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global marketing
Questions and Answers of
Global Marketing
2. What are private labels and why are they gain- ing in popularity?
1. What is branding? Why is branding a product important to a company? To customers?
3. What must Taurus do to maintain its leadership position?
2. What competitive strategy is Honda likely to use for the Accord in the future? Do you think it will be proactive or reactive?
1. What competitive strategies did the Ford Taurus use in establishing its leader- ship position in the midsize sedan market?
2. What is Millennium's competitive strategy (e.g.. product leadership, price leadership). Should it continue to pursue this strategy?
1. Of what does Millennium's competitive advan- tage consist? Will they be able to sustain this advantage in the long run?
3. How has Harley established market leadership in the heavyweight bike category?
2. Draw a perceptual map for Honda, BMW, and Harley heavyweight bikes. What should the vertical and horizontal axes be?
1. How does Harley position its heavyweight bikes?
2. What is The Body Shop's competitive strategy?
1. How has The Body Shop's competitive advan- tage changed since 1976?
11. If you were the Pillsbury brand manager and were assigned to introduce a new product named Figurines, would you position it as a nutritional breakfast substitute and compete against other instant
10. Choose a local company and interview the manager about the firm's perception of its competitive situation. Does this company have a clear picture of its competitive advan- tages?
9. Research a large company that does business on a global basis and describe its competitive advantages, its attitude toward market leader- ship/following, and whether its competitive focus is broad
8. Describe the competitive situation for restau- rants in your community-who competes with whom-and then analyze the various restau- rants' points of competitive advantage.
7. If the president of your college called you in and asked how your school could create a competitive advantage for itself, what would you recommend? (Be sure to consider the costs as well as the
6. Make a list of the brands in your evoked set for the following categories: athletic shoes, super- markets, soft drinks.
4. Give an example of each of the four major types of competitive advantage: cost leader- ship/narrow focus, cost leadership/broad focus, product differentiation/narrow focus, product
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being the market challenger? the market fol- lower? Give three examples of each of these strategies other than those cited in this chapter.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being the market leader? Give three examples of market leaders other than those cited in this chapter.
1. How can a company measure its competitive advantage? How does a firm know if it is gain- ing or losing competitive advantage?
6. Are blacks a single market segment? How does your answer to this question affect the way you would market cosmetics and clothing to African Ameri- cans?
5. Are there products that should not be targeted specifically to blacks?
4. What types of products other than the ones mentioned in this case might be targeted to African Americans?
3. Why do so many African American women buy their cosmetics and hair-care products from mass marketers rather than black-owned firms? What could the minority firms do about this?
2. Compare the marketing strategies of companies targeting the African-Ameri- can market. Which strategies do you think will be most successful? Why?
1. What segmentation criteria are illustrated in this case?
1. What segmentation bases did Millennium use in defining its final consumer target market?
2. There are Harley Owners Groups in the United States and in Japan. How do the benefits sought by each of these groups differ?
1. Describe the market segments to whom Harley sells. How do they differ?
1. What variables might be very useful in seg- menting the market for The Body Shop?
10. What is the difference between a market fore- cast and a sales forecast? 11. What methods do marketers use to forecast sales and market potential?
9. Interview a marketing manager for a local firm and report back on how that firm has seg- mented and targeted its market(s).
8. You are advising your athletic department on season ticket sales: (a) Segment the football season ticket market. How many different groups can you iden- tify? What are their key distinguishing
7. You are the marketing manager for Whirlpool. How will changes in marketing, such as the breakup of the mass market, the practice of narrow targeting, and globalization, affect your industry? How
6. You are the marketing director for a company that sells tea. Your company has decided to begin selling in Chicago, where 20 percent of the consumers drink tea and 80 percent do not. Should your
5. Explain the difference between segmenting and targeting. Choose a product that you use often and describe these two processes as they may have entered into the firm's plan for mar- keting that
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of undifferentiated, concentrated, and differenti- ated marketing?
3. How are industrial markets segmented? Give an example for each major type of industrial segmentation.
2. Explain the five basic segmentation strategies. Give examples of each.
1. What are the key differences between mass marketing and segmented marketing?
2. What are Millennium's organizational buyers' major criteria in choosing to purchase the Mil- lennium Power System?
1. To what type of organizational buyer does Mil- lennium sell? How might this type of buyer differ from a governmental buyer?
2. How do these two kinds of buyers differ in mo- tivation?
1. Both Harley dealers and government agencies (police, military units) buy from Harley- Davidson. Described the differences in the buying processes of these two types of buyers.
2. Industrial buying is usually considered to be highly rational. Would you say that is true at The Body Shop?
1. How does The Body Shop's search for new sup- pliers differ from that of other, traditional cos- metic companies?
11. Interview five recent graduates (people who graduated from college within the last three years) and ask them if they have encountered the outsourcing phenomenon in their work. In what areas is
10. Form a focus group (defined in Chapter 5) composed of your classmates. How many of them care about the fabric used in the clothes they buy? Is there a derived demand among this group for natural
9. Describe the buying process that a university might go through in purchasing a new main- frame computer system. Who would be in- volved in the buying center? Describe possible activities of buying
8. Select a product that might be purchased by an industrial market and trace the issues to be considered/decided at each stage in the buying decision process.
