanding of the radical appmach to organi%2•eon ilicc
10. and plurallstic Of giving speahc examples of influence on employee relalinns and human resource man-agcmcnt within (he hospitality industri
Assume that you are the leader of a marketing group and have been trying for some time to acquire a large new customer in a foreign country. One of your sales representatives reports that a
Are ethical leaders more effective than leaders who exhibit unethical behaviors? Explain why or why not. lo1
What is more important, associates’ productivity or leaders’exhibiting ethical behaviors? Is ethical behavior more important even if the result is poor performance? Why or why not? lo1
What ethical responsibilities do leaders have in the organizations in which they work? What are the primary ethical issues involved in the leader’s relationship to the organization? lo1
How do the leader–member exchange and servant–leadership models differ? What roles do gender and cultural differences play in influencing perceptions of leadership effectiveness and actual
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