7. Interview a purchasing agent at a local firm and report back on what role that person played in the buying decision for each of the following: a supply, a component part, a rou- tine service, a
6. How might SIC data help a sales manager re- align the sales territories of a firm's sales repre- sentatives?
5. How does open-bid buying work? Why does the federal government sometimes use negoti- ated contracts instead of regular bidding?
4. Which stage of the buying decision process normally takes the most time? Why?
3. Pick a product that might be purchased in an industrial market and explain how various members of a buying center for that product might affect the buying decision.
2. What do you think is the most significant dif- ference between organizational buyers and consumer buyers? Explain your answer.
1. Give an example of a good or service that would be purchased by an industrial buyer and describe how it might be bought and used. Do the same for a reseller and a government or in- stitutional
6. Explain why it is important to marketers other than publishers that teenagers influ- ence which magazines are read in many households.
5. Why do you think tweens are susceptible to direct-mail marketing?
4. Marketing efforts are often aimed at parents and children. Describe two ads you would create for the same car-one aimed at parents and one at an under-18 seg- ment.
3. Suppose you market frozen vegetables. Outline an advertising plan for each of the under-eighteen market segments.
2. Summarize the differences in information processing across the various age groups in the youth market.
1. What demographic changes have increased the importance of youths in family pur- chasing?
6. Because of Millennium's emphasis on cross merchandising, their products are usually lo- cated in stores' electronics sections-away from displays of other batteries, which typi- cally are set up
5. Which system will Danny and his dad buy if they want to reduce their initial investment? If they want to maximize their investment over the next five years?
4. How does the Millennium System attempt to reduce perceived risk?
3. What type of learning is illustrated by Danny's initial choice of the brand of battery he and his dad usually purchased? What type of learn- ing do we see when Danny's father reads the Renewal
2. How do the manufacturers of rechargeable sys- tems try to stimulate brand loyalty?
1. Explain how situational, lifestyle, and social- class factors can affect consumers' battery- buying behavior.
2. How has the company affected consumer per- ception of the Harley through changes in product attributes and features? How have the media affected the perception of Harleys?
1. Describe the lifestyle of the typical Harley owner. How involved are Harley owners with their bikes and with the Harley image?
4. Would you guess that brand loyalty is higher for Body Shop products than for other, com- peting products? Why or why not?
3. What kind of learning is Anita Roddick trying to stimulate? Is her approach typical of the cosmetics industry? Explain your answer.
2. How does The Body Shop attempt to affect consumer perceptions? How might selective exposure, selective attention, and selective re- tention work in The Body Shop's favor?
1. What reference groups and social factors help to explain the loyalty and enthusiasm of Body Shop customers?
10. You have been hired by a large marketing con- sulting company to conduct a study aimed at achieving a better definition of Generation X. Interview your friends and classmates and de- velop a
9. Compare the steps you would use in a buying decision process for an expensive pair of jog- ging shoes with the steps you would use for the choice of a new cereal.
8. Which step in the consumer decision-making process would you expect to take the longest? Why?
7. Explain the steps in information processing. using the example of how you perceived and made sense of the Pioneer ad in Exhibit 6-4. Compare that process with what you went through to understand
6. Why are information processing and learning so important for understanding consumer be- havior? Explain how you learned about the school you're now attending and how your in- formation processing
5. Talk with the marketing manager of a local business and then describe the ways that firm is attempting to change attitudes in the mar- keting of its products.
4. How would you describe yourself in terms of culture, reference groups, role(s), and social class?
3. Distinguish among attitudes, beliefs, and val- ues, and give an example of each that affected a recent purchase you made.
2. Of economic, geographic, cultural, social, and personal factors, which most influenced your latest purchase over $20? Over $200?
1. Explain what we know about what happens in- side the "black box" of the consumer's mind and what we don't know.
6. Suppose that Green Grocer's research produces the following results:a. 75% of shoppers are nonmembers (25% are members).b. People in the twenty-twenty-nine age range are underrepresented among
5. Describe the research project that you would recommend for Green Grocer, including techniques (survey, etc.), sampling, and administra- tion of the project.
4. How are Green Grocer's customers stratified? Which groups should the research sample?
3. List the kinds of information that Green Grocer wants to obtain in its research. Design one question for each kind of information.
2. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of mail, telephone, and store intercept surveys for Green Grocer.
1. How could the Marketing Committee use focus groups, observation, and personal interviews to collect information?
3. Millennium's response rate was unusually high: of the 15,000 households targeted, 10,599, or 71 percent replied. What techniques do you think the researchers might have used to generate such a
2. Millennium's market research indicated that its product had the highest customer satisfac- tion ratings in the industry. The data were col- lected by means of a postcard-sized question- naire
1. Does the Millennium marketing plan seem ap- propriate given the results of their consumer research?
2. How could Harley select a random sample of owners to survey?
1. What type of marketing research does Harley use? What are its advantages and disadvan- tages?
1. The Body Shop does not conduct formal mar- keting research. What kinds of marketing data does the company have readily available, how- ever, and how could they use it?
10. Federal Express has just appointed you vice president for marketing. Outline a research plan to obtain the information you need to de- velop a strategy for penetrating the Central Eu- ropean
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